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Everything posted by SQrL

  1. right on brother.... I will never stop using IE. But, I do admit that FireFox's javascript code runs VERY fast, but it has problems rendering html layers and style display properties correctly. As a web applications developer this is important. anywayz.. just my input
  2. not sure if you guys are interested in building a Jukebox, but if you are, I suggest checking out "SK Jukebox" for your software front end (search google for SK Jukebox). You can remapp keys and everything. Very cool proggie. Home make MP3 Jukeboxes rule! - SQrL
  3. IMO... same as 1st, but with less vehicle missions.... seemed very short to me... and the ending sucked sum monkey ass! #3 better come out soon, just to finish of the story line! - SQrL
  4. OK, so it might not live up to the "Prince of Persia" title, BUT, its still a pretty good XBOX game.... cough cough.. suprnova.. cough.. - SQrL
  5. AMEN BROTHER! this just proves that Liberalism is a DISEASE!
  6. hehe... they are use to that
  7. I feel your pain man.... I cant stand that people are voting for Krappy.. err... Kerry just because its NOT Bush... wtf.... so I guess it doesn't matter how many lies Kerry tells or how bad he is going to flock up our economy..... pfffft... might as well put a gun to my head now
  8. each TYME ppl tell me "well if you hate america so much why don't you just get the fuuck out!?" and I tell them "I'm workin' on it!!" I don't understand people that dont like FREEDOM
  9. I "hope" your joking!... if not, then get the flock out and don't come back
  10. And YES, I do watch NASCAR!
  11. look.. if you want a career in computers then MIS is the way to go. I have a BS in MIS and now I'm a software developer. It's a great field. You can even go into internal auditing from MIS. One extra semester isn't that bad. just my opinion...
  12. Kerry & upcoming Taxes
  13. and to all the "Lefteys" out there that dont realize it, Miller is a Demoncat.. err.. I mean Demorat.... duh..... Democrat... thats it damn liberals, all! [i'm sure I'm outnumbered in my viewpoint, but I like it that way ]
  14. leftey or rightey... doesn't matter.. just vote one way or the other... politics SUCK but they are necessarry
  15. I agree, BitDefender is very good! (It's a firewall and virus protector all in one).
  16. I have concluded that the Judges have a group of monkeys in a back room that are throwing darts to determine scores. I feel bad for ALL of the athleates...
  17. WTF!!! "Ashamed"...????? I know my views on things are a bit different than most (I'm a 28 yr old gamer from the south), but wtf wtf wtf.... Why are you guys turning on one another!!! I am now ASHAMED that GryphonKlaw is even a member of this forum/community!!! FLOCK THIS WHOLE THREAD! wish I could TORTURE YOU ALL (cept the only one that appears to have any BRAINS: zhugeliang) !!!!! and by all means... please respond with some FLAMEAGE (since that is the only thing you people seem to be good at)
  18. You're a fool if you think the people being tortured in Iraq, Afghanistan and Cuba are all terrorists. ok, then Flock them all for treating women like they are some kind of sub-human sand eating maggots!
  19. its "funny" how most of this thread has nothing to do with it's Subject. pffffffft
  20. dir C:\1emulation\*goodposts*.* /w
  21. The 3DO was my 1st CD based gaming system. Sadly, the 3DO was a little ahead of its time (which lead to its fall). I loved the 3DO! I still have mine! Shadow Warrior was a great game (even has White Zombie sound track). And you can't forget the "trippy" visual screens that moved/played along with audio CDs when played on the 3DO.
  22. Yes, torrents work on "swarm" algorithms. You could always set yourself up as an ftp server and have him login/download the file(s).
  23. If it really ran that "crappy" on your bros pc then that tell me he was playing a BETA/ALPHA copy of DOOM 3. (don't worry, you will be able to run it just fine)
  24. SmartFTP: http://www.smartftp.com
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