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Elazul Yagami

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Everything posted by Elazul Yagami

  1. not to be an asshole or anything, but if you are caught up in the hurricane, and you end up flying around and somehow survive, can you tell us if you see a cow flying around with you?
  2. ditto. and exactly my point. we're not required to prove our dickhood. edit: btw, i want to ask... if Dick is a banned word, what if someone wants to call to their friend who's name is dick? and what if the guy's name is Dick flockalot ? would hte forum turn it into censor flockalot ?
  3. dude, did that really require a temp ban? i'm sure s/he meant no harm. edit: wait, what am i s/heing for? it's DEFINEtly a HE.
  4. VERY VERY close, you're liable to have someone like GC attempt to make lewd advances.
  5. tried looking.. couldnt find much. yes, only like four pages of Image search results, and about 28 of normal results. not to mention www.leahdizon.com sheesh. BAH. Leah Dizon: http://www.leahdizon.com/media/photos/113.jpg http://www.leahdizon.com/media/photos/12.jpg Hot, no?
  6. do a search for this chick called Leah dizon she's part chinese, part philapino(sp?) and part french. flock HOT
  7. actually, they did do that, that's the aoldialer, but like someone else said, it takes 25 megs of memory to run. i wouldn't really care, but this laptop is hella slow. and only has like 128 megs of ram and such.
  8. nope, if i knew the guy, i wouldn't try to kill him. and by the way he was acting (the whole looking at my friend, then my gf, then me thing) probably means he was high as a kite.
  9. which is why i don't understand why they have a dialer. surely those idiots need to use ALL of the crappy software don't they? but anyways, if you figure anything out, please tell me
  10. Dang. well thanks everyone, guess i'm just stuck with the dumbass aol dialer until further notice.
  11. has anyone coded a custom version of the dialer then? a aoldialerLITE ? edit: well i was told before that there's a file on the system that logs all internet connections, both failed and attempted... i coudl probably figure something out if i find out what the file is. anyone know it?
  12. what's sbc? if it's a isp, then you missed the point of the topic, i'm STUCK using Aol... as in i have no choice. if it's a program or software, then do elaborate please.
  13. Ok not a story i'm proud of but meh. this happened back in cairo. I was driving home from college, with my Gf and good friend of mine, she's sitting next to me, and he's sitting behind me. and i'm taking her home first. ok, now i don't drive a smoking fast car, i drive a 89 fiat regata that's in OKISH shape (acceleration is pretty good). i'm driving along on a highway, minding my own business, when this guy, with a guy next to him and a girl in the back seat driving what i think was an old mazda 323 pull in next to me, the driver looks at my friend, then at my girl, then at me, and swerves into me. i avoid him and slow down... i don't want to get in a fight with my gf in the car. a little bit later, he slows down till he's next to me, looks at my friend, then gf, then me and does the same thing. i avoid him and speed up. he speeds up and repeats. this time, there's no avoiding conflict. no one scares my girl like that. so i slow down.. but stay a close distance behind him.... then we come near a ramp for a bridge. the road is three lanes, left and middle go to the ramp and the right lane goes down another road. a little bit before he gets to the ramp (he's in the middle lane, and i'm in the left) i speed up, pop up next to him (but partially past him) and swerve towards him... now for him to avoid crashing into me, he had two choices... to slow down to a stop, or fly off the ramp. he stops. and starts chasing me on the bridge... now i'm going back and forth not letting him pass, and when i get off the bridge, i weave through traffic to avoid him... i mean, i've already accomplished what i've wanted to do, no reason to get in a fight with my gf in the car. just my luck he manages to get ahead of me, and tries to stop in front of me, BUT i look and there's a u turn next to me, so i take it... he's PAST the u turn so he can't take it, even though he tries... and i can hear him getting insulted till i'm well away from him so i take the u turn, turn right towards my destination and he's trying to follow me, only problem is, by the time i'm at the end of the street, he's just getting into it... and then i go stop by this hangout of mine, just to get the adrenaline out AND to have my gf well protected if he managed to follow me. oh thing is, when i took that right turn and was speeding down the street, there was a car in the left, and a car pulling into the middle lane from the right... at my speed it was impossible to avoid him.... so i'm like, if the damage is going to happen anyone, might as well do the best to make it less...so i forced my car to slightly skid making it slide diagonally so that the back right of my car would take the hit, and in the middle of the skid (it hit me to do it then.. fast thinking), i hit the gas, so that my car actually SLID between the opening between the two cars without hitting either.... my gf was so scared she didn't talk to me for an hour. it was some of the best driving i've done in my life
  14. no, because the gay ass Gay O' Hell browser still takes up memory (around 25mbs) I think there's a way you can configure your 56k modem to dial random local access numbers when necessary <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i don't care if it dials random access numbers or not, i just DON"T want to use the aol browser or dialer, i want to reach the encrypted password and username, put them in regular dial up networking, and dial in using one of the aol numbers i already use.
  15. Yes. God I wish it were true. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ditto... DITTOOOO
  16. Well since i'm stuck using AOL (too long a story to relay), i was wondering if anyone knew how to dial into aol WITHOUT using the aol software or Aol Dialer. i.e using basic windows dial up. there was a way to do this with netzero a long time ago (cause apparently netzero and windows both encrypt your password and username, and there's a way to get to them from a system file) but it doesn't work for aol. anyone know how to do it?
  17. we're not guessing, we're saying you ACT like you're 12
  18. you've got a good point... but that's cause everyone is afraid of not being "mainstream" that's the same reason games currently suck. because no game wants to be a hardcore game anymore.it wants to be mainstream, to make money. same with actors. same with most money hungry musicians ( think abuot it, who has more talent, destiny's child, or System of a Down for example... and who's more popular?)
  19. Basically, the main problem (considering the difference in outlook between movies and games) is that games are STILL precieved as a Child's toy by Senators and those in charge. why? because like i said previously, they're freakin technophobes that are afraid... they're not afraid of movies that much because ANYONE can watch a movie (unless you're blind) but not ANYONE can play a game (well anyone can, but those old geezers are too stupid to be able to )
  20. you know, now actually reading the house article for the second time i realized something: WHAT ABOUT THIRD PARTY UNAUTHORIZED HACK DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?!?!? but then again you are technophobe aging assholes who wouldn't know the damn meaning of jackshit. heck if you asses had your way, we'd still be in the age of pen and paper. you know, i've seen a nude raider hack, i've seen a hack for doom where you're armed with a dick and shoot cum at nude babes, in duke nukem you could pay strippers to open their shirts, i'm seen a hack which makes sims (which the douche jake is also going after the sequel ) totally naked and involved in sex, and that dead or alive nude volley ball hack, crap, i've seen so many god damn unoffical hacks to make games XXXXXXXXX rated. Why is this the only game being hunted? and crap, you'd think that with this crap they're pulling, they never had sex or have a chasity belt on that would make the virgin mary look like a slut. SHEESH!
  21. Amazingly, we seem to be more coherent and check facts MORE than he does... Hmm...
  22. apparently, they don't realize the meaning of the term : voluntary Entertainment Software Ratings Board. Just a waste of taxpayers money going on a damn witchhunt again. crap, if they pull this stunt on again, we should just revolt against the damn senate edit; And wait a second, what's the age limit for M games? isn't it 18+ anyway? isn't it LEGAL for 18+ year olds to buy porn ? shesh
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