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Everything posted by emwearz

  1. svpe on #wiidev released a USB Mass storage device demo yesterday which lists files and folders on external USB devices. This is something that would be hugely beneficial to the Wii Scene especially with Nintendo's reluctance to release any kind of official USB device for the Wii. The demo is still in the early stages so no download link is available but the source code has been posted on the WiiBrew wiki so if you fancy having a mess around with it then you can. Source: http://wii.ds-scene.net/ Svens Blog: http://svenpeter.blogspot.com/ If the Wii got external HDD support via USB, that would just be utterly awesome.
  2. People been stealing games since games were created, whats the big deal?
  3. It has been on the Wii for a couple of weeks, but the main reason to have it on the Wii (The Wiimote), is now supported. Only console worth playing it on (The DS works as well). Amazing work. Monkey Island will never die.
  4. I would much prefer is someone I was dating did not smoke, but im not about to destroy the chance of a relationship because they smoke. Its there choice.
  5. The Panic In Needle Park Al Pacino is in it, nuff said.
  6. It can with homebrew, but its suggested that you don't as the Wii's laser is apparently not designed for constant used or something. Look up "Team Symbiote" for more info.
  7. haha thats rich coming from you.
  8. lol Microsoft and there Xbox seem to get more and more pathetic every day, the original Xbox is probably the single worst decision I made in my gaming life.
  9. I have always hate Conan, his show is so utterly boring to me (So is Jay Leno's). Letterman for life!
  10. It also utterly killed the online aspect of the game. Also if anyone wants to have a race (or a fight in smash bros) feel free to drop me a PM, it will be on...LIKE DONKEY KONG BIAATTCCHHH!!
  11. Dont PM people asking them to join your forum, flocking rude / annoying.
  12. The Secret Of Monkey Island The greatest then, the greatest now, its the perfect game. (Adventure gamers know what im talking about).
  13. Thats awesome, Nintendo Slim anyone. I want one.
  14. They dont have many 'great and in depth' rpgs, some may not consider these RPGS. . The Two Zelda Games . Hybrid Heaven . Quest 64 . Paper Mario . Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon . The First Mage: Aidyn Chronicles . Harvest Moon 64 . Shadowgate 64: Trials of the Four Towers
  15. Looks utterly shocking.
  16. 1440X900, its my WS LCD's native res.
  17. I found Mario Kart 64 the best in the series, but to me thats because of the memories I have with it. I think the reason most people like the original best is because its the game that holds all there cherished "Mario Kart Goodness Memories" (There real you know).
  18. Its a quality games, and thats for sure. Had some friends over the other day and we played it for a good solid few hours, then two of them left and me and my mate both played online (It features split screen online). Its a rad game, if your a Mario Kart fan, this games is the shiz. And no more snaking makes online fun again.
  19. While I really enjoyed Twilight Princess and OOT, They simply dont have the depth (In both engine and story) that the FF series are known for.
  20. I use PCSX2 quite often, but more for the fun of it / scene style testing, its fun. I mostly use them on my wii lately, exciting time for wii homebrew.
  21. It requites a SD Gekko, seeing how fast they got the snes emulator up and running with front SD support (Both saving and booting), I cant imagine it will be long before front SD loading is included. (Most likely through a third party).
  22. So its not just me (ahhh the joke had to be made). Even if it was real, I wouldn't touch it. Im not a big sega person and im really not a Dreamcast person. Though the design is pretty sexy.
  23. I always thought thats all they were. Cheers for the info though. Nothing overtly shocking though.
  24. Awesome news, yea its taking off. Interesting to see how Nintendo are going to try and combat it (in regards to the recent "VC Crack".) EDIT: Tried it out, it really doesnt work on anything other then Smash Bros, all my other games just go to a garbaged screen, though freeloader boots them up just fine. (Even tried the new 'PAL FIX' version and the problems still there.
  25. Then they would more then likely released cracked firmware updates, or something. Wouldn't surprise me to be honest. Once trucha hit the net, Wii hombrew has been rolling at a amazingly fast speed.
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