Have seen the IGN-10-Review yesterday, too. A think as contrast to hyping fanboys it would do good if article writing guys keep little more solid. A sentence like "Best game I ever played" not only is a single opinion - in next years we gonna laugh our asses of what will be possible in gaming industry. It is always the best game we play currently. It was in 1995 and it will be 2015. A high rating is ok for very good games. But the problem i see, there aren't really "new good games" out there. It's hypes. And that is pretty weak. Thought we are advancing in development and human-being-ness. Not the "R" as shift gear. For the 10 as a "must buy" rating is a little stupid. You give it an award and keep a solid rating - IMHO that goes better. Thank you. I now go and play an SNES game .
Ok, I guess you mean him: http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=EJgSZ0p6dMg Was re-appearing in MM3 @final stages. He's ok the time you got the pattern right. But first time it's too much to handle properly . (Here http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=__vTGx0V4cA. I loved the boss music.) //edit: ah, now a got ya. You'r right, his eye was moving .
Since UT was my first game on laptop -> I was using touchpad to play it . For the ending boss, had to try it several times with a mouse. Bullet patterns is a true one. I think the hardest sequences to me are were you have to endure. Current pain goes to Sigma's Battle Body
Better starting: I'd say no. Future: Tendency, yes. (BluRay, the big ones like MGS4, GT5, .. And if producers are getting behind the PS3 engine. A uber-engine seems pretty useless, if you can't use its potential)
Am curious - in your opinion, what are the hardest end bosses for you? In which games? Which tough enemies beat the hell out of you. Or what kind of armies gave you a hard time in your fave games. Screenshots are welcome! Discuss
I could only play that game for hours if it was against friends or arcade vs someone else. I didn't think it was good enough or entertaining enough for single player. SF2 as choice is not that bad. The mother of gameplay and specialFX . (liked SP as much as human 1on1)
/signed. Honestly the mentioned topic in thread title sounds pretty dull to me. On the other hand, what can we expect after many Capcom or SNK titles? The sad thing imho is, the initial good titles become hard to purchase. Such as SF3 or MvC2 . Not to speak of SNK stuff.
I think "still" is an interesting word in that question. If one's in an age, he owned a native SNES or similar consoles the answer mostly is "yes". I won't miss my ZSNES, cause a pretty big bunch of SNES games is still better than various nameful games released nowadays. No graphic issues or low framerates. Just game fun. Aye, should reinstall neorage, too. Somehow never run properly with several games.
Trackmania Nations Forever. Give it a try guys. It's a standalone version and free download. http://www.trackmania.com/en/index.php?lan...amp;rub=nations
FF vote. It's more intense within each chapter. Nothing against Link. But always the same thing. We can't speak of 'plot' in it. I'd rather compare Zelda with Mario.