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Everything posted by GLiTcH

  1. thankz for the info... i got some characters.. still trying to add some music to the backgrounds... also noticed that it wont recognize my psx pad... but still cool to see this thing in action..
  2. i have the same problem with rockman 5.. btw, i been looking for that iso... i found it but broken link
  3. where's the rom
  4. i found this.... looks freaking awesome: http://duracelleur.free.fr/screenshots.php3
  5. or r there any places u can download games that r already made...
  6. i've seen some stuff on this Mugen... im on xp.. want to learn how to use it... what do i need? do i need to rip my own characters from various games? as u can c, i know nothing about mugen.. but i'm willing to learn...
  7. i trye that but i get an error maybe cause mine is a backup...
  8. sega cd games... so it can have audio and video..... i dont mean different files like the iso then the mp3's...
  9. i dont have it anymore.. sorry guys.. had to delete it
  10. i downloaded this game... if anybody wants it... let me know...
  11. looking for Vexx... its more that 1gig... thats why i want that one.. n to dump it on the HD...
  12. thankz for the bug! link I'll check it later on
  13. ok i got it working... another question.. is Legend of Mana one cd or two?
  14. i dled the game n patched it but cant seem to make it run..... i burned it at 1x speed... has anybody made it run...
  15. ok.. i founf yu gi oh for psx on another hub... Ive been in queue for a couple 2 hrs how long does it take to start dling it... i fornd a site with it but to freaking slow 3k
  16. thankz Magnis... IJTF Cinder helped me out yesterday.... If I have any more questions I'll ask one of yall
  17. i just installed this program... i went through the faq.. n still cant figure out how to dl files... any help?
  18. does anybody know of a good channel on efnet to dl xbox isos?
  19. same here.... i use Cammy n Pshylock alot....
  20. thankz ME! i was looking forthe recent gba roms
  21. those anybody know which 3 files i need to delete...the ones for Xbox Live... i have my xbox modded n i dont want to upgrade tro live or else it will mess up my xbox...
  22. ok.. has anybody seen these two: Street Fighter II! - Champion Edition (YYC) Street Fighter II! - Champion Edition (kouryu) can find them... not even on mirc...
  23. how about Bomberman.. 4 players.. everybody needs to have the same rom n emu version of zsnes to run...
  24. oops sorry.. havent gone through all this forum yet... i'm new here
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