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Everything posted by Wishdokta

  1. Not my type of music, but ok for a couple times Chiyo - Cestiny http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=dhoFQLqge6g&fmt=18
  2. Could be a point. On the other hand, SF4 would be the instant must-have Beat'em Up on PC. (am still having my prayers to an huge new 2D beat'em up somewhere out there. SNK-Capcom anniversary explosion would be a nice idea . Yes, i am dreaming )
  3. As far it is still planned - am not sure if the PC guys are laughing . I think console versions will have bonus characters the PC one won't.
  4. Agreed with - Super Mario Kart (best mario kart ever) - Turtles in Time - SF2 - Super Bomberman 3 And I'd mention : - Secret of Mana - International Superstar Soccer Deluxe - Lost Vikings 1, 2 - Parodius (silly fun scrolling shooter) - Top Gear 1 - Joe & Mac (don't know anymore if #1 or #2)
  5. Damn, good on you. Hancock and Wall-e are my current "gotta have to watch em as quick as possible" movies. Looking forward to some CGI on the big screens @jerk, yes kinda. But I guess his character didn't really want to be the hero in a uniform guy. Well, I'll see.
  6. Toni Braxton - The Heat http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=7cl9WiRT4yQ&fmt=18
  7. The Bank Job - Solid 70s heist-corrupty-thingy Black Hawk Down - Entertaining comradely action movie The Thin Red Line - Well, it's kinda calm and very intense. I'd say it got a variety of elements under the hood (you could laugh your ass off @Woody Harrelson, even his 'situation' wasn't that funny ) Syriana - which I couldn't catch up . Michael Clayton was more fun to me. Can't wait to see Wall-E
  8. MC Tali - Satiric Stylez
  9. Seth is sick If you thought you were any good on the series, he looks like a good whip
  10. Congrats to Spain. Viva Espania. The team with best teamplay and actually the team happy to play football instead of thinking of money and personal topics won this championship. Impressed of the quality of their single players. Over 15 very capable guys.
  11. You played the series to figure out you don't like it?
  12. FFVII FFVIII to me The ones I beat. In FF7 it's the music, minigames, materia, Chocobos and the weapons. For FF8, I enjoyed Triple Triad, summons and storytelling most. And 1h story ending
  13. Geez, email subscription under fire .. I'd read through tonight. But guys, have a think. The best and only Hack'n Slay game between 2006 up to 2010 is Titan Quest with expansion. Why killing each other because of D3 *expects tomatoes now* laters
  14. Was one of my first thoughts, too. On a closer look it's (unfortunately) the style Blizz can't get rid off. The interiors lookin good with spiderwebs and candles. But outdoors it's silly compared to Titan Quest, which is obviously much older than D3 on its release. But hey, we're looking at material announced 12 hours ago. Maybe we'll see some more interesting stuff. It isn't a next months game to agonize anyway.
  15. Oh boy . I'll answer in 15 months ^^
  16. Looks familiar
  17. J Sweet Feat Sara J - Burning Up (Artifact Remix) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=KZawAYnAjxw&fmt=18
  18. Thought about that, too. But honestly I'd be surprised if THE fantasy game developer would create that simliar characters. Am guessing it's Lich King and there will be more, or: New franchise? Diablo "out the ice age" ? (people were thinking about that, since the splash showed this 'steaminess' a time ago) We'll see. Am little stuck with it, and curious for the next days. (in the end it's a character of Lost Vikings or a new vilain from RRR *just kiddin* )
  19. Aye, this making me wondering. Obviously they're gonna teaser more than 1 game. For the icey splash, it wouldn't make much sense having only D3 in it. As far I kept track to the news, there are several runes of different franchises. Diablo only one of it. Well, it's getting interesting. But slowly it starts looking little wierd to me.
  20. Even there would be a possible D3, what is it about this penguin and "Lich King" ish splash page?
  21. Craig David - All The Way (Control-S Remix) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=66mBmap-whw&fmt=18
  22. A Beautiful Mind Watched it for the first time. And not hard to understand: Enjoyed it!
  23. Finally got through Resident Evil 4. After 20 hours and *cough* 'some' deaths (damn instant combos). Solid and fun action shooter, but the climax to me was and is RE 2.
  24. Am guessing the final could be Germany vs Russia. For Turkey, captain Nihat is out of the team according news (injured) and on his way home. And if am right 2 other players won't play cause of yellow cards. I think that means a doable task for Germany. Spain will be interesting to watch. After kicking Holland, Russia seems to be able giving the big teams a hard time. I doubt the result will be something like the 4:1 win on the part of Spain over again. Down to the paper I think we have Germany for the win. But as L.S.D. notes, it's mixed up pretty much. Hope we see solid games cause the most defensive teams are out by now. Wishdokta's mini summup: Germany - maybe the one you call allrounder. Not the most dangerous front, but decent structure and fitness. Turkey - Not that offensive but a great spirit throughout competition. I doubt without key players they display their killer instinct once more. Spain - Dream forwards. On the other side, maybe Russia's chance to revenge the initial 1:4 loss. Russia - Well, the surprise box. Running, fighting, zone defending, scoring. I wonder if the teams get behind the fact they play deadly on either side of the penalty box. Maybe that's the heel where you can absorb their fast and cheeky attacks. Thx, and greetings from Switzerland. It was 25-30 degrees during whole night
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