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Everything posted by TempesT

  1. Draconika seems to hate hotlinking.
  2. I remember playing Battlefield 1942 a few years ago. That game was super fun, if anything at all. Definitely accessible as well.
  3. Ok, since I need some practice, I will take any of your guys' requests for sigs. There are a few guidelines I'd like you guys to follow before making a request: Image you want(please provide a high quality render or stock image, or I reserve the right to deny or ask you to pick something else): Size(in pixels): Text: Extras: Also, try not to flood me with requests, if you see someone requesting ahead of you, then wait your turn before requesting, NOTE THE SLOTS: image sites http://planetrenders.net http://ajax.sagubooru.com/(don't use Mature images LOL) CURRENT SLOT: Drakeypoo PICKUPS: NONE
  4. Interesting how it has the word lowres in the filename
  5. Not going to ink and scan that one I showed you?
  6. http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f323/SujoBlue/IMGP1045.jpg Plz and thnx
  7. Song: 眠れぬ夜に (Sleepless nights) Artist: Rina Aiuchi Album: PARTY TIME PARTY UP / 眠れぬ夜に [限定盤]
  8. Sorry for teh bumpage, but I thought it would be easier just to post a link to my dA page http://keytothestorm.deviantart.com/
  9. OMG!!! SCAN THESE!!! PLEASE!! I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER!!! I so badly want to color one of these >.<
  10. Yes... I obviously like taking requests :I Sorry, I'm not taking any requests, at least, not right now. I have a few to fill @ HiEnGFX first, then maybe. Anyhow, new sig!!
  11. Graphics. That should be self explanatory. He didn't say coloring or drawing.
  12. It may as well be, since most indie rock is, by definition, much better than any mainstream rock, or music in general.
  13. Song: Can You Feel It? Artist: The Apples In Stereo Album: New Magnetic Wonder
  14. Song: Dear Father Artist: Sum 41 Album: Underclass Hero
  15. I like the smell of Gasoline.
  16. Song: It's Not Over Yet Artist: Klaxons Album: Myths Of The Near Future
  17. I think it's better just to set up the match beforehand than to actually go in looking for a fight. But iunno, I've grown out of the active online gaming scene, so that might just be me.
  18. Something nu Flame is all from scratch, more info and full size on it's dA page. http://keytothestorm.deviantart.com/art/HiEnGFX-78468062
  19. nfba runs it better though.
  20. Song: 7/4 (Shoreline) Artist: Broken Social Scene Album: Broken Social Scene
  21. You aren't missing out on much.
  22. SIMPSONS!! and ONLY Simpsons.
  23. Actually, there are some GBA releases called "Gyakuten Saiban", but they are Japanese only, and I'm not too keen on the existence of an english patch for them. And they are INCREDIBLY fun. Definitely check them out on no$gba if you don't have a NDS.
  24. Anyone play Street Fighter 3: Third Strike on Neo Final Burn Alpha? I would love to challenge someone from this site to a game or 2.
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