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Elazul Yagami

1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Elazul Yagami

  1. again i can't give the source since it links to porn ----------------
  2. Us National Debt has hit the ceiling you know that chip they want to use as identification? it can be CLONED
  3. i know this is an old topic, but i just watched the movie two days ago. GO WATCH IT. seriously, do not miss this movie. and btw, i wouldn't be surprised if crap like this doesn't really happen. in fact, it would make perfect sense if it does.
  4. yeah, happy chinese new year. when's the year of the rat going to be again?
  5. wha? why? oh, cause of the pic... the link is still in my reply!
  6. so that leads me to my point, technically saying the n64 is the first 3d nintendo system is wrong.
  7. so technically the superfx chip was hardware, and the hardware was made for use with the snes, so the snes was capable of pushing polygons in hardware, even if they were simple, right? (same way a graphics card gives a pc the ability to push polygons in hardware.) so that does technically make the snes a 3d console, even if it's simple.
  8. they were only two posts, and i used one to explain to him exactly what i meant since i felt he'd understand it easier, it was both in english and in arabish, and the second one i was answering his surprise to not knowing i could speak arabic, as well as acknowledging him telling me he tried what i told him to do. i do not think it's that big of a deal.
  9. i currently use bittornado should i be an ass and use bitcomet for those torrents i really want that are on private trackers with no sign up?
  10. garabet kabel ma atlob mosaade........ betehki arabi ?... men ween enta ? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ana aslan min masr, ana mestaghrab enak malaheztesh min el location beta3y leghayet delwa2ty.
  11. wasn't the snes capable of rendering polygons in hardware?
  12. i'm sorry i didn't make something clear. 1-i didn't PLAY the game myself, but i watched my friend playing it for over 30 hours (including the sephiroth battle). that was after the storyline was already ruined for me. 2- i did experience it properly, going through cd1 of the game and still not thinking it's the best thing ever, means i've experienced it enough to judge it. or do you hafta play through a whole game you dislike just to prove you dislike it? 3- i saw and watched teh battle with sephiroth, i did NOT like the music. 4- these are MY opinions.
  13. i rated norton last. there's a huge difference in performance from norton to symantec. symantec found spyware AD AWARE se pro didn't find.
  14. bought out or not, if it's the best, then i'm using it. will it give me a headache by any chance? (and for the record, i have xp2's firewall enabled, if that's worth anything)
  15. well i only found gits2 and i'm not sure if it works or not... i guess one out of three ain't bad.
  16. i actually found them, but i found one for GITS2 for a two cd format. the one i have is just one cd. i'm guessing i could merge and edit them and stuff, but i'm sure the timing will be completely off. any advice?\ edit: nevermind, the site is confusing, but i think i found single cd versions.
  17. um,it says " nintendo's first 3d system." that's wrong. the ill fated crappy virtual boy came first.
  18. this may seem like a stupid question, but did you remove the.0.1.2...etc ? ya3ny shelt el arkam eli fe akher ism el file, walla la2a?
  19. i don't think you were allowed to post THAT one!
  20. how do you get image bucket to NOT resize the pics? and the second question. WHAT THE HELL WERE THOSE FOOT PICS FOR?!
  22. Dude, that's very interesting to know. but my signature is a george carlin quote. it's not meant to be factual.
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