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  1. right on brother.... I will never stop using IE. But, I do admit that FireFox's javascript code runs VERY fast, but it has problems rendering html layers and style display properties correctly. As a web applications developer this is important. anywayz.. just my input
  2. not sure if you guys are interested in building a Jukebox, but if you are, I suggest checking out "SK Jukebox" for your software front end (search google for SK Jukebox). You can remapp keys and everything. Very cool proggie. Home make MP3 Jukeboxes rule! - SQrL
  3. IMO... same as 1st, but with less vehicle missions.... seemed very short to me... and the ending sucked sum monkey ass! #3 better come out soon, just to finish of the story line! - SQrL
  4. OK, so it might not live up to the "Prince of Persia" title, BUT, its still a pretty good XBOX game.... cough cough.. suprnova.. cough.. - SQrL
  5. AMEN BROTHER! this just proves that Liberalism is a DISEASE!
  6. hehe... they are use to that
  7. I feel your pain man.... I cant stand that people are voting for Krappy.. err... Kerry just because its NOT Bush... wtf.... so I guess it doesn't matter how many lies Kerry tells or how bad he is going to flock up our economy..... pfffft... might as well put a gun to my head now
  8. each TYME ppl tell me "well if you hate america so much why don't you just get the fuuck out!?" and I tell them "I'm workin' on it!!" I don't understand people that dont like FREEDOM
  9. I "hope" your joking!... if not, then get the flock out and don't come back
  10. And YES, I do watch NASCAR!
  11. look.. if you want a career in computers then MIS is the way to go. I have a BS in MIS and now I'm a software developer. It's a great field. You can even go into internal auditing from MIS. One extra semester isn't that bad. just my opinion...
  12. Kerry & upcoming Taxes
  13. and to all the "Lefteys" out there that dont realize it, Miller is a Demoncat.. err.. I mean Demorat.... duh..... Democrat... thats it damn liberals, all! [i'm sure I'm outnumbered in my viewpoint, but I like it that way ]
  14. leftey or rightey... doesn't matter.. just vote one way or the other... politics SUCK but they are necessarry
  15. I agree, BitDefender is very good! (It's a firewall and virus protector all in one).
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