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  1. wow.... thats hilarious. thats probly some japanese millionaire that took the week off. LOL
  2. lol, he may be happy but i think he is just constipated looking.
  3. wow... thats a nice bit of information...... bai bai King Kong.
  4. meh... NES emulators come in so many different forms these days.
  5. i think it looks OK, but i won't commit to buying it until i can play a demo.
  6. kimbo is supposed to be fighting Mike Tyson(i think thats how u spell it) early 2009. i think that should be a good fight.
  7. i really like the idea of this app but i cant get it to connect. i made sure i had everything right including telling my firewall to allow it to connect.
  8. in real life on a scale from 1-10 i would give myself a 6.5. (ten being the most talkative.)
  9. i would say to look at the fact that America has turned into a clone of the nation it fought to be independent from. one example: taxes on EVERYTHING!
  10. if the girl was 38 years younger and a really hot asian i would tell her to come and sleep w/ me in my bed.
  11. microsoft has too much money. j/k
  12. i hope it's better than the ff 3 remake. i didnt enjoy it very much. they need to make the players have smaller heads and they need to stop trying to pack to much detail into such pixelated graphics and keep it semi-classic.
  13. i agree with solidius, it's definitely a glitch in the matrix.
  14. im nopt really new here but i haven't really ever posted in the forums. i just got this for one homebrew game a while back. now i realize how selfish i was. i took from the site but never contributed. anyway.... HI!!!
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