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Elazul Yagami

1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Elazul Yagami

  1. No, that would be age eight. Girls reach puberty at eight <{POST_SNAPBACK}> actually there was this case of a girl who gave birth to another girl at like the age of 5 or something.
  2. That 11 year old saaya chick is quitting personally, i dunno what's creepier the fact that she's an 11 year old with f breasts (which unless she's some sort of freak of nature, they must be artificial) or the fact that chinese men (as well as japanese, american, european...etc) are openly admiring her breasts. jeez.
  3. i think you don't need a cable. i think you can use blue tooth or infra red. however, there might be a cable. you're better off googling or checking out the nokia website for details.
  4. i was thinking of mario and sonic. that should get them fighting for a few years!
  5. by "certain" types you don't happen to mean self nude photos of hot chicks do you?
  6. drake reminded me... i would suggest your read the comments, there are some hilarious names in there.. nosmo king for example.
  7. i really doubt this time that america will come back any richer... however i am sure cheny and co will become richer.
  8. actually i think it was. my bad. i was trying to post topics that would get responses and i guess my sleep derived induced amnesia made me forget. if it was posted before, mind deleting this topic?
  9. Bizarre Sex Laws (can't link to the site cause it has pron) ---
  10. Millionare Marries Dolphin MY ASS she AIN"T A FREAK!
  11. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10805240/?GT1=7538 excerpt:
  12. Man sues chatroom pals: I was humiliated beyond what 'no man could endure'
  13. Strip the fans out and fill your pc with cooking oil. you'd hafta have real balls to attempt this, but if it really does work, i wonder why more people don't do it... not only does it solve the sound and heating problem, but it also solves the dust problem. excerpt: edit: i had forgotten the link.
  14. http://megami.starcreator.com/nanaca-crash/ it's a crack-like flash game. point of the whole guy is to crash into this guy with a girl on a bike... see how far you can send him... just play it my highscore is 3739.66 m
  15. cause they're overhyped and overly "trendy" ?
  16. Exactly! He should have broken its legs first then burnt him crispy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> no no no. snap it's neck at an angle where the mouse stays alive, batter it slightly in a fine breaded crumb mixture, broil in oil at 100 degrees for 2 mins. serve with a fine mustard sauce
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