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Everything posted by GLiTcH

  1. been a long time, is this the latest version? got a new system, old one died. have rom set for fbanext that i found thats for 360. is there an emu that supports this set?
  2. thanks, havent mess with my xbox in months. new update means older sets wont work.
  3. no_country_for_old_men the ending was was blah!
  4. i have the cps 3 games. but does this emu uses different rom names? i cant seem to find a list of the names so far i've loaded jojo n not the other cps3 games...
  5. cps3 support.. nice... i want to know, how do i set the controller layout for all the neogeo games instead of doing it one by one. same for cps1,cps2 etc i know kawaks does it after setting it up for one game.. thanks.. trying different emus here
  6. its out go to the site forums to get it
  7. from what i know, the core doesnt have hdmi ports ,just the pro n elite
  8. i don't think thats going to happen
  9. nice.. would be cool if he made it to support cps1 n 2 also.. all in one emu..
  10. bump bump bumppppppppp
  11. cool, hope to see the bug fix when changing to 720p... n support 720p skins o traxen, sorry been busy thats why i havent send you the skins..
  12. Well the psp its going to suck even more now that Dark Alex its leaving the scene.. so no more OE cfw
  13. for xbox you need the xdk.. dont ask here for it though.. heres an early pic of my dash back in the day..
  14. Its been a few hrs already.. come on GameCop wake up
  15. when i make my mugen videos i use Fraps best one yet never skipped on me also hypercam2 is good for it isn't there a limit for sigs
  16. done, i'll send you the files.i think it needs a bit of work...
  17. yea no prob.. also its esparade or whatever its called .. none working now.. the emu freezes ok, after testing the Others section, some games wont load or crashes xbox. they work finr under 480p n 480i
  18. mslug 6.. is that a hack of another mslug game.. thraxen i'll send you the skin as soon as i finish it.. been kinda busy
  19. duh, to ur little spoiler .. lol.., its common sense
  20. you can be cool like my n rip out off that capcom collection 2 n have it running perfect
  21. bad sound n slowdown really bad.. playing it on my psp full speed
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