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Elazul Yagami

1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Elazul Yagami

  1. modelling....well that would explain why you look fruitier than ever! glad to have you back mate.
  2. china nuke planes with the upgrade are just silly.... i can't remember how many games i owned full scale invasions on me with 12 planes or so.... tooo tooo powerful.
  3. Those are the same thing. uh, i meant to say that!
  4. see, that's the thing... why does science hafta go against religion? maybe i don't see the problem, cause i think like ahmad89 does, for example, intelligent design vs evolution... why can't it be both? i mean a day on different planets has different lenghts, so if god created heaven and earth in 6 or 7 days, maybe it's god days, which means millions and millions of years or so.
  5. 1 du|\||\|0 \/\/h475 5c4rr13r, 7h47 1 r34d 7h47 45 3415ly 45 pr0p3r 3|\|gl15h 0r 7h47 1 k|\|0\/\/ h0\/\/ 70 r35p0|\|d b4ck 1|\| 4 \/\/0r53 f0r/\/\
  6. it's natural, it's a new phase in your life. i was afraid when i came to start college now that i'm graduating this semester (if i don't fail any classes) i'm scared that i'm not GOING to be in college. the unknown is a scary place my friend.
  7. shoma it's not really that complicated my friend in your instance it's ok, because you're making (ir)regular updates to your story, so updating your thread even with a "chapter released" is fine. you're adding something worth while. however, it's not fine for someone to revive a year old thread for example with a response like " i agree" cause it's pointless
  8. wait wait wait.... so you're complaining because the mods go through your posts and clean up your grammer mistakes?!?! so they're doing YOUR work and you're complaining? personally, i perfer grammer to be as proper as possible, the occasional typo is ok, as long as the context is understood, but when it starts looking like i rely wnt 2 no how 2 kil stuf. then you should start getting BANNED, not complain that the mods are cleaning it up!
  9. i'm actually specializing in games (abeit more programming than designing) don't hesitate to ask me any questions, but keep in mind, it's flocking hard at first..
  10. England will rape you. unis there are flocking hard regardless, i suggest you try to read up about it before you go, because most unis there assume you already understand the subject matter (i.e it's largely self study)
  11. excitement for our mudane lives? who the flock does this biatch think she is, the only excitment she gives anyone is either an anger fit at the sight of her ass, or an erection at the sight of her ass
  12. um, there are other ways to play zero hour online, other than having an official copy you know... but yeah, maybe when you're settled down
  13. honestly, even if a topic is years old, what's the big deal? i mean naturally, if you don't revive an old topic about something you wanna say, you'll make a NEW topic on the same topic, so what's the harm really?
  14. trust me, if done properly, it'd work, especially since you're concentrating your finances on defences and power (and the tech building thing is silly really) anywho wanna play? i'm always looking for a good challenge.
  15. happy blateds to shoma, agozer and anyone else i missed
  16. Elazul makes good points about playing GLA- I've never used them seriously. Still remember though that the Generals themselves are insanely imbalanced and the GLA really got the short end of the stick. As mentioned they have to capitalise on the early game, but I don't think they have the ability even then to offset their staggering later weaknesses. In short don't feel too bad about that loss. Not unless you know how to use them properly, their scorpion tanks for example... 8 scorpion tanks cost as much as an upgraded overlord tank, and CAN destroy the overlord and still have a few of them left their Quads are cheap and more or less can RAPE airplanes, their battle busses filled with rocketmen... TOTAL OWNAGE. their toxin promotion can clear the way well for a sneak attack. their rebel ambush can be used to clear hard to reach garrisoned buildings (if toxin) steal buildings sneakily (if stealth or normal gla with upgrade) and destory alot of units and/or buildings (if demolition) the gla are incredibly powerful, it just depends on how you use them.
