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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. ACtually, a well defended base can fend off a 5 MTR perfectly, I usually make 6-8.
  2. Before I switched nod, i had a perfect record online using GDI. MTR is pretty OP and I really hope they fix it. And yes, you can reach the point to build mammoths rather quickly in C&C3 as to generals, which takes ages to get to the overlords.
  3. "Dead Flag Blues" by Godspeed You! Black Emperor
  4. Pretty much agree. Also if you happen to play 3v3, you can have laser gen build all your defense while you and someone else concentrates on offense, one of the best strats that has worked for me (heh, I'm old school China, and sometimes China-Nuke, works fine). Also @ battle busses, there's an old saying for that, and it's called the Bang Bus, fill em with RPGs and anyone is pretty much screwed in mid field battles.
  5. Blizz has a tendency to make things run on older systems (Take WoW for example, it can run on a 733Mhz P3 with an ATI Rage and 512 MB of RAM, and it's just below requirements for the game - trialed, tested, and true). Also, I'd kill for a SC MMO (Granted, I'd kill for a Fallout MMO too, but not happening). Playing WoW doesn't take out the fun in playing WC3 and TFT. Infact, if your a lore buff, it's the greatest thing ever. Only if you play GDI. I recently switched to Nod and boy do I find it fun to send my suicide bombers against everyone. A MTR is not garunteed to work unless your playing against a noob, or happen to find an achille's heel. Progress on the SC2 is pretty damn far since the HD gameplay vid is in ENGLISH (as oppose to the S.K. which happened to have Korean V.O.) I believe all that's missing is units+blance, the engine itself is pretty soild and if you care, single player.
  6. In short, Generals (and C&C3 to a degree) took a page to Starcrafts "3 Races" counter-balance way. Infact, I would say everything in Generals itself is influenced by SC and TFT. And it still holds alot of merit in competive play years after it's release (As scene by WCG, who have had it as it's one of it's main events since forever). While the standings may not be the same as a few years go (Boxar for one, went down in play after everyone picked up his techniques over the years), it is still one of the most competive games to play, and yes, I've attempted to go pro in this. And no, I don't use Zerg. Toss/Terran 4life.
  7. It's ripping off WH40k anyways!
  8. It's acutally perfect if you think about it. Downey has been all over the place with drugs in his life, I believe he will deliver a perfect run down Stark by the end of the movie. maybe iron man is a druggie O_O He was an alcholic actually for a period.
  9. It's acutally perfect if you think about it. Downey has been all over the place with drugs in his life, I believe he will deliver a perfect run down Stark by the end of the movie.
  10. I hate to say this, but I've known about this since Tuesday since a store here in montreal played the exact same footage. How they got it is BEYOND me.
  11. That whole post makes me want to commit suicide.
  12. I live in Canada, I don't have to care.
  13. All hail Jitway for he is the new crowned champion of most songs. Even more then considering the stuff I bought too and stuff that's burned aswell.
  14. So in short, you just want to run a bunch of crap on it that probebly the most average consumer wouldn't even care about right?
  15. how can you listen to hip hop >_> How can you listen to Avril Lavigne, Blink 182, Breaking Benjamins, Linkin Park, and Nickelback? because its good? And that's exactly why GoRDoOnE (and many other people) likes hip-hop. Thanks Gryph. I dont want to argue about Music anymore. Especially after the deal with Axl, the arguement goes nowhere. Everyone is different, I might be the biggest outkast here tho. Even Mooney thought he was "too white" when he came to my forums Lol I just wanted to continue the quote. QUOTE TREE FTW
  16. Nullified vote, I feel like killing myself lately.
  17. Do we have to go through this again? My collection is highly rivaled, with a staggering over 70GB of music (66 GB on one drive alone).
  18. I think what most people tend to oversee is that still, while not a good portion of the original developers are still with EA, but the fact is, they are still with EA and still love the franchise to death.
  19. I welcome the new additions to Pokemon. So far loved the balancing they done to the series, but waaay to much pokemon.
  20. To counter aruge, this is Bond before he became "Bond."
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