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Elazul Yagami

1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Elazul Yagami

  1. look, high school relationships are something quite Honestly, i think you should avoid by choice.' they SUCK.
  2. Delaware getting ready to go to war with new jersey
  3. yes you do! the second, third, and fourth are on PC btw <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wow, as luck would have it I found Silent Hill 4 for $4 at Big Lots! Now to find the other two. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Really?! *runs to Big Lots* SH2 costed me $10 (from amazon), and SH3 costed me $14 (from amazon) If you obtain SH2, don't forget to install the patch from Konami! (There's a bug in a part of the game where you're in a hotel and the sounds skips; the patch fixes that.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, stores sometimes dump their wares on Big Lots. I once saw the Eidos 4 pack with Thief 2 and Deus Ex GOTY edition for $6 but for some really stupid reason I didn't buy it. I also got No One Lives Forever 2 and Tribes Vengence today, both for $4 each! Most of the time the selection is garbage. The DVDs are absolutely hilarious though since they're the really cheap ones no one would ever buy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> no offence, dude i love you and all.... but you're An IDIOT! how could you pass that up? how? HOOOOOOW!? anywho, i FINALLY downl...obtained silent hill 4 the room for pc... have yet to start playing it. fecked up thing is that i've only finished SH1 and played sh3 briefly at a friend's house. i still need to get sh2 and sh3.
  4. cinder is right. the more you treat women as "something that needs to be understood' the less you'll understand them.
  5. actually, have you ever played against a girl and let her beat you intentionally?
  6. isn't insulting and flaming against forum rules? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Youve been insulting me almost this whole thread....i cant even remebr why! Then some other losers just jumped in for no reason as well..so.. w/e. I left it alone but if you feel like it, you can keep up da cracks.^^ So go for it rookies! YOSHA! ..........IM SHOMA! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> dude, you're imagining things, i haven't been insulting you for the whole thread, i asked a question and you replied with an insult and a gazillion actions. so yeah. wait, why am i even explaining myself? YOSHA-CHU!
  7. isn't insulting and flaming against forum rules? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's hard to tell if he's serious or not. Like does he really think he's Shoma? I hope not. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hahah... i can see the therapy session now. doc:you are not shoma. kid:YOSHA!!! doc: no seriously, you are not a fictional character called shoma. kid: YOSHA!! doc: wtf is yosha? you are NOT SHOMA. kid: YOSHA YOSHA YOSHA-CHU! doc: i give up, this kid is too much of a nut case even for me. kid: YOSHA-CHU! *whacks doc on head with bat*
  8. isn't insulting and flaming against forum rules?
  9. games in uk 40 british pounds games in usa 50-60 us dollars it's a safe bet that it'll probably be around 150 dollars. wasn't the ds 150 dollars cheaper than the psp?
  10. i'm too busy laughing to really do anything else. Elazul Yagami attacked Shoma with a Pimp Slap (1 str) and took off 42! Shoma has 0 HP left! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoma is now dead, therefore cannot counterattack!!!! You gain 1 frag(s) (0 stolen). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You gain: 1 EXP points!!!! bah, you are not worthy
  11. why the hell does he ALWAYS have actions in his replies?
  12. hey, someone is bound to come up with a less expensive version of it.
  13. you know, there's this guy who made a mouse out of a power glove. and another that made a rumble mouse. merge the two and add a splash guard and you get the idea.
  14. Ds's advantage over psp was games right? and the psp advantage over ds was the multimedia capabilities. well, this changes things : Ds MAX
  15. i figure if the cheerleaders were practising at the same time, you'd be turned on..... so too many guys on your team turn you on?
  16. Whisky Bottle Computer Case Liquid Condom Now this is a Virus i want more people to use : virus causes arrest of pedophile Waterless washing machine... now to see this mass produced!
  17. In My World : Nuke the Moon Want to own your own fast food joint and exploit third world countries and hire cheap labor and pay off greedy politicians and genetically enhance cows? Play the mcdonalds videogame! Mind Control Parasites Human skull found at Lauderdale airport was to be used in Voodoo rite Surviving on a diet of sunlight 61 optical illusions.
  18. Best Custom Portable Consoles The Power Glove Mouse Japanese Gummi Condoms Detectives embarrassed after accused thief steals police car Read the Licence Agreement CAREFULLY
  19. Nintendo has always excelled in origanality in my book. Even though sometimes they can screw up (IE: Power glove!) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> well, considering the amount of innovations they've made, i forgive them power glove, rob and virtual boy.
  20. which episode or season is that in? i've seen most of them and i never heard of htis.
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