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Elazul Yagami

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Everything posted by Elazul Yagami

  1. and yes, i do realize you can get these from several other news sources. Google Making Cars.... crap what are they NOT going to do ? Futurama Comming back? Scientists moot gravity-busting hyperdrive Britain will be first country to monitor every car journey Is Big Bro comming? DO DOGS PISS ON TREES?!! Patriot act NEW woes and dangers Computerized gas pump; anyone else think this is a stupid idea?
  2. http://www.retrocrush.com/archive2006/anno...2005/index.html i agree with like almost all of them.
  3. this guy kinda reminds me of the infamous Pachuka from my zophar days.... haha, that guy just kept on comming... at least he was Semi amusing... last i heard he went to jail for something.
  4. thanks taratata quick and noobie question: since i couldn't find ascii for direction buttons on that site, i assume they follow something other than ascii, correct?
  5. wasn't taught in class. at all actually. heck, everyone else is making this project using basic polylines, to the extent that if i turn in my current version (0.15b) it would probably be much better that anything they've done. as for needing the coordinate files, i've made my own, but they look VERY VERY basic... that's why i want ready made ones that look good. anywho, help is still required (but thanks olaf) edit: oh and its not to show off exactly, but this is one of the few courses that i've got a chance to get an a at this semester, and i'm the highest grade in class... so everyone wants to knock me down. so i hafta do more than what's required so that i assure that i DON"T get knocked down. hey olaf, is there a text file with key maps in c++ somewhere?
  6. i also need to know: 1- the keyboard value (for the keyboard function) of the space key and teh esc key. 2- how exactly to use a bitmap as a texture for a polygon in open gl (basically so i can use a space pic as the background.) 3- any tutorials on a way to make a globe like sphere that spins 4- oh, and a way to make the score counter be rendered on screen (instead of using cout or printf to show it in the commandprompt)
  7. basically, i'm working on making a lil game as a graphics assignment. in c++ using opengl (glut and gl) what i need right now is three things: 1- 2d coordinate files for aliens, rockets, men with guns, ANYTHING (in case you're not sure what 2d coordinate files are, they're basically something that specifies what points if drawn, will draw a certain shape) 2- any info on how to include a soundtrack and a sound on certain actions. 3- code to draw a random star field (basically just a random jib jab of dots every which way (limited number though) OR a certain sky view "again, 2d plot file" ) thanks in advance
  8. for some odd reason the latest post doesn't show up. is there a problem in the database or something. edit: disregard my post since it's apparently fixed now.
  9. worked for me just fine when i had the card. solution: 1-uninstall game 2-update your drivers. (you may want to uninstall old ones) 3-reinstall game. 4-play.
  10. that's because no one cares about it <{POST_SNAPBACK}> no that;s because to infect it, you'd hafta actually MOUNT the virus yourself.
  11. that;s mainly because you didn't need to wrap your whole god damn hand around it to access a gazillion buttons.
  12. There aren't external subtitle files for the raw. Get a fansubbed version. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> god damnit, i hafta downlaod the damn thing again?!
  13. actually i was referring more to mods and stuff. didn't i need arcade spy or something too?
  14. basically since i'm now off of dial up, i want to get back into online gaming. here's the thing, i'm on xp, and the first game i want to play is quake 1. yes, you heard me. Quake ONE. so can someone please point me to all the files i need and such? and can you also recommend other online games that don't require a superfast broadband connection to play (i'm on dsl yes, but it's still semi slow shared dsl.)
  15. bingo. i used to think it was dial up. but now i'm on dsl and it's the same.
  16. i was working on java code when the ball dropped. I HATE COLLEGE!
  17. bah. i've heard more than enough stereotypes in this thread to make me gag. who listens to shakira in the middle east? GOD DAMN EVERYONE. pop music is quite... popular in the middle east. censorship, maybe in places like iran and saudi,but in egypt, i've seen the album cover AS IS. in places where they do censor, they don't cover the hair. to everyone who hasn't realized yet, shakira is part lebanese. and for the love of god, the whole image thing is most probably FAKE. geez, now can we please stop it with the damn stereotypes?
  18. i'll still stick to open nap. death nap to be precise.
  19. that video of iori and kyo is actually on the SAME site. you just hafta click on "all search results for king of fighters"
  20. only main reason i used it was for opennap.
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