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Everything posted by Wishdokta

  1. Running Scared Anybody knows that one. Sweeping brill.
  2. Skythe mentioned them on 1st page. Cobra Commander is in officially. //edit
  3. It's only I didn't look the website for more pics (I am sorry that fotos are pics to me, too). Here something to make you happy: http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/3735/fo...tormshadcq8.jpg If you don't want answers in your thread, close it *sigh*
  4. Hm, thought you said there aren't more pics. At least you can see the actors and character names. ""Rachel Nichols will take on Cobra as Shana 'Scarlett' O'Hara"" - yum Am only a little concerned about ""Jonathan Pryce has been cast as the U.S. President"". He sucked dead air in his James Bond movie. As usual, here you'll get som more: http://imdb.com/title/tt1046173/
  5. Is there a chance to convert your believes to MegaMan series ?
  6. You gotta be kidding. Am one of the few in Europe (better: round here) understanding the ingeniousness of this franchise. Haven't heard anything for ages of it.
  7. i would appreciate it if you would provide links 1st - That's not the spirit of this forum 2nd - You all forgot to mention the title for PS2 3rd - Buy the PS2 version. It's good and worthy. And solid. And good
  8. I guess Zero is GBA only?
  9. Her destiny was pain. Pure pain ! Aaaaannd: Claire Redfield. Vulnerable but steady.
  10. Looks like it's him/her/it : http://www.videogamesprites.net/FinalFanta...20-%20Kefka.gif But I'd still be happy bout the MM Zero Boss. What's the name?
  11. Someone post a pic?
  12. I thought it's all about the HD resolution. Why making (big) HD graphics and convert them into (small) again? Sounds like many steps to me.
  13. Hmm, tough call. There are so many old characters from Capcom (to mention one only), like MegaMan etc. To me a character is more important in storytelling games, let's say Cloud Strife. Resident Evil chars aren't bad (Redfields, Leon), good old Ryu, Solid Snake. It's hard, in RPG you make your own heroes. Guessing it's them you play the most. Tried to give some from me above.
  14. Aye. Have a google images search for "xyz sprite" (or sprites) and you surely find som'. The background of a scene should be the smallest problem. (Not only I don't know what you exactly mean by "over a that white rectangle block and the ghost chasing". I've also thought of Super Mario World, but can't remember "white block + ghost" )
  15. Thx mate. Here's one freshly done and 15 seconds old jpg for ya :
  16. Recently had ; - Lord of War (solid Cage Movie) - The Descent ('s ok once a year. Anyway better than it's sister The Cave) - Tomb Raider 1 (First time. More enjoyable than the sequel) - In the Valley of Elah (Mr. Jones once more as hard played Detective-like character)
  17. Yessaa Happy Eggfinding to you guys.
  18. To me, I think it's liars.
  19. Also looks a little cooler to me than SF4. Here is a clip of KoF 12, if you'r fancy. You can catch a glimpse of additional stages. And - thx of course for the pics!
  20. Came from me. If he isn't able to scan and post a simple log (Hijackthis) in this thread, you defo gonna spend a lot of time for explanations, bro. A lot
  21. Look, you'r talking bout apples and oranges. Forget it. Reinstall your windows software properly.
  22. No mate. It doesn't fix anything.
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