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Elazul Yagami

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Everything posted by Elazul Yagami

  1. Because there's no real way to silence them, the clerics that preach this crap, are the ones like the clerics for al quada, you can't really reach them, and they preach to select few.
  2. you probably all heard about lebanon and egypt, but here's what i posted on my log anyways: --------------------------------- Article 1 Article 2 Nothing will say this rant better than an excerpt of my irc logs: ------------------------ [04:31] <Elazul> ok this offically flocking sucks [04:31] <Elazul> the egyptain economy is now offically crippled. [04:31] <Elazul> EVERY tourist place (sans one) has been Attacked in the past year, with the latest today [04:31] <Elazul> and since the egyptain economy is based on tourism [04:31] <Elazul> we're screwed. (posted a link yesterday from cnn , which They changed because of the exact reason i said below) <Elazul> Saturday's explosions at 1:15 a.m., when many tourists would have been asleep, shook windows a mile away. Smoke and fire rose from Naama Bay, a main strip of beach hotels in the desert city popular with Israeli and European tourists, witnesses said. [04:56] <Elazul> WRONG [04:56] <Elazul> at 1:15 am the VAST MAJORITY of the tourists would be awake because of the night life [04:57] <Elazul> and WRONG, it's NOT popular with israeli tourists (taba is) it's popular with egyptains, italians, and other european tourists, but NOT israelis [04:57] <Elazul> flocking asses can't get their flocking facts straight [23:14] <Elazul> crap, the civilian casualty count is at 88 today.... from the sharm explosion [23:14] <Elazul> 7 foreginers and the rest are egyptains [23:14] <Elazul> which proves that cnn reporting SUCKS BALLS [23:15] <Elazul> and it's offical, our economy is going to crap [23:16] <Elazul> we're still in a recession due to the crap that happened in the 90's because of similar attacks, and just as we were finally recovering, down we go again [23:22] <FuzzyLogic> Elazul, so... are the people doing the bombing from outside egypt or just flocktards? [23:23] <Elazul> FuzzyLogic unknown yet, the two bombings that were pulled off in cairo, were from retarded egpytains, the ones in sharm (yesterday) and in taba (months ago) are still being debated [23:23] <Elazul> FuzzyLogic : http://edition.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/meast/07...ions/index.html [23:23] <Elazul> but keep in mind, CNN flockING SUCK, propaganda to the max [23:24] <FuzzyLogic> of course CNN flocking sucks. [23:24] <Elazul> because for one , sharm is NOT a popular spot for israeli's like they say, it's most popular with Egyptains and Italians , followed by other europeans... Israelis go to taba, NEVER to sharm [23:25] <Elazul> a friend of mine actually knows the son of the owner of the hotel that got blown up [23:26] <Elazul> FuzzyLogic you wanna know something funny? the article they had yesterday said " the explosions happened at 1:15 am when tourists are asleep " and that's DEFINETLY wrong, and today they say : "The explosions happened about 1:15 a.m. (6:15 p.m. Friday ET), but the hotels and the market were crowded. "It's very hot here, so people go out and stay up all night," journalist Sandy Petrykowski told CNN" [23:26] <Elazul> HAW [23:27] <FuzzyLogic> lol [23:27] <FuzzyLogic> flocking moron reporters... oy. ----------------------- So basically it majorly sucks, now about the 90's attacks i was talking about, a radical militant group more or less crippled tourism, by attacking people in several areas, leading to a stand off which turned into a small war at a certain area in cairo.... the funny thing is, MOST of the people they killed in those attacks were egyptain, but to those militants they considered the egyptains also "kafara" (non believers) so they deserved to die (for mudane reasons like that they watched tv)... anyway, which leads me to the question, we've been in a recession because of those 90 attacks for over a decade, and now we're hit again just as we're getting on our feet... i can safely say more people died out of hunger or sickness or crime because of that recession than were killed in most terrorist attacks around the world ( like 9-11) which leads me to ask this: WHERE THE HELL WAS THE WAR ON TERRORISM THEN?!
  3. yeah i mean, who wants to listen about some muslim dude getting wrongly killed? reminds me of that joke: George bush is sitting with cheny, and they're discussing plans, when colon powell walks in and asks what they're doing, so bush says " we're going to go to war, kill 10 million arab muslims, and one russian" so colon asks" why the russian?" at that point bush turns to cheny and says " see, i told you no one cares about the arabs " Bah. Btw, i'm really not surprised, this is the same media that covered the micheal jackson trial more than they covered the downing street memo that SHOULD get both bush and blair impeeched.
  4. ok this is a hypocricy and i'm stating my 2 cents on the matter. it's because a Black man is flocking a white chick. that simple. God of War has sex, and it's rating wasn't pushed up to AO it's still mature. A bunch of games listed previously in this thread have nudity that's Mature. so BAH
  5. Tell us more about your girlfriend please. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> With the amount of Horny perverts on this Forum, NOPE!
  6. it was that manga/anime episode where they didn't care that butters got a shuriken in his eye because Eric walked naked across the stage.
  7. You know, they have pills for obsessive-compulsive disorder now. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'd shower that often if I had the time. I love the feeling right after a shower. So fresh and so clean clean. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> that's one of the reasons, but here's the thing. usually i : shower in the morning when i wake up. Shower in the middle of the day after i come back from college or what not. Shower before i goto bed. the extra times include: when i come back from teh gym when i come back from any activity when i come back from a dusty day. interesting tidbit , is that i shower with COLD water in the winter.
