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Elazul Yagami

1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Elazul Yagami

  1. does someone know where to find a subtitle file for this?
  2. he won't quit. the thing about this guy is he SERIOUSLY hates games and gamers with a passion, what the hell is wrong with him? did somebody beat him at pong or something?
  3. 4 more projects another 2 assignments.
  4. http://www.twistedpolygon.net/content/view/111/50 edit:
  5. the majority of the companies brought in to rebuild iraq and afghanistan, cheny has "links and stocks" in.
  6. actually that's one of the concepts miyamoto (sp?) was toying with for zelda. and that company (koei?) that makes dynasty warriors said it's making sword games for the rev. for all the rumours that surrounded it at first, the amount of support nintendo is getting is amazing.
  7. dude, trust me that's quite normal. when i ran zophar, i ended up getting into so much crap with the staff...until i more or less quit. on my own network, an incident happened a while back, which caused a few people to leave (people i actually liked) becuase a few of them broke some rules, and when i took action, i was branded as an "asshole" so yeah, being a manager doesn't mean you're supposed to always be nice... sometimes you CAN"T be nice.
  8. wow. i'm glad i don;t depend on the internet that much!
  9. i agree actually. i'm just looking at it from all points. (for example, since hte two dominant religons in egypt are islam and christianity, my school used to have "religon class" in which we were split based on religon to learn our faith. we WERE however allowed to attend the other class to learn if we wished.
  10. let me put it this way. when something is constantly argued against, it starts taking a dark taint in people's minds.
  11. i can understand the reasons, but then again, where does the tax money come from? again, it's one person's "freedom" disallowing another person's "freedom" however, doesn't the whole "no religon" in school thing, kinda become "anti-religon" period? i mean, i know alot of you don't care much for religon, but still, if you were into religon do you want your kids to go to a place where subtlely religon is made bad? besides, what's next? applying a ban on religous symbols like france did?
  12. you do realize there's a difference between aol dial up client and aol AIM right?
  13. i remember in an old quote or something, that someone said along the lines of "america cannot thrive without it's enemies".
  14. i really don't get what the big deal is. firstly, why does evolution go against intellegent design? what makes anyone believe that the higher being didn't create the initial form of everything, and let it thrive on it's own? (you know, like A.I, you give the basics, and then the system starts to learn on it's own) secondly why not make it a choice matter? freedom=freedom of choice. NOT "having someone else's choice imposed on me" saying no religion in school, is saying people who want religon in school aren't allowed to get what they want, while people who DON"T want religion in school get what they want. so why not make it a choice thing? each student's parents sign a form that says if they want it or not. then they split the students or something. that way, both sides when, no one loses, freedom is kept intact.
  15. ok since i was stuck with aol for a while: 1- first of all, NEVER use the normal aol, use the aoldialer.exe sure it sucks but it sucks WAAAAY less than aol. 2- second of all, the whole shutdown computer thing, happens from a setting inside of aol, if you can't find the setting, and just don't want your pc to shut down, then open the command prompt, and after you choose to log off of aol, type "shutdown -a" without the quotations, this is not a solution, just a pallative treatment until you find the source of the problem.
  16. so you were basically stoned off your ass? everything is funny when you're stoned off your ass.
  17. well i have two questions: 1- am i the only one who faced the dilemna of, when i had dial up, there was so much i wanted to download, and now that i have dsl, i have no clue what to download? 2- and is it me, or does everyone feel very tempted to download pron when they first get dsl?
  18. well, thanks to the site strider posted, my problem is solved. i just needed to forward 4 more ports (10000 to 10004) so yeah, i'm good now any torrents worth downloading these days? (hypothetical question, do not answer, and no i'm not solicitating pirated material.)
  19. i've already port forwarded for the right ip address, but it's not working (didn't i mention that?) and as for a firewall, i don't have a firewall on my system (unless you count windows firewall) so should i disable that, and the router firewall?
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