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Everything posted by regothealien

  1. very complicated all i know is to turn ur pc on then play a ds game that is wifi competable and off you go
  2. i never knew that it was like that i thought that you play the game on your emulator and thats it im gonna try burning a game and play it on my dc
  3. ive never played mugen im gonna download now
  4. sounds comfusing
  5. now im getting comfused
  6. im gonna play them now
  7. I havent downloaded MUGEN yet but before i download can i make charecters?
  8. i wish i could help i havent found any other info
  9. Ben 10 Theme By Andy Sturmer
  10. yup that is a bit hard
  11. try google
  12. hammerfall is cool
  13. i have a real ds and real wifi the real one works fine hmm i havent got a clue ill do some reserch later to help you
  14. im sorry but where can i get them
  15. Can someone help me i need a working DC emulator i got 2 emulators that dont work and i have been searching the internet for months for an Sonic Adventure 2 ROM i found one on torrent but it doesnt work and someone send me an working DC emulator and an Sonic Adventure 2 ROM thanks.
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