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Everything posted by emwearz

  1. Buddy Holly - That'll Be The Day
  2. SkyHooks - You Just Like Me 'Coz Im Good In Bed
  3. Yep, annoys the hell out of me.
  4. I take public transit around, my wang is massive.
  5. Johnny Cash - Cry, Cry, Cry It may be my fav Cash song.
  6. Yea I tested it the other day, no saving kinda of sucks. The wiimote is kinda glitchy in it, like if you go off the screen it really stuffs up.
  7. From Little Things Big Things Grow - Paul Kelly.
  8. Im a massive Indiana Jones fan, I have had a Fate Of Atlantis poster in our back room for like 10 years, love it to bits. Number 4 is the biggest piece of crap I have every seen, I felt like I had been raped. Did Gecensor boy forget which movie he was working on or something?
  9. Johnny Cash - Get Rhythm The mans music never grows old.
  10. Just like porn aint gonna increase your rate of sex, violent games aint gonna increase the likelihood of you gunning down your neighbor for not paying you this weeks protection money.
  11. 50 bucks is pretty much the standard price you pay for most games, if you go to a shopping center, one place will pretty much always have it 'on sale' for the 50 dollar mark.
  12. When did you buy it? (Wondering as Harvey Normans last catalouge has it advertised for $49) Only utter tossers pay RRP for video games.
  13. Cant recall it was in Japanese, there could have been. Pop has a online scoreboard, it doesn't make the game any more entertaining.
  14. I have played it, its the same old Dr Mario you have played a million times, just this time there is a new, zoomed in mode where you can control via the wiimote, pointing styles.
  15. Lost Winds is the best game on Wiiware, however its too short, you can complete it in a couple of hours (Yea I know a Sequal is on the way) but you can put hours into FFCC MLAAK without even noticing the time fly bay, its a good and addicting game. The rest of the current WiiWare titles are pretty usless and not really worth the money asked for them.
  16. Johnny Cash - Cocaine Blues
  17. The games awesome (No one ask how I have it on a PAL Wii, I know its not out, shhh!) Its pretty much a sim game mixed with a RPG that you dont actually do the fighting in. Awesome game none the less.
  18. How very Aussie. Fosters is crap beer, VB / Carlton is my poison.
  19. But there will be no future releases, while I can see why you want to buy it, I would recommend not wasting your money. Buy yourself a Blu-Ray drive your computer, the cheapest way to watch true HD movies.
  20. It kind of looks like a router. 16bit graphics....I kinda want one.
  21. Snes gets my vote, the RPG's on the system pretty much make it the greatest system of all time.
  22. But its missing features.
  23. The Basketball Diaries I like Leo when he was younger (Whats Eating Gilbert Grape, The Basketball Diaries, This Boys Life) then I disliked pretty much every movie he made up until recently where his movies have been great since he started teaming up with Martin Scorsese, this is most likely his best pre-Scorsese era film, at least to me.
  24. KIDS Have not watched it for a couple of years, awesome movie.
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