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Everything posted by GLiTcH

  1. anybody have a patch for this file, as you can see i have wrong crc, but it still loads n plays same thing on samsho5
  2. kof2k2nd loads now thanks + T +, i'll try n recreate that bug..
  3. hmm still having prob with kof2k2nd.. like i sais it worked fine on the last build.. not the recent ones.. lol... here my crc's, it says rom set its correct but all i get its a black screen
  4. Is that just Pro or does FBA-XXX do this also? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i just testes gogo's latest n it does the same... dont remember this bug on lantus fbax version.... going to test other roms btw, thanks for update
  5. I'm having troublerunning kof2k2nd, when I launch it it says "the romset its correct" then it starts to load then I get a black screen, on last build it would load it just fine.. rotdnd has been changed too, now it asks for a 264-p1n.bin thats 8mb instead of four... also when you launch an incomplete rom set the emu freezes .. still testing the other roms edit: the emu freezes on roms that are incomplete n fbaxxxpro displays " Graphical data is missing"
  6. thank + T + , i'm still having probs finding the files you need... but still searching
  7. yea they load directly
  8. cool, wonder if i'll be needing new sets..lol.. still need svc
  9. o yea its coming
  10. except sfac. unless u rip sf3 n hsf2 from dvd.. i did, but have them on seperate folders on hd, just deleted the movie also
  11. yea +T+, i did all this updating n when i tryed b5 i was like wtf, wheres my other kof games ..lol.. went back to pro
  12. You may need to give it a minute, the pcb has a black screen when you boot up for what seems like 5 minutes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> it loads pretty fast on mameox by bender n on gogo's old fbaxxx version..
  13. sorry, but still no go.. i matched the crcs to the FBA-XXX Pro (ClrMame Pro) dat file, but still get a black screen..
  14. couldnt find any, but i'll look later on, also dangun feveron dont work:(
  15. almost done with updating to the new sets, wasnt hard except for the decrypted vs i need for kof2002 n matrim, all i need its svcchaos rom.. btw, the new sets are big, lol ranging frpm 60mb to 90+ mb.. heh, good thing for a 120hd
  16. cool, cant wait for this
  17. ahh , ok.. damn its hard to find them.. same thing happened with matrim.zip..
  18. new problem, my kof2k2 runs fine n all but music its messed up.. static noise.. runs fine on bendermameox.. these r my crcs for my v roms: 265-v1d.bin 15e8f3f5 265-v2d.bin da41d6f9
  19. ok, so i just updated to this emu since gogo its going to do the same to his, my problem,so far, its that when i launch kof2003 using kof2003b.zip it freezes my xbox.. just goes to boot screen, the green one of fbaxxx pro.. edit:L got it working , had to set unibios to on
  20. Hmm... What happens when you try to run Bender's MAMEoX? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> same thing of fbaxxx,freeze on xbox logo <{POST_SNAPBACK}> what bios r u using? maybe u ned to patch the xbe
  21. like this? well, I know what ur talking about that dos crap.. havent messed much with these games.. when i go to mk2 or 3 i still get the mat intro n select screen.. i cant seem to get rid of the other bik files to show only mk2 for mk2 game n mk3 for mk 3.. .. but like i said.. havent messed with this much.. but if you still need help just ask.. also made a new icon.. just messed with chokemaniac's template.
  22. im using the latest version bendermameox.21.01.2005.Fixed, but why does it show a different date when u get to this screen of a game: i deleted the save file from the ms dashboard.. or thats something thats on the xbe?? also, what setting to i set the crystal kings to have it run on this version?
  23. where can i get this bendermameox from?
  24. no need for multiple kawaxs o nmy hd. fbaxxx its fine for me.. all in one emu, thats all i need
  25. cool, now to look for it and try it on fbaxxx
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