  17. the reason Superweapon kicked your ass would be one of two: 1- map built where the only enterance to his base was a narrow choke point 2- you took too much time Dr.Thrax is formidable, not as strong perhaps as normal gla or Demolition, But toxin is still Gla, Gla are rushers, they have a bad late game, but a very good early game considering their tunnels and their cheap units... first of all, are you playing 10,000 or 50,000 cause strategies differ greatly... regardless, if you're playing against superweapon i wouldn't bother much with defences because a superweapon player usually uses aurora bombers mroe than normal units (and your normal units can rape superweapons ground or air forces) if you're playing 10,000 then you need to cripple his economy early, you can do this easily with gla (faster access to a war factor) by: queue 2 workers by pressing "k" twice on the loading screen first work build a supply place the second worker next to where you want to build the arms dealer third worker send near opponents base when supply done, build arms dealer send first worker to build barracks when arms dealer done build 2-3 quads when barracks done build tunnel in your base, and have the worker near the enemy base build a tunnel (btw, seliing your Command center is optional) (queue two workers in the supply when you have the money for it, and send one or two of your workers to the supply) now, here's the thing, if your tunnels are done before your two quads are done, send them and the rocket men spanned from the tunnel into the tunnel, and come out next to his base, and try to hit his supply doc,power and dozers (and whatever else you can get really), once his economy is crippled, he's over (and it'll usually be crippled cause he'll have built up defences instead of units) now if you're playing 50,000 or 75,000 it gets fun... REALLY fun. queue 9 workers by pressing k 9 times on the loading screen first worker, builds supply second builds barracks (optional) third goes near opponent base rest of the workers place them where you want to build your arms dealers once supply done, build 5-6 arms dealers, queue 9 workers in the supply (optional) once barracks done build tunnel (you should build these anyway) once arms dealer done, queue one radar van, build palace, queue quads in all arms dealers (except one you could queue for scorpions, but i perfer quads) once first batch of quads is complete, hotkey them to a numeral (say 1) and head to opponent base (through tunnel or physically) everytime you hear that some quads are done, add them to the hotkey by pressing 1 then e twice and hotkeying 1 again. flood his base. btw, in both plans you should consider building up the rest of your base while attacking when you have the money for it. General plans for playing with thrax: more or less the same, unless you're playing against infantry, which in that case, tunnels and toxin troopers are your best friends alone with a few scorpions (toxin more or less RAPES infantry) just need to realize which units are best for which maps, that's all. but toxin IS powerful.
  18. the thing is the lack of defences makes it almost impossible to turtle, and no superweapons with defences allows exactly what you do, turtle your base up and makes it almost impeneratble, so the best way to balance it, is no superweapons and no defences. btw, there's a very simple way to defeat your strategy, in fact your strategy only works if you're playing against an idiot or something.... all i need to do, is build more units (than you) while you're building defences.... then all i really hafta do is make enough of my units reach your power, drop it, and you're finished (usually before you get the chance to build aurora bombers, and even if you do considering the airport is easily destroyed) Gla, Airforce, or china tank would OBLITERATE your strategy. and that's assuming you're playing 50,000 now if you're playing 10,000 get ready to get RAPED. as all i would need to do, is send a few rocket men and a few quads (or tanks, or whatever combination really) get them to your power and/or supply dock, and bye bye you.
  19. That's the only damn reason i want to play WoW, but i can't afford the subscription crap.. 15 bucks a month is kinda stupid to me. anywho, any C&C game you can hold back a rusher if you're experienced enough.... you gotta be creative with the rushes.... for example, me and my friends, we play c&C generals: zero hour with the following rules: no super weapons No defences random armies. so one game, i get airforce gen, and everyone is building up quads to defend against my commanche rush, so i prepare my commanche rush, and at the same time build some humvees and attack with both as well as a few stealth fighters and raptors.... they were prepared for an airal invasion, not a ground one, so they got pounded, since my humvees helped destroy their quads.
  20. one of the funniest vids ever" http://youtube.com/watch?v=XiFrfeJ8dKM&amp...ted&search=
  21. honestly, i believe the global powers have their panties in a bunch because a communist country, is on it's way to being freaking powerful. so yeaaaah.
  22. the last superhero movie i enjoyed, and i know most people are going to smack me for this.... other than the original batmans, the original punisher. yes, i loved that 80's version of the punisher... even though i acknowledge that alot of it sucked, alot of it still ruled, at least they had the atmosphere right.
  23. yeah, Wc3 ran on my system pretty flocking amazingly, back when my system more or less sucked (comparatively)
  24. let him be. we're lucky someone as stupid as he is, is leading this thing... we're in trouble if someone with an actual personality decides to take up his cause ( someone with the charisma of tony blair pre iraq war for example) actually, i wonder if gates legal teams will bury thompson.
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