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Elazul Yagami

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Everything posted by Elazul Yagami

  1. i just got shared dsl, so i set up the router and everything (port forwarded) but for some reason, bittorrents still remain incredibly slow (bittornado stays in the yellow state), even though there are a shitload of seeders, and that everything else is downloading fast.. any suggestions on what to do?
  2. i really really REALLY dislike winamp 5. in fact, i hate any music player OTHER than winamp 2.xx i dunno why, but the thing was working fine, and now it flocks the connection, it's really un explanable. i'll probably uninstall and install again and see if that helps.
  3. i figure most of these games (the good ones, not the hentais) are impossible to get out of japan, unless you pirate them eh?
  4. i was going to read the book (i didn't look at the spoilers, and i'm pretty sure there's a spoiler tag.) but everyone has hyped it up so god damn much, i just passed it. i've decided not to read it.
  5. i use winamp 2.87 i have been using it for quite a long time it's settings are set to "never connected to the internet, don't update, don't follow my progress" basically, it's set so that there is ZERO net activity from winamp. lately, it's suddenly started to do something odd whenever i open up winamp, it flocks my internet connection (dial up) so that eventually it disconnects. anyone know what the hell is going on?
  6. um, i'm pretty sure there was an nba game on the gamecube that featured a nintendo team. and i'm sure that ssx or something similar, the gamecube version also had mario. and soul calibur 2, had link. heck, i love sonic and mario. i don't care if i see them alot, it's better than seeing alot of crap like 187 rride or die.
  7. i'm typing this IN a java class. so yeah, i got a good idea. post your code and i'll answer your questions.
  8. They totally ripped that off Metal Slug 3. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, like I said. This game will still be better than Battle Raper 2, but probably won't win against Sexy Beach 2. Nothing tops that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i'm afraid to ask, but my curiosity has gotten the better of me... links?
  9. http://sae.cside.com/sae/kat/pc/ern005/ekana.htm freaking coolest case idea i've seen in a while
  10. you guys do realize the object of this game is to photograph kindergarden aged girl's panties right? i mean, not photograph girls panties, but lolicon type panties (found out the term from wikipedia)
  11. use: http://www.systranbox.com/systran/box to translate this page: http://gpsc.hp.infoseek.co.jp/gsr1/index.html and wonder WHAT THE flock WERE THEY SMOKING!?
  12. dude, i liked the 1989 punisher one more than the new punisher.. you really wanna know why? i don't care if they change teh story, i don't care if they mess things around, but you can't fundamentally change how a character was created; spiderman was bitten by a radioactive spider, daredevil by waste, ff by space rays....etc punisher became the punisher because his family got killed in RANDOM VIOLENCE. NOT in a premeditated attack by some egomaniac. because his family was killed by random violence... crime that has no one face, he decided to have revenge against all crime. now, changing that, and making him go after one guy that ordered his familes death, turns the punisher concept into bullshit, because the crime now HAS a face, and once he gets rid of that face, there's no real driving motivation. sure they made spidey have bio webs instead of webshooters, but they made him get bit by a radioactive spider. what they did to punisher is the equiviliant of making spidey get bitten by a rabid dog, and suddenly turn into a hero. so yeah, i perfer the 1989 one. true true.
  13. so killing the security center does that. sweet. it's dead now. gotta test and see though.
  14. apparently one of the flocking stupid features of flocking xp sp2, is that it automatically blocks (see deletes) certain files, that it deems "harmful" since i'm not a flocking glutz, and i know if the file is harmful or not (seriously, the method windows is taking is basically cutting the flocking arm off, just because one finger MIGHT have a bruise on it), i want to stop windows from automatically doing that. is there a way? a setting to change, a patch, a registry entry, anything?
  15. first course of action. log into safe mode, and it'll show a different admin account (overrides ALL the other accounts) check that out, and adjust your user settings (delete and remake a profile if you must), and then boot normally and try again. if not.... ------- you might be using a pirated version, or a version that's been reported pirated, so you can't get past windows genuine update. there are ways past that, but i kinda forgot them... a google search would help.
  16. dude, word of advice. check the internet for importing woes before you buy it. someone here might know, but i'm sure someone on the net has posted his/her experience with an imported psp... so check that so you can know what you really need to know.
  17. personally yes. hopefully, they'll at least make gaming fun again. and to the whole"nintendo has a niche" you know what? flock that. like i said before, i'd really rather nintendo try to do something exclusive and different, than be another console that has pretty much the same 3rd party games as all the others (read: games are NOT going to be platform exclusive because studios need to get them to the widest audience because games are getting too expensive to make and they need to recover their costs.) you know how similar in hardware the ps3 and xbox360 (and i believe the rev) are? they all have nvidia cards and ibm processors... basically you're more or less buying the same damn thing with a different branding on the machine. so do we REALLY need nintendo to make a console, that's pretty much the exact same as the other two? so for the love of God, stop bitching about nintendo trying to do something different, because you know what, if they hadn't countless times before, most of the best gaming would not be. so let them try. you want to play resident beaver 5, and tony fark gazillion, and fifa 2999, stick to the xbox or ps3 (not much difference). you want to try something different, get a rev. you want both worlds, buy both. heck, and with the price range the rev is hinting at, it could be quite affordable to do just that. JEEZ.
  18. yeah, and wasn't taht technically completely destroyed by sony? (dunno if nintendo still has it) i mean, on sony machines, there is NO quality control (and no, a NO 2d rule does not count as quality control). yes, i know you might be saying "well there are other consoles" but the ps systems account for the majority of marketspace, hence forth it does matter.
  19. i'm getting more and more convinced that only Nintendo can do alot of things right.
  20. dude. i don't think there's a single FPS i haven't played, and played multiplayer at. and i do admit halo 2 and halo flocking rock. but they're still not as freaking cracked up as they were hyped to be. still pretty sweet though. anyway, to the advertisment in games thing (yes i know it was someone other than k'dash) i noticed something here in egypt, some "hackers" will hack a game "like winning eleven, a.k.a superstar soccer" and add local sponsor ads to the game "like the game shop and a videogame magazine" and since here in egypt most people play these games at a "cyber gaming cafe" it's right under their nose all the time. ------- btw, just for your info. the videogame crash in the 80's was caused by 2 things: 1- hardware was almost identical 2- games were becoming carbon copies of one another, hardly inspired and basically got old. everytime a new game idea would come up, it would be copied zillions of times. the market ended up having more software and hardware than consumers. eventually, companies went down, gamers stopped gaming, and CRASH! can you honestly tell me that those two factors aren't happening? crap, i seriously think the only two winners in the console wars (next gen) are ibm and nvidia. and games being similar? with the exception of like one or two "original" games every once in a while, they've largely been the same.
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