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Everything posted by justin_k

  1. Works great If anyone here needs a good freewave hex editor to do this for thier xbe's try HHD Hex Editor, the line to edit is near the top of the screen, quick and painless.
  2. doh! right after I spend about an hour manually extracting all my CPS1/2/Neogeo roms from my gigantic rom directory hehe Thanks for the tip, gonna try out the hexedit right now.
  3. the.ini rom directory has nothing to do with it. I have two seperate instances of kawa-x running, one with the full regular romset and another with the "banned" roms. Whenever you generate a romlist for one of the versions, it overwrites the old romset data (romset.dat saved in the TDATA dir). And Im sure the source isnt required to make a titleid change. Was just asking if its possible to change the titleid using a hex editor or something similar
  4. Yea the romscan for Kawa-X SE takes less than a second cause theres only a few roms (those are the only roms I have in a seperate folder), but the rest of my MAME, CPS1/2, NES, Genesis, SNES, blah blah etc are in one shared common rom directory. And to clarify Im not asking how to change the name of the game shown on the dashboard, Im asking how to change the internal titleid which determines the directory in which files are saved. For Kawa-x its '0000FA7E'
  5. Is it possible to change internal titleid of kawa-x xbe? The titleid I am referring to is stored within the default.xbe file and determines what directory settings are saved under in the E:\UDATA directory. The problem I am having is running Kawa-X and Kawa-X SE on the same xbox. When you start Kawa-X and do a rom scan for Kawa to display all available romsets it generates the data and saves it under E:\UDATA\0000FA7E\. When you switch to Kawa-X SE you must again rebuild the romsets as it loads the previos rom data from 0000FA7E and overwrites it with the hacked roms (Kawa-X SE) romlist. Ive got all my roms in a single directory so I can share them between the various xbox emulators and it takes FOREVER to validate the neogeo romset. I was wondering if it were at all possible to change the titleid of either Kawa-x.xbe so that I could maintain seperate savedata/romlists for each emulator without rescanning everytime I switch emulators. So far, I've been able to view the internal titleid's within the xbe using dexbe from Dextrose but as far as I can tell, it will not let you make any actual changes to the xbe data itself. Are there any XBE editors out there that will do this?
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