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[S4]The Phantom

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Posts posted by [S4]The Phantom

  1. The Phantom,Jul 25 2004, 06:47 AM] Location : Shin Juku Land Arcade in Japan

    Type of battle : Single(1vs1) Tournament


    You can get it here.


    To download, right lick the link above and click on "save as..."


    Amazing fight.


    Pay attention to the notorious power of BC and the full invincibility time of the Zetsumei Ogi. The Kusaregedo stage music is nice as well.



    Clap clap :D

    Boy...that was boring... :P

    Yeah well, my emphasis was on the utilization of the Zetsumei Ogi and the furious fight not to get grabbed, and so on. I was hoping to help those who were dieing to see Zetsumei-Ogi in a tournament.


    But seriously, how fun can mirror matches get?


    I'm glad it's not something like Kyoshiro vs Kyshiro.



    ...or worse yet, Gaira vs. Gaira.

  2. My link works fine, unless Forumplanet did something so no can see it unless your registered. Well, it's at Orochinagi.com, in the forums, in the Samurai Showdown / Last Blade section.


    Also, what were the main, effective, changes to Mina? Is she still the bow throwing whore?

    Most of them are minor changes. Although I will post the whole thing including the changes in the basic throw system(command changes and more), the following are the changes for Mina.


    1. Overall increased delay after a ranged arrow attack.


    2. Sitting kick (1+C) recovers faster.(means less delay after its executed)


    3. Jump kick's attack priority has been shortened, which means she can no longer

    Jump backwards and press C to counter almost all Mu no Kyouchi and more.


    4. Dash A is now an arrow attack.


    5. Dash B has been changed similar to Rimururu's. Its priority has also been

    changed as a combo attack.


    6. Dash Kick (or C)'s motion changed into something that looks like a dash sitting



    7. Dash AB no longer deflects off an opponent, which means you are more

    vulnerable to counterattacks if your Dash AB gets blocked.


    8. It is now easier to do Dash grabs(or guard crush, whatever) with Mina, and her

    grab range has increased. Great, just great.


    9. 4(hold)6 + A, the rapid-fire move on ground now has an increased delay after

    finishing the move.


    10. Jump arrow attacks have been toned down. In SSZ, after a jump arrow

    attack, Mina was pushed back, allowing her to escape secondary persuits.

    Now she is much more vulnerable after attacking in mid-air.


    11. Her weapon-destroying DM is now a mid attack, along with an invincibility time

    to go with it.





    Due to the delays and nerf to her jump attacks, she can no longer spam arrows and win the game. Her ability to keep distance and rapid-fire is now toned down(although quite potent).


    However, her sitting kick, grab, and most of her dash attacks having a buff, she will be quite potent even in close-quarters although quite risky.


    Her hit points(defense rating) still remain the lowest in the game, and she will now need to use:


    1) Carefully coordinated ranged attacks.


    2) When necessary, Mina must go into close-quarters combat starting with the

    Ka Ji Hu chi (Aerial drill kick).


    3) Due to the change in the grab-attack system, she will no longer lose 1/4 of

    her life due to Rage explosion- grab method.



    ...So I don't know. I think she'll still be a bow-throwing whore, just worse in my opinion. So those with slow hand-eye coordination is gonna have to type GG against a decent Mina, cause it's just hard enough to block the damn arrows when suddenly she comes dashing to grab.


    I think I cannot get into the link cuz I am not registered..dunno :P


    Well, thats all about Mina that I can find out about. Hope that helped.

  3. The video keeps getting currupted with me :D


    ugenn: Go here, it's a collection of SSV/SSVS match vids from BNF, a-cho and more.

    Try opening them with Quicktime 6.5... I think that might help.


    Also, these videos are encoded with wierd codecs... I kept downloading one codec to another till I got them to play :P


    Btw, I think the link is broken...

  4. Nice. Got any vids of the following?






    Sure. Right-click on the match-ups below to download.


    P.S. I think, in general, A-cho tourneys are not as good as other ones...



    Amakusa vs. Hanzo


    Points of focus : Amakusa's extremely evil low-mid attacks. Even his normal

    attacks must be blocked low/high. Not much change with hanzo

    except his disappearing acts are much more viable to use.



    Gedo vs. Ukyo


    The gedo player, JEO is quite famous - his controls are godly. Not many hands can do moves he can pull off. However, the ukyo player is great too. Notice how Ukyo's dash-grab has a greater length compared to SSZ, and his standing AB even more powerful now.



    Ukyo vs. Gaoh


    Same Ukyo player as above. Ukyo's 6D-Tsubame Gaeshi pattern seems extremely destructive, and his dash B proves to be a counter to Gaoh's long, slow but powerful attacks. Gaoh has changed alot from SSZ(duh), and is a very good character with solid set of moves and powerful normal attacks.



