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Everything posted by DreamCastLover

  1. Yeah I think they suck pretty much but the one song "slim anus" where they make fun of eminem is excellent and made me laugh a lot
  2. yes here are the odds for today NTL find out quick and ban emsley again 10:1 emsely gets away with it until he quits using dialup 5:1 NTL send hitmen to emsley's house 2:1 emsley meets Bill gates, they get married and make Xbox a success in Japan 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000½:1
  3. New Nokia handheld to compete with the GBA Bigger pic Games will come on memory cards so they won't be downloadable it looks like I think this is pretty cool news. The GBA needs a real competitor because Nintendo has owned this market for way too long. It would be cool if this new handheld had net or area play. Man that would rock so much!!!!! I might still get a GP32 when they come out in the UK at the end of this year though. What do you all think about the nokia?
  4. Hey I believe that there is life other than what we have here on our planet. I mean the universe is HUGE, we can't be the only living organisms in such a massive expanse. I don't think aliens would be revealed on a site like this though Most people who claim to have seen aliens are just liars and drunks. There are very few accounts that I actually believe.
  5. I did a whois too. I guess it could be the owner of godaddy.com that registered it? Anyway I like a good conspiracy theory. It is something to talk about (and make fun of)
  6. It is the IDSA as far as I know. They are trying to do a major close down of all the rom sites before the holiday period. They might as well give up. As soon as they shut them down another 10 pop up
  7. The crap thing is that I KNOW I will be checking this out on march 3rd next year to see what it is. If it is some crappy publicity stunt for a movie or crap then I hope the government do find him and kill him heh. If it is real then I will have some sex with my gf, hug my mum and dad, then go play some streetfighter...ah what a way to die
  8. I think most people like playing old 2d games is because of nostalgia (like me ) I think as long as gameplay is still always the main objective when making a game, then it will be fun. 3D + great gameplay = the best IMO. I agree what ME! says about realism though. I don't necessarily want 100% realism in my games. That is why a lot of people hated Shenmue. I mean the fighting and adventuring is fun but going around buying food, feeding your pet cat, doing a job etc is really boring! I prefer for my games to stay unrealistic. It is nice to play a game and get away from some crap in your life (which is why so many people LOVE rpgs)
  9. This one seems pretty far along. Probably worth a download
  10. Check out this place What do you guys think? Some guy trying to get hits or something more sinister?
  11. Totally. What a really shabby way to treat your customers. The campaign starts here! NOBODY USE NTL OR AOL
  12. This is shots of commercial games running on a DC emulator for the PC called Icarus. It is early days but this got me excited so I had to post it Screenies
  13. I maybe see an hour of TV a day if I am lucky now. I love watching stuff like the simpsons, futurama, frasier, seinfeld, league of gentlemen, the office. Mostly US sitcoms and alternative British comedy. I hate all the soap operas, talk shows, DIY shows that have taken over the TV schedules now. The good thing in the UK is that we don't have as many commercials as the USA. I mean 3 commercial breaks in a 30 minute show is crazy!!!! You guys however probably don't have to pay for a damn license to watch TV! It is like some guy saying "well hey dude, if you want to buy GTA:Vice City then you must also buy barbies gay adventures too". So damn stupid. Sort it out TOny Blair you big nob.
  14. I think I said it before but you should use blueyonder. They never give me any problems. I can stay connected for 8hours+ on dialup without disconnection. NTL sound crap and I would dump them as soon as you can. Its up to them if they want to lose your custom (idiots) PS what exactly did you to to abuse the contract? stay online too long? look at too much pr0n?
  15. More Screenshots. Man this game is just so damn beautiful.
  16. I like the new setting, so I will try it out for a while.
  17. Well because the Dreamcast is restricted by it's memory. On any emulator on the DC the game is loaded into memory. So even though the emulator could easily play the biggest ROMs, the Dreamcast can't run them because of the memory restriction. Since it's emulation and not an actual port (programmed to use the DC hardware and not the hardware of the emulated machine) of the game, we get restricted eg The DC has 16Mb of RAM. The emulator takes up 9Mb of RAM, so that leaves you with 7Mb left to load your roms into memory. I think it would be possible to add extra RAM to the DC though, I am just not sure that it would be worth it. The Xbox will probably be the best bet for Neo Geo and Arcade emulation because it has an 8GB HD (much faster access than a CD) and also 64Mb of RAM
  18. This should probably be in current affairs Anyway, I still have a lot of embarrassing bed linen. I think I even have a postman pat pillow If anyone doesn't know who postman pat is, just trust me, its the most embarrassing thing ever. I only use the embarrassing stuff when I am too lazy to wash the decent ones. When my gf is over I ALWAYS use the good looking bed duvet and pillows
  19. I have dialup and I still like newgrounds when I have (a lot) of free time heh. You all have to check out Paper Wars if you haven't already. Genius
  20. If I use Flashget, then I was able to use emuchina fine. If I used any other download manager or just "saved" then it wouldn't work.
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