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Everything posted by Wishdokta

  1. Isn't there like 100+ levels or somesuch? You'r right about 'rooms'. They are 4-6 rooms in one level (or even more. I lost track). So level 16 more or less can almost reach 100 rooms. Am currently here: It's pretty fun. Alike the prequels, after Level 9 there's the bad ass boss. But it even continues after that fight, goes creepy into underworld. So it seems a never ending story . Didn't know the amount of rooms is nearly same as Lolo 1 and 2 count together. I gotta help Lala now *think think think my brain smokes, think think*
  2. Punshed through Adventures of Lolo 3. Holy gosh it seems never to end and beats up my brain. Level 16 pownage . Harder than Chinese Algebra.
  3. Reign over me Stellar Adam Sandler. The funny part is given to Don Cheadle. Serious and refreshing And Saffron Burrows is a must see .
  4. The Kingdom Brilliant movie. Present issues, balanced cast, and a spicy lift of action. And actually some ironic comedy how different races can be.
  5. Dalshim and Guile's stages looking good to me. Still irritating though (and very sad, too) that jumping characters always have screen focus. You can't see crouching characters that well (i guess beat down characters [actually lying characters] completely disappear). @Guiles finishing Sonic kick it gets far too high of the ground. Or @Honda's stomp attack round 0:15 // and 3:20. Never liked vertical scrollings. Doesn't belong to a flat Beat'em up.
  6. Right. Hayden's made for roles handling force (and the resulting social dilemma).
  7. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford Veery long. But very good though. Intense.
  8. Another Level - Guess I Was A Fool (MJ Cole Remix)
  9. The fat guy needs food, too. Just let em talk.
  10. Camille Jones - The Creeps Gauzz Remix
  11. Bah Samba Feat. The Fatback Band - Let the Drums speak (0:30 - ..) > Booty Luv - Shine (Moto Blonco Remix) >
  12. At this point I touched nor HD nor BluRay. DVD still is the medium to be to me. Counting games, movies and data. Maybe we indeed see in 2 years what will happen to those formats. But at the mo the newer stuff to me still is like MiniDisc back in the days. Seeming "so cool and comfortable" but just being complicating and mostly expensive as hell. A friend told me some animation movies he watched lookin' breathtaking on BluRay. But I still doubt everybody can afford a new hires TV, matching equipment, the players (ok PS3 solves this for owners) and further the movies preferred on expensive disks. Too much saying "No", not?
  13. > http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/9151/fx3bhc1.jpg > http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/3636/fx3cpg9.jpg
  14. Howdy. In case having time I try some graphic stuff. Every now and then I list a couple here if you'r fancy. cya
  15. Signed. Both still cool franchise though.
  16. Alicia Keys - (KrucialKeys Sista Girl Mix)
  17. I think there won't be a KoTOR 3 next months (whether at all). Seems like missunderstanding: >> http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/51314
  18. Sonic Boom looks hot.
  19. » http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/1496/balrogsnakecp9.jpg » http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/6852/washizakiub5.jpg Reflector looks good once you push enemies into corners. Urien gets a nice mash up though in the 3rd movie
  20. Sean gonna NBA your cheeks bud.
  21. Akuma/Gouki is a must-return. Hope he'll make it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FjR_VZ0uA0...feature=related
  22. Got you Wizard. (you gonna link us some style/action from Urien @youtube?) @Skythe: Well, SNK has several Ninja types. Ibuki @Capcom I guess would be the closest pure 'Ninja'. Capcom was more into military than those fellows. Thinking of the oldschool characters, can't wait to see Sagat (aka Bison, not M. Bison) and Vega in action. They shouldn't miss the fourth installement. And further, some cut scenes and story telling would be very appreciated. Maybe additionally to the happenings in the Animation movie. What you think about the other goods and contents besides the characters in SF 4 ? What's key to you?
  23. » » India Arie - Get it together » Roni Size & Beverley Night - No more
  24. This is Urien? http://suziyume.hp.infoseek.co.jp/urien.jpg Well, at least he can summon big balls. Hope it makes him happy. Him as character.. uuhm no thx
  25. Maybe Adon is more like it ^^ http://www.sabertoothgames.com/ufs/downloa...p_adon_1024.jpg You gotta change his shorts though
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