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Elazul Yagami

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Everything posted by Elazul Yagami

  1. i think it's more like a vaccine basically.
  2. This is from a section called " the final insult' that's in (or used to be in) a British Magazine called "PC Format" i typed it up and posted it WAAAAAY back when i first joined another forum, for those who haven't read it, enjoy. --------------------------------------------------
  3. HRM!? edit: for some reason the rest of my post didn't show up. Why would they be doing that? apparently it's also compatable with psp and ipod. hmm, what are they trying to achieve?
  4. It's that exact kind of reaction that makes matters worse in most cases, though. Not every Arab is linked to al-Queda. That would be like saying everyone with Irish blood in them is somehow a part of the IRA. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> you mean to say they AREN"T!?!?! (/sarcasm) the funny thing is, alot of people in the us military have this kind of mindset, and yet they wonder why crap like abu ghurib happens... and yet the well trained british troops have had like 90% less trouble in the pr with the iraqi's. meh.
  5. not to agree with the russians, and as much as i find the whole comet crashing thing interesting, still , do you honestly mean to tell me no one has the slightest bit of worry of the after effects of something like such? i mean, yes they say it's perfectly safe and yadda yadda yadda, but who knows? what if they threw the comet like 0.0001 degrees off track? anything so minute can have a huge effect later on so meh. but maybe i'm just looking into it too much.
  6. Graduate from college Work Get married to my Gf Get my masters done.
  7. Alot of my friends here in egypt download the music,games and movies, just plainly because THEY DON"T EXIST IN EGYPT. not only that , but they're STUPIDLY priced when you can find them ( a game here costs somewhere around 400 l.e , and a average worker makes 500 l.e a month) so meh. And like said before, i'd buy what i can afford. but really how can i afford to buy macromedia flash, or dreamweaver, or visual studio or any of those programs to learn if i don't have an educational licence (which doesn't make a flying flock of a difference because 250$ for an educational licence still flocking sucks)
  8. do you happen to know any cheat file that allows you to use omega rugal in arcade mode, and possibly use the same character for your whole team? (other kof game cht files have it so i'm wondering)
  9. The most important part of that statement is the word "promoting." That could possibly have lots of loopholes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Eh, VCR anyone?
  10. here's the question though i tried the cheat file and it seems very strange, i don't understand what each command does, and i'm surprised that it does allow the option to choose omega rugal in arcade mode. another thing is it doesn't allow you to actually change characters in between rounds, or have three of the same character like other kof cheat files do. so um, can you elaborate on how to use it exactly? (especially the urinkogi ora ugi 108 (or however the hell you spell it) ) thanks in advance.
  11. (Actually you have to convert MAME cheats into Kawaks/Nebula cheats) Just take this file: http://s7.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0EUI673957SX11VTLJYN37QW8O You will have kof98.dat Put it in CHEATS folder in Nebula.(Start the game and ues it) Edit: Also I fogot to say that if you even found a site that has [Nebula / Kawaks Cheats], KOF98 will not be included as I think. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thank you LOADS.
  12. THen don't tell me to do it, because i've already searched with google and when i couldn't find what i was looking for i asked here. you didn't even look at the results. so seriously, next time unless you have something useful to say , DON"T SAY IT.
  13. i've been looking for a cht file for nebula, for kof 98 the slugfest anyone know where i can find it? and if someone has already asked this, please forgive me.
  14. you don't hafta stop drinking it, just stop drinking it on an empty stomach. and btw, without proper body stressing exercise (pushups NOT being one of them ) you'll lose weight slowly. push ups build/tone your muscles, but they don't give your body the activity needed to lose weight.
  15. you said it, you have a FULL meal at night, so when you wake up in the morning, your stomach isn't exactly empty. you need about 4 gallons to get poisoned, but it's not as hard to accidently do as it seems.
  16. bah, i stated what works. i stated why. i stated what's logical. do what you want, but if you think exercise is useless, let me put it this way, a proper weight loss diet will NEVER make you lose weight properly, unless you exercise... that or you become a bullemic or something of the sort and just starve your body AND your mind from the food it needs.
  17. no, coffee IS bad for you. small doses however isn't harmful. but drinking it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach? HARMFUL!
  18. It is possible to lose weight with my method. Just do more exercise and eat slightly more healthier. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> he doesn't want to exercise PERIOD. the method i stated works better than your method for faster weight loss.
  19. Truimph: he came in his pyjamas? woman: yes he came in his pyjamas. Truimph: and everyone saw him cumming in his pyjamas?
  20. will it still work if I pace left and right repeatedly for 2hrs? well if it'll do the equivilant , then all power be to you, if you're that lazy just follow the diet and don't excercise (even though that's a huge mistake) you'll lose weight yes, but you won't get your body toned at the same time, and you'll hafta work your ass off later on to get that tone. and it'll take a longer time. and K'dash's method is good to keep your body at a constant weight, but NOT to lose weight.
  21. what you're doing is VERY wrong for the following reasons: (fact checked) 1- yes water is good for you, but too much water/fluids can actually cause a type of poisoning in your body, NOT good, not deadly either (unless it persists for long periods) but NOT GOOD. 2- lowering your intake of food is NOT the best thing to do, when you decrease the amount of food going into your body, your body goes into something called starvation mode, what this is , is for example you normally have 3000 calories a day and you burn 2500 for example. but when your calorie intake goes is lowered to 1000 , your body goes into starvation mode and burns only 500 (not exact numbers, but this is why you feel VERY tired ) 3- drinking coffee on an empty stomach causes ulcers and heartburn, not a pleasant thing. 4- eating after long periods of not eating (especially if you eat suddenly ) causes stomach pains , eventual ulcers, and even stomach cramps (think of it as a muscle that you suddenly exercise rapidly without a warm up) so even if you DO not eat all day and just eat at dinner, make sure your meal takes you a LOOONG time to eat. 5- drinking coffee and tea are NOT a good idea since they generally lower the Proper intake of food into your body which is actually one of the reasons for a fat body ( yes, if your body DOESN"T intake minerals and food properly, it can get you fat, surprise isn't it?) ------------------------ Now the BEST diet , or rather the best way to lose weight WITHOUT destroying your muscles and your body (yes , some of the weight you lose with wrong diets IS because of your muscles slacking.) here it is: ~exercise : make sure you do the equivilant of walking for 1.5 hours daily (running = shorter time...etc) , you can do more if you want. ~Food: Eat three meals a day , only eat healthy and smart, `for breakfast have fruits since they give you energy (sugar) and they fill your stomach without really giving you any fat. ` lunch : don't eat lunch, it's not required really, unless you didn't eat a good breakfast. `For dinner, eat WHATEVER you want, HOWEVER you must eat a HUGE bowl of salad first to fill up your stomach with veggies, the theory behind this is, if for example you have a huge piece of meat for dinner daily, you'll only want a quarter of it after you eat all the salad. NO DESERT. `For supper : (and this is VERY important since your stomach is empty ALL night if you don't eat referring to the sudden muscle thing) eat veggies , fruits, OR a small amount of yoghurt or cheese ------------------ You always DO need fat in your diet, just NOT too much. stick to this for one week to see the difference. not only will you lose weight but: 1- you won't be craving certain foods (except deserts ) because you ARE allowed to eat them. 2- you'll be healthy because you aren't starving yourself 3- your muscle tone will be enhanced while you're losing weight. 4-it's fast If you DON"T do the exercise, you should get the same results, it will just take a waaay longer time. if you follow this diet, i assure you , you'll be losing noticeable weight after one week. that's all folks (damn that was alot to type)
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