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Everything posted by emwearz

  1. Search And Destroy - The Stooges
  2. Watched The Untouchables last night... Side Note: Happy Brithday Bambi, hope you had a good one.
  3. It was so much weaker than the first two movies though.
  4. I wish I had his address, I would be over at his stealing his hardware fast as hell.
  5. Haha, yea. Got my names all jumbled up.
  6. I just watched both The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford and Gremlins 2, Jesse James is a pretty good movie, slow at times but fairly solid and very good acting by Casey Jackson. Gremlins 2 is utter crap compared to the first. (Though I had seen it before, my sister rented it out and thought I might as well give it a watching).
  7. @Fatal Rose, murder on the orient express, Point and Click Adventure Game, though not up to the classic that is .... (This is a easy one I know).
  8. @Disoblige, Shawshank is one of the greatest movies ever made, utter gold. 30 Days of Night on the other hand is nothing but average.
  9. Liberi Fatali (FFVIII, Best intro song ever used in any game...ever). Eyes On Me (FFVIII, Brings the strory of Squall and Rinoa flooding back). To Zanarkand (FFX, everytime I hear this I feel like playing the game over). The early Tony Hawk titles had some sweet tunes as well, but they all went downhill just as the games did with each new installment.
  10. Was utter crap, boring movie, crap acting. Harry Potter sucks the big one in this. Massive let down compared to the awesomeness that was the second movie, where the hell was Jill?
  11. Awesome, this will make picking up girls a lot easier for the homeless, good on google.
  12. Basically it allows you to unpack games, change code, repack them, then play them on the Wii.
  13. Reign over me is a really great movie, Sandler is best at his 'retarded' comedy, but Reign Over Me is just awesome all together, I didnt have anything negative to say about it at all, I have seen it a few times. One of the few movies that has made me shed a tear as well (When he talks about his family for the first time, and when he talks to his inlaws, both touching scenes). I just watched Miss Potter, which was fairly average, watched it because my younger sister rented it out.
  14. For the manhunt2 hack. http://gbatemp.net/index.php?amp;showtopic...t&p=1004951 This is a double edged sword, I can see future online games like Mario Kart and Smash Bros being crowded with people playing with hacked discs where the karts go 400X faster then normal or do 2000+ damage a punch. EDIT: Never mind seems reports are all ready in of people being able to cheat in Smash Bros.
  15. Source: http://www.aussie-nintendo.com/?v=news&p=22273
  16. The Misfits - Static Age (The Album, not just the song)
  17. Just started playing the original The Legend Of Zelda on my Wii (With the collectors edition disc) up to the 4th dungeon, man I forgot how much this game rocks.
  18. Good movie, Jodie Foster was amazing in it.
  19. The only games I own (Out of my 30 Odd titles) that can be played online is. . Madden 08 . Mario Strikers . Guitar Hero III There are something like 20 now, the next one I will be getting is Battalion Wars 2 which is one of the strongest online games. So is Medal Of Honor Heroes 2 which features 32 player online (A First for Wii) but there are no aussie servers so it will lag hard so I wont be getting it, and its just stupid how they removed the online features from the Australian release. Have to wait for Brawl and Mario Kart to get any worthwhile online games I think, as well as Monster Hunter 3.
  20. Not as badly as street fighter needs to die.
  21. I wouldnt be willing to do this even for a 4 gig DVD. Analysts are stupid.
  22. emu_kidid has released a MP3 player via Wii mode and unholyfire has released a port of SNES9X GX which runs in Wii's native mode. Big steps foward.
  23. I know what you mean, I can watch this bad boy once every few months (I generally watch it maybe once or twice a year) and it never stops being perfect.
  24. Nintendo will begin charging for certain elements of its online-enabled games in the future. Up to now, Nintendo has boasted quite strongly about its free Wi-Fi Connection service, but the company announced at the Game Developers Conference this week that it has plans to introduce a 'Pay And Play' service for some games. Nintendo project leader Takashi Aoyama explained that this new expansion will see the company begin "collecting fees for some services [that] will allow us to adapt flexibly." Users will be able to subscribe on a game-by-game basis, but no titles were mentioned and no pricing details were divulged. What was confirmed though is that a red icon reading 'Pay And Play' will be present in the place of the blue Wi-Fi Connection icon on game packaging - the original icon will only be used for games that are free to play. Source : Aussie-Nintendo.com - News I can understand if they are companys other then Nintendo in house games, but if they charge monthly rates for games like Animal Crossing Wii, Mario Kart ,etc. Its just not on, im a big Nintendo fan, but this goes against all that crap they were talking about 'casual' online. Every game they put a pay to play stick on better be able to have voice chat, communication via keyboard as well as some system other then the friend code system, because while lack of these features is tolerable on a free service, its not up to par if they want us to pay.
  25. Upscaling never looks all that much greater then the original, it just makes it look good at larger res's. 1080P is not really needed for games ATM as like none of them run at it natively. Nice chair.
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