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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Their good games, I suggest checking them out. Espeically the 8. I like 8, makes me feel all funny inside.
  2. Square Enix held a press conference in Tokyo today to announce the next entry in the main Dragon Quest series. In a surprise move, Japan's most popular series will continue not on the PS3 or the Wii, as many had expected. Instead, Square Enix will be bringing the game to the DS. The full name of Dragon Quest 9 is Dragon Quest 9: Hoshizora no Mamoribito. The surname can be translated to "Protectors of the sky." Level 5 will be handling development on the game. The hot-shot development studio headed up development on Dragon Quest 8, before turning to a couple of projects for Sony. On the DS, the studio is currently working on Professor Layton and the Mysterious Village, to be self-published early next year. Development staff on Level 5's end is the same as from Dragon Quest 8, right down to company president Akihiro Hino, who's serving as producer. Other staff members should come as no surprise. Series father Yuji Horii, heading up the project once again, was in attendance at the press conference, and said, "The DS version is not a side-story, but a true part of the series." Kouichi Sugiyama will be lending his talents to the game's soundtrack. And all future Dragon Quest soundtracks, it seems, as he took the stage today to say "I will continue making Dragon Quest music until I die." Development seems to be quite far along. The online arms of magazines Famitsu and Gemaga, report that a demo was held at the press conference, with Horii and other guests playing the game live. Dragon Quest 9 features an action-oriented battle system playable cooperatively by up to four players via Wi-Fi. This is the first network-based Dragon Quest, Horii noted. The DS's dual screen setup is also put to use, with the top screen showing a map and the bottom screen housing all the action. Horii is aiming for a Japanese release some time in 2007. With Dragon Quest 8 pulling in favorable sales internationally, expect a release outside of Japan to follow. DS.IGN.com GoNintendo.com Gameplay Footage(From Kotaku.com) Footage from the press release. (Japanese) (on youtube) DQ9 Website
  3. I cried reading the last 2 volumes of Midori no Hibi. ... ... ... Well it was more like teary then crying. Watery eyes. Yup. It's a good read. It also seems listening to Pearl Jam's "Better Man" has an effect on read experience too for the last few chapters.
  4. Not according to the last week's japanese sale update. Although Wii knocked DSLite with 300,000+ units sold (DSlite was 230,000~ish), knocking it into 2nd place after 8 weeks of total domination of the market.
  5. Blue Dragon just came out and the influx of 360s sold just went up by 1000 due to preorders. The japanese finally have their must have game. I think it got 37/40 on famitsu.
  6. The earth was MUCH hotter then when the dinosaurs roamed, the winter there was slow shorter in both hemisphears. If the sun was much hotter to sustain life on Mars complete with atmosphear, Earth would be still be able to sustain life, but possibly on a lower scale with more plant life because it'd still get weather patterns. This is just my own theroy mind you.
  7. The last mini-ice age was around 1300 to 1850, causing a ~2°C drop in the global average temperature. From 1850 and upwards the temperature has been going up. I might be mixing up some parts but that's the jist. This is my source.
  8. If the sun was alot hotter, we'd still be here, but our seasons would last very much different spans then currently. It's also a fact that our planet goes through different weather phases (150 year ice ages etc) every few 1500 years (Give or take 300).
  9. Looks like Sony has more in store for its PS3 downloads than just PS1 games. The latest issue of Famitsu reveals that Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection will be made available for purchase through the PS3's download service sometime in the future (no time period was given). Dark Resurrection is an enhanced version of Tekken 5 that was released for PSP and in arcades. This version will be based on the arcade game, and will include modes such as Arcade Battle, Ghost Battle, and Gallery. Famitsu says there will be new content as well, including a playable Jinpachi, and the game will appear in full HD glory. We'll be sure to update with a release date and price when those details are announced. While I do like the fact Tekken 5 DR on PS3 (reason #5 on my list of owning one now), I feel that some of the screenshots suffer from too much AA. Backgrounds need a really big overhaul. At least PSP owners can actually tell those are rocks. GamesAreFun Game Watch
  10. Meh, so I was wrong. I don't know most of the terms anyways.
  11. I don't really follow the anime, but whatever. She has a bankai now and it's pretty and ice based.
  12. She always had it but never used it. Infact, it's one of the pre-requists needed. Otherwise yes, she does get her bankai.
  13. No no no, the portal will be on one of Mars' moons! I can't wait to see dem canals of Mars!
  14. You forgot using it as a white bored.
  15. And only in Japan kids attack parents due to pressure! Wait... that's actually true.
  16. Will Wright is on of my favorite designers. Not only is he extremely geeky, he's gaming rockstar.
  17. Did you 2 guys read the part of "akin to Silent Hill 2" ? Because that's the only peice of information right now. It's going to be like Silent Hill 2, minus the crappy story. Speculation speculation. Seeing how the last few SH games were multiplatform, albit with a great delay between most of them, it's most likely 360-PS3 and maybe PC-Wii also.
  18. Are we going to get an influx of chilian users now?
  19. To be honest, who didn't see this coming? In a recent issue of Offical Playstation Magazine UK Ed. It was revealed that Silent Hill 5 is currently in the works. However there is no word if Team Silent Hill will take the devopment seat but Yamaoka is still on the seat to create tracks and has said it's atmosphear will be a "Psychological Horror" akin too Silent Hill 2. Jeux-France for the heads up. Also, no scans to be posted please just in case someone finds them.
  20. From Bungie! Halo 3 Public Beta!? (K`dash note: is called "Pimps at Sea" as it's code name) Perhaps the biggest bomb that was dropped today, the MOAB of press announcements, was the indication of a public beta for Halo 3 coming next Spring. What exactly does this mean? Well, again we can’t really get into the details quite yet (notice a theme here?) but we can confirm that our fans will have an opportunity to play Halo 3 multiplayer over Xbox Live BEFORE the final game is available. You’ll be playing a little multiplayer and simultaneously providing us with some valuable data to help our development team. We’re still working out the details on timing and scope and there will be a lot more info coming in the weeks ahead. We can confirm that you will absolutely be required to have an Xbox 360. Probably not a huge surprise. From Joystiq. Today also signals the registration frenzy to try to score a slot in the Halo 3 public beta (a.k.a Pimps at Sea); check the Halo 3 site for details. (The site wasn't yet updated when this post went live, but we expect a "many will enter, few will win" scenario.) Random notes: -Best alpha name ever. -Bungie you sure are witty.
  21. In soviet russia, secret police come to--ohshi!
  22. American Skin - Bruce Springsteen. Check it.
  23. New chapter if you follow the manga. Nell is awesome.
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