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Elazul Yagami

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Everything posted by Elazul Yagami

  1. no because that's copyrighted material.
  2. Oh, for those they use arcane magic. Truly scary stuff. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> you know, i actually started asking where i can download arcane magic, then i realized what you meant. heheheh
  3. A driver is stuck in a traffic jam on the I-110 in Baton Rouge. Nothing is moving. Suddenly a man knocks on the window. The driver rolls down his window and asks, "What happened?" "Terrorists have kidnapped Governor Kathleen Blanco, New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin, and Senator Mary Landrieu! They are asking for a $10 million ransom. Otherwise they are going to douse them with gasoline and set them on fire. We are going from car to car, taking up a collection." The driver asks, "How much is everyone giving?" "About a gallon" (probably a lot funnier if you are from Louisiana, but still you could replace the names)
  4. you guys do realize this thing is just for craps and giggles right?
  5. http://qntm.org.nyud.net:8090/owe personally i should owe: 132211.21$
  6. what's not worth trying is msn live messenger i got an invite, so i said what the heck It's crap. the only two worthy additions are the offline messages (ala yahoo and icq) and time stamps (ala irc) but the rest? it SUCKS. functionality is crap. easiness of use has gone down majorly. in fact, if it weren't for the fact that i know it'll flock up a million things to try to revert back to 7.5 i would go back in a heartbeat and once 8 became official, i'd quit msn completely.
  7. it's worth it if you use IE. of course for some reason i can't return to normal anymore. (ie6)
  8. i'll probably update, but not until it gets out of beta. or maybe i will... it depends really.
  9. try VLC of course it always could be that they flocked up while coding it.
  10. for wmv's you'd need a video editor
  11. actually, there have been a bunch of projects, including a guy that made a usb optical mouse out of an nes pad.
  12. garyoak i doubt us as people benefit anything. however, i'm sure teh oil lobbies, and the weapon maker lobbies benefit a shitload.
  13. as opposed to saying something like "saudi's own most of the usa" sounds like something an arab hating red neck would say and how "japanese own most of the usa " sounds like something a conservative republican would say?
  14. Making an nes pad into a tv remote, among other things.
  15. what about the japanese and israelis? i hear they own significant figures themselves (btw, how does 5% mean they practically own the country??)
  16. i kinda wanted to point something out : do you know what would happen if the middle-east was in peace? (as in the arab countries are allies with israel?) and in turn the mideast united? (like the MEU or something) 1- superiour technology thanks to israel 2- massive amounts of manpower from the arab countries 3- A shitload of money thanks to the oil. 4- Several small scale strong militaries combining into one large scale strong military. 5- lack of poverty due to the population spreading out instead of being confined in their respective countries (egypt for example has an over population problem, while saudi for example, has a lack of population) 1+2+3+4+5=world Superpower. guess who has anything to benefit from there not being peace in the mid east?
  17. maybe the mythbusters just couldn't do it? i mean seriously, look at the video, even if he didn't fly 50 feet, the guy DID launch off the ground.
  18. Which game track do you consider mellows you out the most, or relaxes you the most? here's my list: legend of mana ~Nocturne ~city of flickering Destruction (seriously, how the hell you could get in the fighting mood while listening to this, i have no clue.) ~bonded by the soul ~Depression Blues ~moonlight city roa Chrono Chross ~Leaving the body ~previously lost hopes ~garden of the gods ~the girl who stole the stars ~lost fragments
  19. Polls Show Many Americans are Simply Dumber Than Bush
  20. yeah, alot of stuff doesn't show up in the media, like the Downing Street Memo
  21. dude, the same friend wasted suikoden for me, and yet i played through the game and enjoyed it immensely. i'm not saying i'm right, i'm not saying i'm wrong, i just believe ff7 was VERY VERY VERY overhyped and it wasn't that great. plain and simple, even if i hadn't got the story ruined, i didn't really enjoy playing, what i was playing. it did not give me the same feeling a game like say... chrono trigger game me.
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