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Elazul Yagami

1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Elazul Yagami

  1. not to seem unsympathetic to the loss of your sister, but you actually BELIEVE saddam had ANYTHING to do with 9-11 ? maybe you should blame me too, since i'm an Egyptain-american muslim... i guess since saddam is bin laden's cousin, then i'm saddam's cousin or something like that. sheesh.
  2. actually, i have no sympathy for ANYONE that kills innocents. there are so many people out there that deserve to die in the most brutal fashion, such as rapists, molestors (both child and adult), warmongers (i.e those that incite and support an unjust war, or a war when a peaceful solution can be reached),murderers.. so why kill innocents? if you really have a bloodthirst, go to the local prisons the only question i had, was if saddam was REALLY as bad as everyone makes him out to be. yes he killed innocents, but so did clinton (or he made them mysteriously dissappear, not to mention those that died in his bombing of a sudanese asprin factory, and iraq) and yet he was a popular president (among the WHOLE world, sans those that think oral sex is a huge flocking sin.), and didn't bush kill innocents with the iraqi war? and osama...etc my point is, it seems every leader of modern times you could think of has probably caused directly or indirectly the deaths of innocents. so is saddam REALLY as bad as they make him out to be? like i said, under him (before the whole sanctions and iran crap) iraq was flourishing and secular, and people had more freedom (non political though) than they do now, or before he was in control. wouldn't that make saddam kinda like a mustached twisted version of clinton? to whoever said they lost their sister because of saddam, i want to ask (although feel free to ignore me if you feel i'm being too inquisitive) did you lose your sister because of saddam (i.e did he order her killed), or because of the iraqi war?
  3. i've dealt with sam personally (in fact i actually had dinner with him). he's not a bad guy, but in the period i dealt with him in, and the period i managed Zd, i got the impression it would be VERY hard for him to let zd go... but meh.
  4. actually, i know i probably might get arrested for saying this, but was saddam REALLY that bad? point in hand, current world leaders (yes including leaders of several civilized democracies) have pulled off crap similar to saddam (anyone know about the 47 people clinton made mysteriously disappear?) all i know is, that before the gulf war, and before the embargo, Saddam had iraq on it's way to becoming a major country.the economy was booming, the military was strong, and personal freedoms (not political ones) were widespread. under his (admittedly Brutal) leadership, secularism was king (as oposed to the rabid extermism going on right now), and there were no major conflicts between a group of people who obviously have some really bad blood for one another. as for using those bio weapons, didn't the usa use the nuke? don't the usa and several other "civilized" militaries still use crappy weapons such as napalm, white phosphorous, and cluster bombs? i mean, seriously, politicians are flocked up everywhere, but i refuse to believe that saddam is a bad person just because "someone told me to believe it"
  5. dude, we all pretty much saw it comming from day one.
  6. there was a tool out there. if i find it i'll post it.
  7. Wii It's the first console since the snes that i'm actually waiting for and excited for.
  8. ok so i've downloaded and upgraded. what the flying flock is the difference? cause flock if i've noticed any change except " extensions" being changed to "ad ons"
  9. I dunno if anyone has noticed this, but i'm observing a dangerous new trend in games... the Commercialization of them.. It's not enough that we *coughcough* pay 40-60 bucks per game, but now companies are charging people MORE money to get stuff in game. i mean, i can understand paying a subscription fee to play online mmorpg's (although some companies have proved you can do that without charging your users) but paying money for an item in an offline game? first it started with increased game prices, then it started with IN GAME ADVERTISMENT (appparently, the 40-60 bucks you payed weren't enough), and now, you PAY MONEY to get items IN GAME. for example, oblivion Iv, charges you a buck fifty to get items such as the "horse armor". sure it doesn't seem like alot of money, it's a buck fifty... but what if it progresses? what if it keeps on going like that? i mean, we didn't think it was a big deal when there were in game ads, and now there are in game charges. so anyone have any thoughts on this disturbing trend? edit: i hadn't noticed the "ea screws consumers "post
  10. This isn't an idea, but since i know that the forum had previously been attacked, sometimes i get items in the url such as " s=(encryption key) " [i hid the key in case it's important] and i just wanted to confirm, that it wasn't another hack attempt, as the S=encryption serves no real purpose, i can just remove it, and press enter and i'll still go to the url i want. so what gives? is this a security measure implemented that acts at random, or is this another hack attempt?
  11. dude, i gave you a whole freakin post of suggestions!
  12. if anyone wants to know how to get their hands on certain comics.. pm me. wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more, say no more.
  13. comics everyone should've read, or should read: Watchmen Lucifer Neil Gaiman's Sandman Y the last man Preacher books of magic fables Death (all three mini series) V for Vendetta Mnemovore well, actually they're too many to list. in fact, even i haven't read through ALL of these
  14. well does anyone know a track or band or somethign that sounds like it?
  15. you know that operatic music track at the start of metal gear solid? you know the one that really isn't operatic? what the hell is that genre called, and what other bands/tracks...etc have the same sound?
  16. i'm sorry, it would be STUPID not to buy all this for 100 $ considering you can sell the gamecube and ps2 on it's own for 50 bucks each.
  17. i'm with cap and the resistance of course.
  18. i download all my comics. ~ Daredevil ~ Punisher ~ Batman ~ Dc (anything with the crisis going on and 52 and one year later) ~ marvel (anything, with the civil war and all)
  19. a giant wolf a giant tiger a rhino a giant lion a giant snake a shark ...
  20. <--- vocalist, composer, guitar player, song writer, and band manager. yeah. we play metal, and nothing but metal... however, we're not confined to a certain subgenre of metal... we play what we feel.
  21. be a little patient, it'll probably end up being released, with extra content, for another console.
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