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Elazul Yagami

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Everything posted by Elazul Yagami

  1. ifilm also has it -------------------------- best part: triumph: a jackson look alike! *walks over* you a fan of micheal? fan: *starts singing you are not alone in the exact same voice, mind you he looked flockING similar to Micheal* triumph: cool cool, can you do micheal jackson dancing? *fan does the moonwalk* triumph: now do micheal jackson jacking off to home alone 2
  2. i thought there already were documents that at least cheny wanted to attack iraq pre 9-11
  3. nintendo didn't start console gaming retard, History lesson time for the kiddies on January 27, 1972, Magnavox launched the Odyssey video game console. also in the 70's and early 80's we see atari, coleco, fairchild and rca systems aplenty. it wasn't untill 1983 that the Famicon was released in Japan. and 1986 until it was widely released in the USA as the NES. hot on it's heals was the Sega Master system. this is considered the 4th generation of consoles. from that point on the big N has been beat to market by it's competitors with every new generation release. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> actually you missed an important point: 1- while the nes didn't start teh console scene, it saved videogaming from the big gaming crash of the early 80's AND it singlehandedly launched the CURRENT console scene as it is.
  4. no, but rather a really kempt martial artist
  5. eh, then why not north korea? why not a ZILLION other dictators in the world?
  6. ok you have a point, but disregarding my second post, the first post news IS in fact legit according to several sources edit: but actually, so what if it's from tehran times? the way i see it, in tehran they can say " news from The us times, isn't news" it's kinda like when everyone was applauding "elgazeera" and then suddenly, when a riff happened between them and bush, Elgazzeera became an " unreliable , news source" bleh, just my two cents.
  7. Due to Sultan's insight, Take the information in this post in whichever way you deem, because according to him , the news ISN"T accurate, and honestly, i can't prove otherwise, however the first post news IS confirmed More bullcrap: Ex-US Marine Says Public Version of Saddams Capture Was Faked wasn't this at the point where bush was slipping in the polls and needed something to get him back up? And to cover his ass: US Trucks Transporting Radioactive Materials into Iraq
  8. short Article summary: What the GOD DAMN flock , are they still doing as president and prime minister then?
  9. A good friend of mine is working on making a boot cd, and he needs some suggestions for what other tools would be needed. currently : (cut paste of his post) so what programs do you suggest he should add (or what type of programs should he add) keep in mind, he wants to be able to legally distrubute this for free, so the programs added should be freeware (or shareware) however if you know a program that's not free, but is VERY good, list it and we'll look for the closest alternative. thanks. Edit: I do realize there are already several "live cd" or ultimate boot cd's floating around the net, but most of them are os specific and most of them DON"T allow you to install an os. with this cd, you can use it to install ANYTHING
  10. I actually agree with that and more. think about it this way when you watch a movie, you don't imagine ANYTHING. when you listen to a audio book , you imagine what the voice is trying to imply. when you read a book, you imagine everything except what's being told to you. when you just sit down and imagine an adventure, you imagine EVERYTHING.
  11. hate to agree with the doorstop , but it does look more like eiji
  12. ~Fluently: English Arabic ~Pretty much forgot: German (used to be perfectly fluent, can still remember the grammar and how to pronounce, cannot remember vocab) ~Totally Forgot: French (i used to be perfectly fluent in this too) ~ Don't Count C++ Html
  13. because is says " Seit " which means Woman in egyptain and some other dialects of arabic. if it was store/market it would be " mahal " or " souk" no it depends, this way army basically would mean " this is the way to the army" however it could also mean " This is the army " which means" this is the way an army should mean " technically.. it could also mean , someone who's just not good at anything, but the best translation would be failure. it's a quirk in translating.
  14. at one point i was staying in oklahoma and decided it was time to start somewhere else since i was getting no where in oklahoma... for reasons i can't state i decided to go to pennsylvania, with no EXACT place to go , i figured i'd manage once i got there.... while driving across the country i crashed and totalled my car (due to black ice AUGH!) in tennessee (sp?) at a one street town called kingsville or something like it, about 60 miles away from knoxville. i was totally alone, there was no body i knew for HUNDREDS of miles around... eventually i called the local mosque, and they sent me some guys to come help me, and they eventually arrived and i stayed at this egyptain guy's house for free for about a few weeks until i managed to buy another car and hit the road (at that point i was in knoxville), i had a bunch of crap stored in my totalled car at this guy's garage (this guy knew i was going to get the stuff out of the car) so when i went the night before i travelled to get the stuff out of my OWN car, i got arrested at gunpoint (long story that i'll only state if you really want to know) after they realized the mistake, and uncuffed me and the guy that was with me, a day or two later i hit the road, except before i left i hadta change the tire cause it got flat, and the guy put the bolts on wrong. so while i'm driving through the first major snowstorm of the season, the tire starts flocking up , and eventually my a/c and tape player wires get flocked (the wheel had ruined the lining and crap) and a few hours later i realized my tire was like a few miles away from exploding on me, so i got it changed, managed to get to where i was planning on going, spent the night alone coughing and wheezing (i had a cold before i travelled and the snow storm didn't help) woke up coughing blood, then a whole bunch of crap happened.... yeah it was an adventure.
  15. Wrong, it Says CURRENCY EXCHANGE which is DIFFERENT than a bank. it's says " Khayban Fakeer" means Poor Failure. the one on the left is " store for poisonous foods" the one on the right is " woman without work" it's not really talking about Any stores (nothing implied) but the translation is the opposite , cheap sometimes , always expensive the middle says DANGER the left says " Silly War" or actually " War Silly" the near the door one isn't clear it could say " keddah geish" which means " this way army" or "kareeh geish" which means, hated army true, but that's common practise because there is no direct word in arabic for Supermarkets , market in arabic means " sook" and store means " mahal" while super also has no direct meaning. actually it says three things (top to bottom) As3ad yamrod (as3ad is a name) = As3od is getting sick (btw, 3 is used to denote a sound that cannot be pronounced in english) 3andy Eshal = I have Diarrhea Awreed Dawak = I want Medicine.
  16. i have a paper due tommorrow, and i desperately need to know if anyone here knows where to find sources on what algorithms linux (or any other operating system ) uses to for dead lock, memory management , multithreading and file system?
  17. http://www.insertcredit.com/features/beads/
  18. I vow to download EVERY movie and mp3 track i can find ESPECIALLY to piss them off (and yes , that includes downloading all 200 thousand remixes of....i need a breath before i say this disgusting name.... 50.... cent.... tracks.)
  19. Happy Blated Birthday to Everyone who's birthday i missed (especially gryph) but i've been quite sick lately.
  20. it just occured to me since you're in the gaming industry, wouldn't you get in trouble for being on an emulation site?
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