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Elazul Yagami

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Posts posted by Elazul Yagami

  1. no, it's not that it's "too much to accept" it's that i've lived in places, where there are documentaries and pictures, and sources...etc about how the place is a certain way, and yet when i lived in them, they were NOTHING like the docs and pics and articles said.


    i take things with a grain of salt, and quite honestly, i don't trust any source that tries to lead your thought.



    and i mean, some of the comments are just bs like


    "during the day the elevator didn't work for 15 mins"


    "View from the monument, besides the pretty view you can also see the dead birds."


    oh jeez, that must be a terrible country, how can an elevator not work for a whole 15 mins! come to think of it, that happened to me in Germany... and in france... and in egypt... and in the usa... wow, the whole world sucks! and dead birds? you mean to tell me birds aren't immortal?


    you can see my sense of sarcasm.


    i'm not defending N.Korea, in my eyes, any and all tyrants can go to freakin hell.

  2. yup,

    the guy has like every single movie ever made.


    I'm sorry though, but forgive me if i'm skeptical.


    the comments are trying to lead your thoughts on the pictures, quite honestly, all that he's saying could be fake.


    i mean seriously weirdy said it best.

  3. Part 1 of 2

    The Incredibly lovely Alizee :


    i've had a thing for her ever since her song "Alizee'"

    For the record, like Britney, some of these pics MAY be from when she was a little younger (ala 16+ ) but i doubt it. however, teh saucy ones are confirmed to be 18+.


























  4. i play better on the keyboard than a gamepad.


    more control :lol:



    more control :D


    Notice how i said better than a GAMEPAD.


    especially at kof... because honestly, how often does the pad (ANY pad, DC, PSX, pc...etc) not respond properly to a certain move or such?


    with keyboard button presses, ANY mistakes i make are mine alone, and not because the freaking pad didn't register two half circles backwards because i applied less pressure..bah bah...etc


    ya know?


    i pull off flocking mean combos on the keyboard... however, i'm still better with an arcade stick though.


    arcade stick>keyboard>gamepad. (FOR KOF)


    for adventure games and such:


    gamepad>arcade stick>keyboard

  5. i actually perfer Dc to marvel these days, even thoguh i was always a bigger marvel fan... but now, i'm a bigger Dc fan.


    i mean, for some odd reason, i just respect the DC heros more than marvel ones (even though my three fav comic book heros are Daredevil, batman and the punisher in that order., although the list HAS expanded a bit.)

  6. After blood and tears and fighting, i've won a spyware war against a flocking leech.


    there aren't that many resources about it (i googled) so i developed my own solution... here it is in case anyone has a problem with it:


    Well, i was infected with Ul windowseek... and well i couldn't find any decent resources on how to fix it.


    Ul windowseek is an annoying biatch, and is usually coupled with coolwebsearch. dialers and othershit, and yes, it actually does effect firefox.



    well, here's how:


    what you need:


    1- Hijack this.

    2- Open Regedit window

    3- open windows task manager  window on processes

    4- PATIENCE... removing this thing is a biatch.

    5- CWshredder

    6- a good antivirus

    7- a good anti spyware/adware

    8- spyware blaster with full protection enabled

    9- open notepad window

    10- ewido anti-malware (more useful than it seems if you're not using symantec corportate antivirus or something of the sort.

    11- explorer windows open on the following folders:





    C:\Documents and Settings\"User name"\Local Settings\Application Data


    (yes it is important to have all these open.)




    1- Windows Defender: saves searching time but not integral.

    2- CCleaner (crap cleaner) however, it's again, not integral.

    3- Unlocker program, used to help delete or move a file when it refuses to do so because it's being used by another file (be careful using it.)


    What to do:


    1- first off, open an IE window and disconnect your phoneline if you use dsl/isdn..etc (dialers will try to dial in, and cost you a shitload of money, however you need internet for a few mins)


    2- use traditional scanners (addware, spyware, malware...etc), and cwshredder, remove ANYTHING they find, even mru's and such.


    2- wait for the the ulwindowseek window(s) to open (it should be blank now, since spyware blaster and the other programs should've blocked access to teh ads.)


    2- close your internet connection, disable the lan or modem (if you use dial up)connection. (so the infection doesn't recover from online.)


