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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Being a nearly carbon copy of what came out last year, balances fixes and A&M.
  2. Do it. Actually, in this case, best use an engine and just code the bare theories you have, completeing a whole game is a whole different task, and I just make sounds.
  3. Running on new hardware (Taito TypeX2) Link (Japanese URL) King of Fighters: Maximum Impact REGULATION A is a reworked version of the console game that came out last year for PS2/360. Looks good, but it's MI, needs some serious gameplay fixing. SNKP is knowing how to do 3D now.
  4. I think playing Joy Division is a good way to go out don't you think?
  5. Yeah, the movie is just plain bad. As for SM4, it's definately up in the air. But nearly every comic fan I know hates Carnage (I for one, am happy he's dead in 616). I give props though, Topher Grace definately plays a good Eddie. Props on them taking the Ultimate route. Also: This movie just makes me want to kill myself.
  6. I should note, that I am the one who linked this to moons on teh IRC chan. But yes, playing this made me cry, something so beautiful will never be released. Currently #5(moved down) on my greatest things I've ever seen thus far.
  7. Well, I'm like tone deaf, I can't decode what's playing if I hear it, but I can sure as hell read notes if I was presented it. And yeah I'm a vocal too.
  8. Not my fault your not talented in instruments!
  9. You guys are noobs. Guitars, Drums, Keys, Bass, trumpet and last but not least, and most proudest achivement, the harmonica.
  10. Ok, I know some of us has got to be using this, so. Kwizzeh is moi
  11. Well recent Blizz advert postings for positions include someone who can work with and code within a networked infastructure. We might see a possible new MMO (possibly Diablo related, in which would fit the MMO world quite nicely) or RTS (Everyone is gearing towards SC2), but personally, I want to see Diablo 3.
  12. Personally, I cried over it. R.I.P. Black Isle.
  13. Cause a Nuclear fallout for my own amusement.
  14. Yeah sure hit me up sometime. I'm GDI also (MTR MTR MTR) I think my user name is K.Wizard, but I'm not toally sure. While you got all these problems with routing, mine worked fiiiiine.
  15. I just broke one of my guitars because I'm stressed out to the max.
  16. Hybusa screwing up the Asai moonsault was probebly one of the most terrifying thigns I've ever seen, condering he is one of my favorite (and one of the best) wrestlers ever to grace the squared circle. It also ended his career as a pro wrestler sadly, unlike Danels, who managed to finish his match. Also a note about Japan, their tables are WAAAAAAY thicker then the ones used in the U.S. for wrestling. They require ALOT of force to break.
  17. It would be a funny twist of fate if Kutaragi ends up being hired by Microsoft Japan.
  18. According to a program I slightly remember on TV, too much tampering could screw up seasons and what not. So? The closer this brings us to WEATHER CONTROL! And Mother Nature is a woman, sweet but a wrath of anger at times. I like her.
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