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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. I aggree What does this mean gc? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He likes wrestling, that's more then enough to know how it is.
  2. It's like 2 of the 19230918734923 people in this thread didn't read what the guy said at all! Check in your display settings to check if it's running in 8x mode, or check in the bios (most likely problem) and set up the AGP Speed to 8x.
  3. 95 to 97 was Orochi Saga, 99 to 2001 was NESTS Saga, 2k3 is the beginning of the Ash Saga (yes, thats what it's called, not the Orochi Saga prt. 2, but Ash, because he's power trippin'). It will probebly end in KOF12.
  4. The main complaint about MI was not characters or settings, but the fact it was broken as hell.
  5. Yeah DR is a free upgrade if they choose to do it.
  6. My desk is a mess, my bed area is clean, and everything else is in between. I for one hate throwing clothing on my carpet, it pisses me off, anything on my carpet pisses me off
  7. Woah! I never knew it was that bad! What about other non-Asian countries like the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dead, DEAD FOR SURE (Only crazy asians go to the arcades here in Canadaland, I'm one of them), dead, New Zealand will take anything. Their like 8 generations behind everyone XD
  8. Alot of arcades would pass up 11 in favor for T5DR(My arcade did, we still don't even have FotNS, we got CFJ machine, like, a year after it came out) Where i'm at, it's always the SF3, CVS2k1, MVSC2 and T5DR. It also depends where you live, America = practically dead, the scene is the "hardcore." And yes, I am serious.
  9. City of Villians/Heros Track down a copy of the hero maker stand alone application, I don't have to CoH anymore, EVER. Spider-Woman FTW
  10. I'm sorry, but does 2D still sell in any other country that isn't Japan or China? Good gameplay doesn't matter alot anymore, it has to visually appel, unlike us crazy people who think Street Fighter 3 beats all 3D games except Viruta Fighter.
  11. I went along with it, and I didn't even know. /me points to his Staff bar
  12. Anything that was pre Playmore isn't in development anymore or has gone under serious re-evaluation. Such as Garou 2 for instance.
  13. The crowd was either chanting F*ck you Cena or Let's Go Cena. Either way, it toyed with my emtions.
  14. I didn't expect the following; Trish losing Cena winning RVD winning MITB JBL winning Everything I expected; Mick losing HBK owning BS&K winning (oh come on, who DIDN'T see this coming?) UT winning Rey Rey scoring the title Seeing lengerie Boogy winning Last match was an ABSOLUTE BOREEEEEEEEEEE. Only worth it because of the crowd.
  15. Tried various games on it with some friends of mine in europe, west coast of NA and New Zealand, good stuff.
  16. It is also Emperor K`Dash Day of Celebration!
  17. I'd play that in a heart beat and ditch everything.
  18. Uh, can we add pink as a skin, i really liked it.... I'm straight btw.
  19. i dont believe this, because: - why should a porn site buy a homebrew emulations site? - wheres the mainpage? if would buy this kewl site, i would put a good looking logo and something other on the mainpage( http://www.1emulation.com/ ) - why does the admin and the stuff still have old content(consoles, selling pages,....) content in their signature? - why are they still the same admins? if its a completly new site( i mean something other as a emulation site), there will be new admins and staff... - why im still registered on this board? - did the pornsite bought the invision board? i hope thats not true <{POST_SNAPBACK}> - Were shall be updating the url sometime within the next 24 hours - We changed it obviously - I love my powers - We love our powers - Because you still are - Yes.
  20. This is completely real, were moving into pornographic terrirory.
  21. It's because you can't get laid by the other ethnic folk, thats why.
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