    3- check the processes in the  windows task manager tab, you should start to see some odd looking processes, full of numbers and such, and almost always with the extension ".exe ", you'll note a particular process that if you close, the open ulwindowseek windows will close, and it'll most likely be a series of numbers.exe


    4- type down the names in notepad, note them for later, and (VERY IMPORTANT ) kill/end the oddnamed process (should kill both ul windowseek windows when you kill this process)


    5- open hijackthis, scan, and check to see if any of the names you wrote down are labelled there, also search for a url that starts with an ip address (http://ipaddress/oddfilename ), note the name of the oddfile name, also note any entries that have "file missing", you should find the following:


    a- one entry of the odd file name in C:\WINDOWS\system32

    b- one entry of the same odd file name in C:\Documents and Settings\"User name"\Local Settings\Application Data


    in my instance the odd file name was something like 350237.exe


    alt method for steps 3 & part of 5:

    Use windows defender, even though it won't actually stop the infection, it will register the file, and you can search through your defender history and find the oddfile name a bit easier.


    6- now, make sure that all these names aren't legit programs (it's easy to find out, find the file, right click check properties and it'll say if microsoft made it...etc), once you're sure, check the box, and have hijackthis fix them, for reference, this is what you should be removing:


    a- one entry of the odd file name in C:\WINDOWS\system32

    b- one entry of the same odd file name in C:\Documents and Settings\"User name"\Local Settings\Application Data

    c- an entry (or more) that has no company information, and leads to a http://"ipnumber"/"filename2"

    d- anything else that seems too flocked up to be legit.


    remove all of these... now it's time for the heavy stuff.


    7- switch to regedit, and start looking for entries for the oddfile name... REMOVE THEM ALL. doesn't matter where the entry is, REMOVE IT. there's a slight chance you might also find entries for "filename2", if you do remove those too.


    8- once done, CLEAN YOUR COMPUTER, this is where CCleaner comes in, either use it, or manually delete all temp files, all temp internet files....etc (advice, use ccleaner, much simpler.), remember the windows we had open? now's the time to use them, you should find files associated with the names we've collected in all three of those folders (sometimes, you'll only find them in one or two) and DElete all these files use Unlocker if you must (and want). try to be a bit fast in this step, cause i think if given enough time, the infection will reinfect (eg: file b will restore deleted file a, before you delete b.)



    ***** From this point on, i'm assuming that the pieceofshit didn't manage to reinstall itself, if it has, then you must repeat instances 5-7 again *****



    9- once more run hijack this, and make sure the entries weren't readded, research the registry one last time. double check the folders to see if items have been added.


    Checklist time:



    by now you should've removed:


    1- Registry entries for oddname files

    2- actual oddname files

    3- browser hijacks for oddname files, and entry (or more) that has no company information, and leads to a http://"ipnumber"/"filename2" and anything else that seems too flocked up to be legit.

    4- all temp files...etc




    By now, this should've actually deleted the ulwindowseek itself,therefore the popups should not show up again, but we will make sure of that here and however since it's usually bundled with trojans and such, we still need to remove those.


    reboot your computer into safe mode.


    10- run hijack this in safe mode, and make sure there are no suspicious entries.




    11- run ewido anti-malware, do a full system scan (or custom and specify drive c only), it should find the remaining trojans (as well as the.dll file) and delete them (after scan is done and you reboot). Note the trojan name in the notepad doc in case you need to remove it manually.

  7. -.- lol from the screenshots it looks amazin.. though the problem is when i download it and launch it it closes itself :S


    you need directx, and a min of a 500mhz pc, with more than 256 ram.



    at least that's what it was when i checked it out last.


    for the life of me though, i cannot understand how they squeezed 1.9 gigs of textures and sound into 60 kb..... and if that's possible, why aren't game creators taking notice? (hint nintendo)

  8. That would be WineX....and yeah, it runs some stuff ok. Very little in the grand scheme though. With regards to "emulating" Windows (If you wish to call an API layer emulation) it doesn't do a very good job there. What you're getting with WineX, is API call interception and recompiling, nothing more.


    Vista won't be any better off, infact it'll be worse off with regards to games. The next incarnation of Windows (Yes,, I'm already reading about Microsofts plans post Vista) will not be Windows as you know it......but rather UNIX with a proprietary GUI.


    Anyway, enough babble. I was just stating that emulating "Windows" isn't what you're getting,  and Vista is enough of a stretch. You thought you had problems running your slightly older games in XP? Just you wait.....



    yeah, sorry i forgot to add the X.


    see my point is, since vista requires so much processing power and such than linux to run in and of itself, then winex should be able to perform similiar on the same specced computer.




    but worst case scenario? i'll just install vista to a small drive and use it when i want to play, and do everything else in linux.

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