  8. in no particular order: 1 All kof games. 2 all samurai showdown games with ss4 being top on my list 3 Garou Mark of the Wolves 4 Snk Vs Capcom 5 Street Fighter Alpha 2 (4 and 5 being the lowest on the list)
  9. amazingly , i agree with skythe... *shudders at the thought*
  10. am i the only one who doesn't have a problem with playing fighting games on the cube?
  11. I'm back and I'm already agreeing with people. Especially HIM! He talks the truth. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Never Said better. If i ever have kids, guess what console i'll be buying them? a Nintendo one.
  12. I wouldn't call Silent Hill's storyline(s) vague, you just really have to pay attention tothe dialogue and read between the lines at times. Each installment looks at the base material from a different angle or starts where an other one left off. Creepy. One of my all time favorites <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My point was, the story wasn't supposed to really make sense, and was supposed to confuse you, and it accomplished that perfectly. exactly like a nightmare. at least in silent hill one
  13. actually, and i dunno how valid my arguement is here, but Silent Hill one. The game was made to be a nightmare simulator, the story was supposed to follow a nightmare like quality, i feel tthat the story PERFECTLY fit the nightmare theme. (i know some are going to be asking me, WHAT story, but there was one; a vague one)
  14. If fighters don't need plots, then why did i really enjoy the KOF plot?
  15. Nintendo was responsible to reviving the console scene after the videogame crash of the 80's (one that i'm expecting again with the sheer amount of crap games comming out) The ds IS in league with the psp... it just doesn't do everything the psp does, but at the very least it has more playable games on it than the psp... i'm sure most users of the psp use it for movies, and music , and basically as a pda/mp3/movie viewer. as for the rev being nintendo's last hope? HAHAHAHAAHAAAAAAAHAAHAHAHAHAH Unlike Sega, Nintendo have enough money to make it in seven more console wars and still have some in the bank.
  16. are you on sony's payrolll by any chance? maybe microsoft's? Yes, the GameBoy Advance and Ds suck so badly that MICROSOFT is going to make games for them.... Yes the Ds sucks so badly that it has WAY More games that are playable on it than on the "gimmicky, do all you want and MAYBE play games on it " PSP Yes the GameCube Pad sucks so much cause it's so colorful and strange and unconventional, and yet i can play on the gamecube for HOURS on end without my fingers or hands hurting me, but surely i perfer my fingers hurting and my hands aching by using the xbox and ps2 controllers.... A controller that doesn't hurt your arm? NONSENSE! it HASTA give your fingers and hands a Good old fashioned Ache. Yes, Nintendo TOTALLY sucks </end sarcasm>
  17. rather than go into detail over every point you said, i'll just say this, it's a matter of opinion, and personally i see that you're dead wrong. personally, i find the quality of games on the gamecube to be VASTLY superior to ps2 and Xbox (what games are worth the damn thing? and don't you dare say halo) quality in this case matters to me much more than quantity, and in fact, nintendo have a shitload of money, unlike sega which was facing a million financial diffculties, in fact, didn't they merge with sammy, a few years AFTER they dropped out of console development and focused on games? apparently the " focus on games and you can make more money" stance didn't work that well for them. As for the whole retro gaming thing, well did it occur to you that there a zillion gamers out there that weren't around the first time those games came around? do you realize that the most popular emulated console is in fact the snes, not n64, not psx, not any of that, but An Snes emulator, that's the one that has the most games people want to play. as to giving the developement to others, was the outcome bad? did metroid or starfox or even fzero suck? not they didn't, would it make you much happier if these studios were called " nintendo <studio name>" instead of just the studio name? Was it that big a deal when Rare was making the Superb donkey kong country series? What about Hal with kirby (and i think super smash brothers) does it matter that Hal and Not "Nintendo Hal" or "Hal of Nintendo" made the game? No, because in the end the outcome lives up to the standards we expect of Nintendo, so i see no harm in it. In the end second party developers, might as well be first party ones. As for market strategies in the 90's, nintendo was HATED because of it's strategies, and yet they managed to succeed, seem odd? as for the GameCube being out performed by the Ps2 and Xbox, am i missing something here? I'm pretty sure specs wise, the gamecube OUTPERFORMS the ps2.... not sure about the xbox. (and that knowledge comes from an unbiased source) as for the whole ps2 vs the game cube pad: 1- the ps2 pad is nothing more than a modificated rip off of the Snes pad, in fact in early prototypes they even had the whole ab xy thing. 2- the gamecube pad does NOT suck, in fact my hand hurts alot less playing with it than it does with the ps2 or xbox controllers (especially the fingers and thumbs) and i know ALOT of people that perfer using it while playing the games you mentioned than the alternative on another console(and they don't soley own a gamecube either, so taht's saying something) On the Cartridge situation of the N64, They did it for a simple reason, Piracy, and in fact they succeeded in that vein, and the publisher that didn't push shoddy games actually made MORE profit from the n64 than the psx (just ask acclaim or others that flourished because of the n64). they don't avoid a media because it's "new and fangled" they avoid it because of piracy, and that's the logical thing to do. As for the whole Gamecube not being known... i'll just laugh at that. edit; just added line breaks
  18. Persona (shin megami tensei in general actually) Why? because it had a storyline that was more mature and darker than most rpg's, it had more inner conflict of characters than square rpg's , and it was just an interesting storyline. i doubt that's the best i can think of, but it's what just came to mind.
  19. slim ps2 AND it can be modded.
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