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  1. Hmm. I see, so just so im on the same page. An encrypted Romset version of the game is different from a CHD? or somewhat similar to it? Also, I find it odd my street fighter alpha 3 that plays fine in an emulator like Nebula also asks for a CHD. thanks again, I guess Ill have to find the encrypted versions of these games.
  2. Hello all, it's been awhile since I posted here; many years have past. ( is Agozer still around/ he/she'd always helps me with emulation troubles) Well on to my question. Ive recently started using MAME, back in the day I had gotten emulators that could play the newer games that i wanted, but i cant seem to remember how to do all that.; So Im trying out MAME. MAME recognizes the roms of the newer games but yes it says it needs a CHD to play. I remember in the past I played certain games on Mame without the need for anything called a CHD, but apparently now you do need it. My question is, is it possible for me to create one from the game rom? or is there some way I can find this info within the Rom I have? Ive been searching the web but haven't come across any sort of place that has my games. Games:samsho V, kof 2k3,kof2k2, SVC Chaos. if any info is not allowed to be put here Could someone Pm me the method of creating it? I dont think all CHDs are available for the games i want to play. Maybe im not searching well enough. Thanks in advance.
  3. hmnx..wellz see. all those settings were already set before. and also for the other computer. and it still messes up. So im guessing it has something to do with the video card..-_-u
  4. thnx much bro
  5. on my older computer p3 etc..the neo rage plays the kof2003 perfectly no troubles or nothing. but i put the same file on my newer computer, and the kof wount play correctly. it messes up, some things wount show. im wondering if im usuing a troublesome version of the emulator( i believe its the same one on the old computer ) or...w/e the case may be.... if anyone knows, just give a few tips please..thnx ^^
  6. oh waw..nvm..thanx agozer..it works fine i patched it up, now i got the other bosses, thnx
  7. oh no no, lol thnx but, i have the one with all the bosses..but.. u dont get shin akuma or the sooped up mr. karate.. the last last bosses.. i was wondering if u can play as those two? and yeah svc
  8. ah well..thats too bad i guess...but damn.. i must be out of date to not know it was out for that long...i heard about it but i thought it was just some rumor.. oh and btw...does anyone know if there is a cheat to play as shin akuma and mr karate?( the god one)
  9. hmnx... just a follow up..how come it will "never" have net play?..did the developers quit or something?
  10. ah sou desu ka..coolz..thnx alot man...ill see, so it doesnt use that much power?..
  11. oi oi dang..i havnt posted in a while now...anywhoo...i just wanted to ask..does neoragex have netplay..if so can i knoe of a emulator that does have netplay but uses low cpu power?..thnx guys...lol sumthing tells me agozer is gonna reply fast..
  12. The P1 roms is not NRX compliant. Either there's protection/bankswitching whatever, or it's borked. If you want tackle the issue yourself, you'd better know how to handle a hex editor and how the data is laid out in the rom. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmn..well aint that juss great,..u woulnt believe.. i got the games, (new ones/different ones) and put it in the folder..and...they all...work.. i guess fate just deals me the bad card of giving me the screwed up rom sets 1st...aha..thnx for all the help once again everyone.
  13. What's wrong about the p1 rom?.. maybe i could play around wit it..or sumthing?.....:/ and find a solution..
  14. Yes. Play it in EGCG NeoRAGEx. Check my primary site. The red screen comes up because the protection is still present in the P1 rom. You need a P1 rom that works with NRX and has the protection removed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ummm I got that emulator and stuff, but with the kof 2k3, it doesnt show up, and my svc gives me sum message saying" cant load roms"..or sumthing like htat... uughh.. how troublesome..lol like could i bugg u guys once again..for more help how i can get this running.. i got the red screen on my nebula once..but for sum reason i cant see mto remember how i got that... atleast it was better than nothing...( that hope of it...almost...working)
  15. Just a quick question about neoragex. has anyone successfuly played kof 2k3 on this emulator? and if so could u juss give me the low down on how to set it up. ive tried earlier on, but always just showed me a red screen ". if its not troubleosme or restricted, could sumone help me out?..thnx..
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