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Super Flash

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. i like the setup. i love the sign. i wish i had room in my garage for my own private arcade.
  2. i mighta been excited when i was ten but im not 10 anymore.
  3. gamecop asked me to join so i did.
  4. that just made my nipples hard. holy crap that looks cool. i want it!!!!!!!!!!
  5. i used my ex girls CC and she cancelled it and i still rent movies from there.
  6. if he was at mary kates then it prolly was drugs.
  7. he looks smaller than before. he looked scary before.
  8. 3.29 to 349 in chicago IL.
  9. well deserved. eye for an eye.
  10. my weiner bro has this game. i didnt play the remake but i tried playing the old ones just to see what they looked like. they look ok but they were running in a window which i didnt like. they should had them run in a full screen konami sux.
  11. thas nice yo. does the keyboard slide out?
  12. i watched Unleashed. better than i thought.
  13. i gave up driving to work. with these gas prices and the traffic everyday i said screw it. i didnt like it at first but now all i wanna do is take the train everywhere. i just sit back and listen to my ipod. when i do need to drive now i feel weird and uncorfortable. weird i know and i used to love to drive.
  14. i like the NES version of bad dudes but after MAME came out i never went back. its just visually better than the NES. back in the day i didnt care but now............. i does!!!!!!!!!
  15. You can bet your pants and various body parts that this place is better. reallly? give a few reasons.
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