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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Shakira will always remain hot to me.
  2. 3) F.E.A.R. - Amazing start, got mindlessly boring in the middle, ending needed to be better, felt cheated. 2) Advance Wars: Dual Strike - Stratagy has never been funner, dispite it's cartoonish looks, it's incredibly fun and balanced. Story isn't that bad either. 1) Resident Evil 4 - Revitilzation. The previous issues with the series is you moved like a tank. The inclusion of some minor FPS scenes in CV were ok, but this changed all that. I love RE and this certainly put the series back into prespective. While others may miss the complex puzzling of the previous games, this is a step into the right direction and eventaully will contain it's predecessors' complexity.
  3. >>Go Nintendo (English) >>Yahoo Japan (Japanese)
  4. Panzer Dragoon made me love the Saturn. CAN'T TAKE THAT AWAY.
  5. I assume you have access to Wifi to play online. I'm planning on picking up a Linksys Wireless Router for 9 bucks and I'll be playing in no time.
  6. The easiest way to by pass this is to buy the game
  7. Do tell what was the error? What was screwed up about it? No support for the system is the screw up? What? huh? 32X = garbage. Saturn = good!
  8. True. They prefer domestic players. I'm thinking tht the only reason the Bill-BOX sold at least a little over there was because of Dead or Alive 3 and Ninja Gaiden. The X360 should fare at least a tad better because it's being backed up by major japanese developers who specialize in console RPGs. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> X360 should be picking up more steam within the coming months because of said RPGs because the Japanese market doesn't have the "must have" game compared to America.
  9. Gamecube was done right, it just didn't have support. Revolution I hope just sticks to the code name and I prefer the find out the name of it just as it's released. To Nintendo, the system is practically done seeing how both the Video and CPU chips are practically done, they just need to start testing it's services now.
  10. Memory Card exploit lol! Yeah, it was pretty crappy way of getting to play warez. Also the Gameshark exploit is practically the same.
  11. The X has been disappointing in general this generation. Until the new R520 cards are out, these cards are a shadow of their former generation.
  12. Shirts, money - lots of money, Ebow and Radiohead Live at The Astoria DVD.
  13. Definately. Loads of memories because of that song.
  14. Old. Also, new Zelda game will be rev compatible because of all the time their taking. It's going to be one hell of a product
  15. K`dash says Merry Christmas and have a non-hangover New Year. EVEN MY AVATAR IS INT HE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT
  16. Talk about old school. I got a few issues of GameFan around and I got a scanner, but I doubt the usuage of them seeing how their old as hell and not in the greatest condition. I'm talking about ripped pages here and there, covers being beaten up to a pulp and stuff
  17. See it all the time here. EXcept it's just idle when there is nothing to do.
  18. Looking into a new camera myself. A few better mics for recording, new PSU. An old beat up acoustic guitar
  19. Other thread is that way ----------------->>>
  20. Heads up, today they moved her from the Neuro building too a rehabilition center so she can start her Physical Therapy, according to docs, this is a pretty good recovery.
  21. King Kong is REALLY good. PGR3 is still very fun, and imo, PDZ, with all the hate going around, it seems I'm the only person in the world who likes it.
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