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Everything posted by emwearz

  1. I really want to see this.
  2. It really was for me when I first played it, but not that long ago I played it on my friends Wii when I stayed the night, and I manged to finish it (Which I never could when I was younger and actually owned it on the NES) on my second time around using no jump portals. Most shooting games even on there hardest are fairly easy (and annoyingly short in most cases), I always find RPG's hard because im too lazy to spends ages training my characters other then the enemy's that are along the way, then you get to a boss and its a hassle to win, but I don't play many RPG's only ones that pull me in from the get go.
  3. You beat me to what I was going to say about the GameCube, and that was a fairly average console in terms of sales / game sales and Nintendo saw it through to the end, the Wii has all ready outsold what they did for the Gamecube in many country's and it would not surprise me if it had all ready made more cash then it. I cant see it effecting the Wii's lifespan in the slightest, its the best console they have had since the Snes, only a small amount of its users would be using this style of exploit (I would imagine) It wont harm it much. If people really wanted to play pirated games, im sure they have chips all ready.
  4. I dont think that a firmware update would help much, the games disc can not be altered with its data in it. I dont see a firmware update effecting this to be honest, I mean there updates cant stop chips, I don't see it stopping this. More news, twilight-hack-v0.1-alpha2 Released has been released you can now boot your own ELF files (though they have to be recompiled for the wii, and thus far only Pong and Tetris have (with Pong having no controls). Moving fast, awesome.
  5. Who says im staying? I dont mind 1Emu, it tends to talk more about gaming in general then emulators, and god knows i read / talk / type about emulation way to much for someone of my age / lifestyle.
  6. General Emulation and 1Emu becoming affiliated.
  7. Download the ELF here: http://www.auby.no/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page Wii homebrew finally taking off, cant wait for them to be able to boot it direct from the Wii's SD slot reader, thats gonna be sweet, only a matter of time.
  8. haha, the was one of the worst things I have ever seen. Whats with all the corny sound effects as well. This is going to suck more than Doom did.
  9. Not even slightly funny. I'm with MasterPhW, just some loser wanting attention.
  10. They now have it booting Pong via a SD GekKo using this exploit, showing that code can be launched without a chip. (Pong cant be played, etc, just launched)
  11. TapeWurm, what did you think of 30 Days Of Night? I really disliked it.
  12. This is why I voted for Howard, Rudd is the most useless sack of crap ever, his wife is the real leader of the country anyway.
  13. I read about this on tehskeen yesterday, tried it out myself. Good to see the first steps in the Wii homebrew scene. Tired of all these great projects not being able to use the Wii's full hardware. Looking forward to where this can lead to.
  14. Vista is fairly hit and miss with the VM build of PCSX2 (Some people never have issues, some people have a world of problems) it also slows things down by 1-3 frames in most cases. (However if you have a DX10 card, using GSDX with DX10 gives speed boosts in some places and has compatibly fixes not found when using DX9).
  15. My 50inch Panasonic Widescreen 1080i Plasma, my 22inch CRT in my room both have the option to switch between the two NTSC standards and PAL. I have them both on auto, and rarely switch them to NTSC (Only with the exclusion of playing Resident Evil 4 on my Wii which I got imported from the states and doesnt run in colour with my TV in PAL). Theres also a older TV in my sisters room, maybe 5 years old and it has the option as well. Bottom line is pretty much any TV you buy today will have the option.
  16. mvc2 with the fast memory patch should be enjoyable with those specs (depending on your video card, its sounds like a LE or something which are just as bad as onboard) Naruto ultimate ninja 2 may need more CPU power than you have. Give your CPU a overclock to get more speed from it. Also dont forget that wit the X2's you need to have the AMD Dual Core Fix installed, or PCSX2 wont take advantage of your second core.
  17. What are your full specs, saying my dual core is not really helpful, because you could have a 2.0ghz AMD X2 or a 3.5ghz Core 2. What games did you want to play as well.
  18. Im not a comic book fan by any rate. But I would say American, I quite dislike Manga in general.
  19. First I have heard, sure it is shadowed by Crysis and Call Of Duty 4, but on its own it is a classic game, well worth the time of any FPS fan.
  20. An easy way to drop weight fairly fast when paired with exercise is to change your drinking habits from coke / pepsi (which I use to drink like water) with water. You lose weight really fast by taking out all of that sugar from your daily intake, if you drink the water chilled your body has to warm it up to body temp, burning calories in the process. It also makes you lose fat as your body wont be storing water in your muscle, which it does as a safety vice when you don't have enough water in your system (Coke and soda doesnt cut it). Water = Ultimate tool in losing weight, but companies cant make money off it so you never hear about it on TV adverts, etc.
  21. I just started playing Gears Of War on PC, man it took so long to get working, if I wasn't so lazy I would have returned it to EB but I am so I spent ages and finally got the sucker working. Not a bad game (First time playing as I dont have a 360).
  22. For the last few months I have been just using my own weight ( Push-ups, crunches, etc) Recently signed up to the my around my corner again, I plan to start going in 2 weeks or so when my friend who I use to work out withs wrist heals.
  23. I just saw Juno, one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life, utterly boring from start to finish, felt like ending my life to escape this movie. No idea how it has all the hype it does, or how its nominated for 4 academy awards.
  24. I just got Capcoms, Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaro's' Treasure (From a friend in the UK, took a lot longer to get here then I thought it would). So far it seems like a really decent title.
  25. I never did, even at school I was never well organized. Schedules suck, I don't like feeling like I have to be doing something at a certain time. Ill do it when I get time is my motto.
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