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Elazul Yagami

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Everything posted by Elazul Yagami

  1. i'm hoping warcraft war goes back to a similar style to warcraft 3 not a fan of the wow concept since i can't actually play it!
  2. I tend to disagree. Yes, Nintendo revived the industry, but if they hadn't then someone else eventually would have. I seriously doubt we would have no video games today without Nintendo, that idea is rather silly, IMO. As for your other points, there were several controllers that had multiple buttons before Nintendo. Some were number keypads (not keyboards), but if you don't count those (you should) then look at systems like the 5200 or Vectrex. If you consider Donkey Kong to be the first, then, yeah, Nintendo made the first platformer, though it could be argued that Pitfall is the actual predecessor to sice scrolling platformers like Super Mario Bros. Though I will admit that Nintendo has done the most to advance the genre. Shoulder buttons... maybe. But if you again look at a system like the 5200 you will notice it has the buttons on the side which is the same concept. Force feedback... for consoles, yes. But force feed back was around before Nintendo brought it over to the console arena. Light guns... again, no. Maybe they can be given credit for making them popular with consoles (though they aren't really all that popular), but they didn't invent them (Link Scroll down) Nintendo has done a lot for the industry no doubt about it, but I get a little sick of people that act like Nintendo not only hung the moon but they invented it too. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> without getting into a huge reply (which i'll do later, but i don't have time now) did you notice the bold part? mainly, i didn't say nintendo STARTED everything, but i said MAJOR BACKGROUND in CONSOLES. not pc, not started, the points after that line are just to give examples. and no, actually i don't believe another company would've revived the industry, at least not as effictively or as fast as nintendo did, why? because it was a CRASH, all the hardware makers were falling, as were the software makers... they were going DOWN. it required a new kid on the block, and no offence but sega back then wasn't known for it's original console concepts (did you ever see how identical the dpad for the master system was to the nes pad?). there were pretty else no other hardware manufacturers that could've done it.
  3. "xbox 360 unstable and trashy after one second" Yeah, no i'm not a fanboy.. in fact, i would buy a xbox for Ninja Gaiden, and maybe halo.. but not much more (yes, i do mean buying the OLD xbox, when i can get one for like 20 dollars from a pawn shop) but still, i am NOT a fan of microsofts pracitces, games, or console. i still wonder how nintendo manages to make the most sturdy consoles. (nes, other than having to blow into cartridges, is still working fine to this day, snes works even better, n64 can be dropped and will work fine, game cube similar, however the ps line and xbox line? good luck with those if you've had them for over a year or if you accidently drop them.)
  4. quite standard fare. sony did that quite a few times. and so did nintendo. (and sega when it was forced... oh how i long for the good old sega days)
  5. the tcpa is indeed a true thing. however, it's quite hard to get their idea to work, for the reasons stated above. HOWEVER, if they lobby enough, they might find a way to do it, so maybe someone should create an anti-tcpa lobby?
  6. personally i believe that atlus rpg's > square rpgs
  7. you do realize that the controller showed was just the prototype, not the final controller right? oh and k'dash, what makes you think there will be a ps12 or xbox1000000?
  8. while that was a good insight, i'm wondering, is there more of a storyline to it? like, illidan, arthas...etc?
  9. i haven't been here in weeks, hence the (unintentional, but i wanted to comment) bump. other developers that are VERY interested in the rev (and are developing): lumines and meteos creator tatsuya mizuguchi yuji naka (sonic) peter molyneux (fable, black and white, populous) micheal ancel ( rayman, king kong) tomonobu itagaki (dead or alive, ninja gaiden) <-- unconfirmed
  10. wasn't i the one that first mentioned leah dizon? oh well. once i get a decent connection, i might post a shitload of pics of leah that i have on my hd.
  11. like samor says: get a DS Ds movieplayer + CF card; it'll still run you for LESS than a psp with a memory card would cost you. there are several homebrew developements for it, and it's really not that harder than the psp. also the ds movie player ( i think it's called M3, has a built in emulator for nes, gb, and gba)
  12. um, since i haven't played wow nor will i probably play the burning expansion. can someone please tell me what the hell has been happening since the frozen throne? ( i really didn't assume that wow had a story, and i never bothered asking)
  13. some shmuck had roffically enamed themselves to "Sony Playstation" for some competition.
