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Everything posted by Doggy124

  1. is there a way to connect over internet?
  2. Hey how did u get it to work on a Cyclods Evoloution I got a Cyclods Evoulotion too but it say it cant connect can you tell me how you just got it to work? My Cyclo also work fine. must be some thing else.
  3. Noooooooooo
  4. Don't think so... The next version can be 0.83 or 1.00 or 0.83beta or 1.00beta. Some homebrew even have name like this (on beta release) (Name) Ver 1.4 finalfinalbeta1
  5. I think our old Game pad problem is getting better, Good work! Thank : )
  6. Thank! downloading...
  7. And waiting for new update btw, my DSL work fine
  8. select "start at window startup" in server option
  9. I'd told him before
  10. Full-Support Gamepad mode?
  11. Sorry, I'm late The e-mail notify suddenly won't work anyway, I will test it right away. Thank for update
  12. waiting too..
  13. IF you can connect to router, you can use DS Browser(Opera) to login
  14. I have another question... What is the name of this program? Win2DS or DS2Win
  15. Do you have flashcart?
  16. Tested OK...I see some improvement. I tested it with Window pinball. Most button seem to work. (A-Z / F1-12) but space bar doesn't work. I will try find if there are more... Thank Good work
  17. gamepad not working on NO$GBA 2.6a
  18. The custom key in game pad mode used to work in the Ver0.8a(if I remember correct) but after that one, it doesn't work anymore.
  19. It setted just only it show as blank If you try to type in notepad it should work but not in some other program
  20. If you'd like this fixed please tell me which keys dont work with which programs (so I can test), cheers =) I tried it with 3D Pinball for window (which comes with Window) I set "Z" and "/" to kick the ball but it don't work but "F2" for start new game work properly. Also, I tried it with Little Fighter2 (www.lf2.net) buttons don't work Can you test it? May be it cause by my PC btw, How do I use Movie player?
  21. Can you make the screens refresh rate setting save? since it support FAT it shoild be easy.
  22. New version here http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=25633
  23. Thank for update : ) Bug found -gamepad key board dont work woth some program (very old know problem) How do I use the movie player feature?
  24. not until he include fat support or just change pc ip to
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