    Kazuki vs. Charlotte


    Very good video, notice how Charlotte's dash B is now a mid attack. Kazuki's been improved except for his longer delay when his fire-burst grab misses, and the ability to throw fire at the enemy while on the ground (AC button move) has been notoriously strengthened.



    Basara vs. Genjuro


    I personally think this video is really cool. You can see how Basara's feint attacks are much more faster, which is a illusion of a dash rather than a slow walk in the previous series. Genjuro has been toned down a LOT, and you can see some noticable differences other than the colors.



    Gaira vs. Genjuro


    The Gaira player is extremely good, as you can see as he blocks Saren-satsu all the way(the 3-slash move), and he never gives Genjuro to bounce his card over his head. But as you can see Genjuro's card fireball(ok, i know that sounds lame) has gotten a significant delay at start-up, and overall increase in delay as a whole. Damn you SNKP-_- (<- Genjuro user). Don't think this Genjuro is weak - one of the most famous players in ShinJuKu Land Arcade.




    Mizuki vs. Mina


    As you can all see, Mizuki seems to be a huge heap of delay and lag. You can see how Mina's ranged bow attacks have gotten a bit of a lag, but Mizuki has too much delay on everything. Although continuous experimenting must be done, as far as it seems for now, Mizuki sucks. Especially against those characters who dominate air.




    Zankuro vs. Jubei


    Thought I'd upload this to show Zankuro in action. He still retains his heavy slashes from SS4, although most of his stuff are toned down(duh). His fireball must be blocked low and his heavy slashs are fast, long and powerful. Note how Jubei's shoulder charging attack now execute faster and have little bit of invincibility time while Jubei charges forward. Althoug Jubei's standing AB and Jump AB has been toned down, it still seems extremely powerful. Also his ground fireball, Shigetsu-to now travels slower but Jubei recovers much faster, making him a lot like Jubei in SS4. However, his defense rating went down. I personally think Zankuro is the coolest in SSZ:Special, although I liked his voice in SS4 better :D





    Well, here you go folks, watch it to quench the thirst to play SSZ:Special...

    There are a lot more videos but I can't link'em on one day :P


    All the videos except the last 2 are from ShinJuKu-Land tourneys, specifically exerpted from the 10th to 13th tournaments.


    Enjoy :D


    P.S. Sorry, wasn't able to find one for Sogetsu. He is still strong in SSZ:Special as

    he is in SSZ.

  5. Link here(japanese)

    So, the new version of the neogeo cardrige that shipped has no bugs (yet?) and the zetsumei back (while the cutting in two of the bodies is still censored. Yes, it's stupid).


    AND, there is no plans to release SS0S to any platform beside this (still cut) NeoGeo port.


    Sorry, Imoya. Farewell.

    So yeah, it is true, the Zetsumei is back in (yay!) but you can't have the death animations(cutting in half, heads blowing off, only feet are left etc. death anims)

    I think I wrote this earlier in another thread...


    The more obvious reason for the recall is the numerous bugs contained in the AES version where the game would freeze when certain moves were executed and numerous other types of bugs.


    The death animation is replaced with the flash of light of the Issen move(BCD), and SNKP said that they have no intention of changing the violence level or even having that option available.


    The death animation for the zetsumei Ogi is oblivious in the cartridge, I heard...

  6. I want to know the complete changes in the game so I know it a bit once the rom is online. I know Yunfei lost his (uber awesome) triangle jump and they  removed Hanzo's Brainbuster.

    What do you mean Hanzo's brainbuster? Are you referring to his dp+S command throw (Mozo Otoshi)? I believe he still has it. Hanzo wouldn't be Hanzo w/o that move.

    No, the copy move that can be done by 632146+A or B.


    The reasons why this was removed from the game (same reason Galford's shadow copy got removed)





    1) SNKP called it "Hot spring of bugs". If SNKP called it this, then 'nuff said.


    2) One can get out of Mu no Kyouchi way too easily with this.




    Instead of fixing the bugs and changing it around to be balanced under Mu no Kyouchi, SNKP actually thought it would be wise that it be removed from the game.



    The typical response from SNKP ;)

  7. I was over at Orochinagi, and Helldell, put out a review for SSVS.


    you can find it here


    yeah, I really want this 4 on 4 battle to kick off. Since I played ash and got severaly owned(for once) I want to do team thing. And if it does well, I can start one for SSV/SSVS(when it's dumped/avaliable)

    Actually the full list of changes has been already released.


    I'll post it when I get the permission to translate & post it here ;)

  8. cool advice phantom.... so what chara do you play as in SSIV/V?

