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About SpyderX

  • Birthday 07/25/1984

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  • Location
    Sydney, Australia

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. happy birthday friend.

  2. damn that sux but i would do the same
  3. let atomiswave come out properly first then get it emulated, this is seriously a gay thread
  4. just do what prican 25 said
  5. good luck mate, assasinate her crazy husband
  6. yeh basically man go up to ur friend and tell him if he has a problem with it. Then its up to you what u do from there, meaning write another thread saying "He said No, What do i do" but seriously if he says No and you two ar good friends then you shouldnt man. Only one condition can get passed his No and that is if you and her see each other 2gether forever (thats scary). Thats my 2 cents
  7. 20 Sydney, Australia and from an Half Egyptian/Argentian background
  8. i've seen worse your okay
  9. James is a legend
  10. Where have you seen James before? Over at A&H? yep
  11. wat is slackware
  12. word of forum is the best thanx for all your advice guys expecially k Dash
  13. you can never get rid of spyware if you download pirate software from p2p
  14. forget it man, u need to take a course to do 3d animation
  15. the sp2 popup blocker rules
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