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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Seeing how the game it self takes it's inspiration from various other mediums, this is like seeing a mixture of other films/novels into one movie/game. Chances of seeing a Sonic Youth references = none Chances of noticing a references to Jacob's Ladder = possbility Chances of seeing a references to any of Stephen King's works = very likely Did I like Brotherhood, heck yeah I did.
  2. The movie is an adaption of the first game with elements from the other games. It is in no way in canon to the video games.
  3. Video Talk about graphical processing. Saturn was ahead of it's time? Complexity lead to obsurcity? Or the fact it costed HOW MUCH?! Discuss Video.
  4. "Behold! The Night Mare" by The Smashing Pumpkins
  5. And then will have The Hulk and Wendigo fighting all over Canada and finally have Alpha Flight! WEEEE <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The Hulk and Alpha Flight make sense because they're Marvel superheroes. Why would Wendigo fit in with those Marvel characters? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The Hulk faught The Wendigo in the olden days (around the mid 70's). Wolverine first debuted in The Incredible Hulk #180-181 bring The Hulk's fight against The Wendigo to a stand-still during their huge ass battle all over Canada.
  6. There is your answer, Drake! The reason why this thread is still alive is because of the guys who want to cyber over this kid. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This went from discussion to idiocy, stop it.
  7. Why? Do you want to see Magneto show up too? You know you can't have the X-men without the super-villains, right? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And then will have The Hulk and Wendigo fighting all over Canada and finally have Alpha Flight! WEEEE
  8. Protection, Hurrah for advance in weaponary. I wish the world was like Firefly.
  9. Playing starcraft on a LAN ready network usually comes to mine.
  10. I embrace the future. But not the lolis. Future yes, lolis no. Internet barely phases me now. It's like looking at anything shocking, it just, has no affect on you after a while.
  11. Link to it 1988. Damn yo. Nintendo Power #1 review!
  12. Now that there are lasers, I want super heros to exist. Now. Why? So I can join The Avengers.
  13. Or a USB TV tuner. But I have no idea how those fair up against tv tuner cards.
  14. I still say your better off buying cheap router then a vga.
  15. Cheap switch: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16833124004 Then just buy an ethernet cable of the right length. I don't know why everyone is getting into this wireless thing. Ethernet cables are just as realible and SAFER then wireless.
  16. I think buying a cheap switch and a few ethernet cables would be much easier in your case.
  17. Weridy speaks the truth. Everything IS being runned by corperations. Which is why I promote file sharing!
  18. Also note that Japan runs on a different size scheme for bust sizes.
  19. Idiotcy, I've known about this for waaay longer then you.
  20. >>Kotaku.comyes I ripped off the headline from the s-c thread
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