    For SS4, I don't have a main char... I would play anything except





    I enjoy Kyoshiro, Haohmaru, Genjuro, Sogetsu, Jubei Bust and sometimes Hanzo.




    For SSZ, I play Yunfei, Kusaregedo, Genjuro, Rasetsumaru.



    Ooh, I have this thing for evil dudes like Genjuro B)

  9. the worst thing i ever saw for SS4 was when some dude whom we regulars had never seen before just walked into my local arcade and started destroying everybody.  he played Bust Jubei (which you do't see very often) and  - cheaply - played him like you would Geese Howard, combined with this dude's ridiculous reflex action he countered all day.  I got him with Slash Hanzo (teleport, shuriken, teleport, combo, fireball to teleport fake, etc.) but with my normal chara Bust Ukyo couldn't touch him.  I've gone back to plyaing Hanzo in ss5 because they ditched Ukyo's bust moves... lousy snkp...


    edit - no matter how hard i tried whenever i used bust jubei i could never do it...

    It is very easy to kill Jubei with Ukyo.


    First of all, his Shigetsu-to (ground fireball) can be countered by Ukyo's Dash C which has extremely high priority.


    His counter move has a long long LONG delay if it misses, so run, grab, and do a good combo.


    Rinse and repeat, and Jubei can't stand a chance.



    The main weakness of Jubei bust is that he only has 2 viable special moves, which makes him very limited in pattern.


    Also, he only has 3 good damaging combos, which is usually the only thing Jubei relies on.


    Do NOT jump with Ukyo, because Ukyo stays in the air way too long. just do Dash C, evade oncoming fireballs with AB, and you don't even have to worry about Jubei's CD because it sucks ox balls. There's nothing for Jubei to combo in after the CD-12, and when Jubei enters a rage his fireball gets slower without much improvement, and everyone knows Jubei's Desperation move is a hugh pile of garbage, if not total suicide.


    Also, if you jump, don't attack. jubei will do his counter-thing as usual and stand there with his sword up in the air, while you land and pull out that sword to do a one-liner combo....


    GG for Jubei.


    As in general, tip for defeating Jubei for any character is : Don't do expectable stuff.

  10. ah yes, and now Micro$oft's new best friend (read software biatch) Rare's going to do the same thing for Perfect Dark... :flame:


    I remember when i first popped Perfect Dark into my n64.  I had been out of the gaming loop for some time so the game made a huge impression on me.  I know im inviting a flamewar, but that warm and sticky feeling i got from playing it makes it the best FPS ever in my book. 


    Oh, and not to get too off topic, for Jiang:  ut2004.  smack yourself and say 'duh'!

    Heck, if it wasn't for perfect dark I probably wouldn't be playing FPS games now.


    What a great game... it has the best bot mode that even FPS games these days cannot even come close to.


    Such a good mixture of baddass weapons, bloody firefight and great replayability.


    The "dizzy" effect kinda gets on my nerves though.

  11. Fatalities are for the fanboys. :D

    The fatalities, when used, grant FULL IMMUNITY against normal attacks, grabs, command throws, etc.


    All of them.


    And all of them have same framerate startup, also they can be used in combos.



    I think there's more than flashy spectacle to this "fatality", in my honest opinion.



    Also, the AES version DOES have the fatality, just without the original motions so the gameplay itself won't be too different.

  12. The Phantom,Jul 17 2004, 06:06 PM]
    You could have just put the translated text, since very few people here can fluently read japanese. B)


    Anyway, I suppose this means that we'll be seeing the uncensored version...

    If it gets out of Japan... :(

    My, aren't we pessimistic today. :lol:

    Limited edition, Japan only, overwhelming price tag.


    I wouldn't get too optimistic either :(


    But who knows :)

  13. Looks promising. Sure, those pictures could be fake, but let's assume that they're not so everybody is happy.

    If these pictures are real, the fourth picture makes everyone really happy..


    Remember how they removed the violence option in the AES version, and SNKP just annouced that it will come as-is?


    This means that:


    1) The AES version was dumped, but hacked so that violence level can be changed


    2) the MVS version was dumped, which means... well... unstatable joy B)




    The Chinese site that originally posted this said "Coming soon" so it will be some time before the release....


    Maybe it's going to be another Christmas gift :)

  14. I was just lurking around in www.sihon.net today and found these pictures :











    The original poster said the pictures were from RomShare, and its origins are not known yet.


    Do you think these are fake? Especially the fourth picture is very... hopeful, yet doubtful.....



    Any news?



    *Added content


    Here are some more pictures from the same site above.







    Looks like transparancy screenshot and a screeshot opened with tileviewer. Looks like we'll have to keep our eyes open vigilantly.



    EDIT : Added screenshots

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