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Everything posted by Wishdokta

  1. Nice to see new material. Honestly, I think I stick to CvS 2. SF4 runs too much towards Tekken-style to me.
  2. k you won. I'll have a look @ rental. Rather enjoying Pitt's additional roles.
  3. It had GOTY potential to me. Rapture knows to entertain - I can't say that of the fifty military shooters out there.
  4. Agreed. I'd give Bioshock a 10/10. No comparable shooter out there with this spice - and not been put into hell boring war scenario.
  5. Aye. I guess you know the trailers (click). Looks action packed to me.
  6. Hi. Been using cdex for disks some time ago. It was 1.40 I guess. Have a google for cdex and check whether it's som.
  7. Do we have some sort of "upcoming Movies and Trailer summage" thread? E.g. to discuss Jumper (clicky #1, #2).
  8. Music's ok to me. Am in the Castle after 8th/9th Floor right now. Pretty tough levels in there
  9. Adventures of Lolo 2
  10. Just watched Black Snake Moan
  11. Up to 4 sticks? Or why do both sides have other button colors/controls.
  12. I remember those "Kickers - Soccer players" or similar. Each time had a glimpse at it before MegaMan appeared Saturdays very early. And movies.. Uhm I think Street Fighter II is one of the first I caught up. Followed by Ghost in the Shell.
  13. WarCraft III Reign of Chaos campaign. Honestly my first steps in WC3 (only had WC2 for a brief time). And TMNT 4: Turtles in Time on SNES. Lovely sound and gameplay.
  14. » The Roots - The Seed 2.0
  15. Why putting the PS2 in retirement? I thought the PS3 can't play all games from PS2.
  16. Ah ahhahaha. Geez, thx for the pictures though. Well it was linked on that Trekking website? Maybe if you want to have Junk Food being at the landscape, it may suit the burger-greed. But as mentioned above, I'd better do my own burger. Light a fire, do the burger meat, a little heat to the sliced bread and some vegetables. >>I really don't understand why he cooked it that way/why it has to be cooked that way. Well as said, I think it really remains Trekking/Camping Food.
  17. 4 Euro for squeezed stroppy bread ^^? I'll get a Mc one I guess. But am hungry now. Really thx Wizard
  18. To me it was about pictures. Google brought me to you So, if you look to the sky you may see some images. If you do, you could have a Google Spider beneath your pillow *hi + welcome + thx back*
  19. Got so far ; Turtles 4: Turtles in Time Secret of Mana
  20. Cool, now preloading the 2nd trailer. Looks familiar to Star Wars: Republic Commando. And I quite liked that, too. Tiberium always has been the best theme to CnC. Never wrong showing some GDI and evil green crystals
  21. Hiya, Just wanna ask what you think about a couple of Soundtracks or single tracks. Shall we collect them here to share - or due to copyright forget about it? greetings
  22. What you think about having one single 8800 GT? There several types (up to highend with EVGA/Superclocked), but I think some off em won't cost a fortune in 2 months. And you still have the possibility buying an additional GT after summer or next year.
  23. Deetah - El Paraiso rico
  24. Am currently doing first steps in Anime. I'll may hit you back when I got a couple of girl wallpapers > http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/3016/collage2ih1.jpg > http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/3093/anime2tryza9.jpg
  25. Haha, pretty cool. 'Another World' bottom right corner, or Final Fantasy VII to the left in about 5th row
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