  14. i dont get all the nintendo bashers... you haven't even tried the damn thing yet. personally i think it's the best idea. the xbox and ps2 and gamecube are getting so similar hardware, not to mention that most of the great (see sequels) next gen games are going to be multi platform... do we really need another general purpose console? xbox360 and ps3 can handle that market, i rather nintendo make something new, different and fun... something that would get me back into gaming again... at the same time something i could play with my non-gamer gf. personally, games were getting so similar and so multi platform, i was starting to suspect another videogaming crash (like in the 80's where similar issues had arrised) maybe nintendo can once again save the industry. btw, just for the record ( yes i know gryph answered this), but the industry as it is, would've NEVER been the way it is if it weren't for nintendo. in fact, i don't think there WOULD be an industry if it weren't for nintendo. it saved teh industry from the 80's crash. and almost EVERY idea for console (and some pc) games have a major nintendo background in it (like gryph mentioned). dpad, nintendo. more than one button NOT on a keyboard, nintendo. platformers, nintendo. shoulder buttons, nintendo (ever notice how the ps pad looks like a warped snes pad?) force feedback, nintendo. lightguns, nintendo. and more. i honestly feel like games haven't been really fun in a long time... maybe this will change things.... we'll just hafta wait and see. btw, hideo kojima is also excited (and being one of the first people to see the controller, he was complaining how hard it was to keep the secret). and they did port parts of metroid prime 2 for use with the rev controller, it was an absolute success. and the console has more than one button, it also has an analog control stick plug in (so that the stick acts as a left controller, while the rev controller acts as a right controller, kinda like the dual shock, only with the rev controller.) as well as it being turned at a specific angle to act as a nes controller, not to mention that there are devices to plug into it, AND the possibility of it being made so that ANY old nintendo controller (gc,64,snes,nes) can plug into it.... so yeah, i'm sold. but not totally... gotta see the beef first.
  15. *shrugs* Michael Moore is a good Entertainer though <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i did check up on the stats he used. they're real. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> you....are aware that he lied about his place of birth right? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i was talking about the stats on canadians.
  16. Burgers : ------- ~Burger King ~Hardees (Carls jr. Yes, they are close enough to be conisdered the same) ~ JITB ~ Wendy's (way down on the list) and time for a repost of my freedom fries story :
  17. *shrugs* Michael Moore is a good Entertainer though <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i did check up on the stats he used. they're real.
  18. i feel sorry for you. so so so SO misguided. was your first mario game, mario sunshine by any chance?
  19. And sony loves the half-assed crap that comes out every month on the PS2 and deny us all the awesome, albit not the best looking games, not to come out on PS2 at all. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thats just one persons opinion. The fact that Sony still holds the market, even with inferior hardware says a lot. The thing is, if you want something... you will probably find it on PS2 (hell, even the Xbox has a nice variety these days). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> what are you talking about? that's not a matter of opinion, k'dash is talking about an actual policy. first of all, nintendo all but removed all restrictions from developers. second of all, the thing k'dash is talking about, is the fact taht sony has a strict policy against several "graphicly inferior" games. like, the no 2d rule that almost killed Castlevania symphony of the night. read up a bit. sony chokes developers to saturate the market with bullshit more or less, as long as it's graphically good looking.
  20. apparently some people are forgetting certain games that prove that the censorship thing is over: 1- eternal darkness 2- conkers bad fur day 3- the game's k'dash mentioned 4- resident evil series. 5- a gazillion other violent and sexual games. yes, like k'dash said. thinking in 1996 and that's the problem. nintendo has been so shoe cornered into the image of "the disney of videogames" that none of the freaking casual gamers that want to be cool above all else, would bother playing a single game on it. hence developers not marketing for it. i assure you, if nintendo changed their name to something else, and coupled it with an "EXTREME" marketing things (ala dreamcast) they'd probably sell alot more. thank god they don't though. personally, i think i'll be quite content with my snes for a few more years... it gets more gaming than my psx does.
  21. dude, seriously i hope she's fine. edit: i had made that reply without reading the rest of the posts. i'm glad she's fine now man.
  22. no real order: Serial Experiments Lain Princess Monoke Spirited Away Cowboy Bebop Akira Metropolis Jin Roh Ghost in the shell
  23. the n64 system was basically an n64 controller plugged into the content select system that we unlock the games and such from down in the lobby. basically you paid to play, i have no clue how it works. also, i've read before somewhere online, that if you actually unhook the thing at the back of the tv and mess with it a bit, you can get all the pay per view movies free. as for the other methods, no clue.
  24. Did you know that 50% of the people who go to hotels order adult pay per view? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i worked as a night auditor at la quinta for a while... anyways to cut a long story short, we have a console that lets us see the details of every room, including what movies they bought to see, and if they used th ebuilt in n64 system. now this console is supposed to be used in the case of a problem only, but being bored all ngiht, i'd remember some of the customers, remember what they looked and acted like, and see what they're watching... it was always the sweet old guys, and sweet old ladies that watched the most filth!
  25. i'd like the name " Richard Bigshlong " more i guess
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