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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. They totally ripped that off Metal Slug 3. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, like I said. This game will still be better than Battle Raper 2, but probably won't win against Sexy Beach 2. Nothing tops that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i'm afraid to ask, but my curiosity has gotten the better of me... links? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> http://www.illusion.jp/preview/index.html <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's basically SC2, but with woman... and violation.
  2. Thats what I'm trying to say retard. You and your lack of efficient reading skill to read the WHOLE thread fails you. The movie WILL be good, as oppose to what Asshi says. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Who said I didnt understand? I was merely stating the fact that your random facts or any other facts for that matter are gay. As for the movie, yes, I concour that the movie is gonna be good. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL HOMOSEXUAL TENDENCIES FRIGHTEN YOUR VERY EXISTENCE BECAUSE WORDS ARE LOL GAY!
  3. Think ahead. Waaaaaaaaay ahead.
  4. Would Tales of Eternia happen to be "Tales Destiny II" on PSone? In case you haven't played Chrono Cross, I would suggest that first. It's the second best RPG on the PSone in my opinion. Tales of Destiny II is an awsome game too. I'd rank it up there with Chrono Cross and Xenogears. It's a simple, traditional storyline but it's very touching and interesting. The combat and the gameplay is awsome too. Lots of things to do. I can only recommend Xenosaga II if you are a fan of the series and have played the first. The storyline is hard enough to follow having played it. Anyways, despite what you may have heard. Xenosaga II is a great game. Beautiful music (atleast the movie scenes), nice graphics (though they lack the detail of the first) and a very innovative battle system. It's tough, and hard to get use to. And unless you loved the repetitive Xenogears esque system, I think you will love how involved battles are now. The story is good, but I'll admit could have done a much better job of telling it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ugh, XS2 is garbage compared to the first one. Removal of teh Tech system in battle, and the new art is utter crap. Music otherwise lives up to the first one. Goodthing XS3 added the missing features which were in XS1. INCLUDING the Tech System. Also, Mok-kos is just plain frightening.
  5. I saw the first one ages ago, and to this day it amazes me what motavation and being bored can lead too.
  6. That's actually pretty badass. People just need to see past the gay looking cosplayers to the really good ones.
  7. cIV, SC3, pheonix wright (OH MAN THIS GAME ROCKS), MVS2 (special reasons)
  8. Yes we do. I mean we could do it with SC3 and the like, it just takes certain moves and practice.
  9. Devon Aoki, only used because she's asian.
  10. Online Petitions.... But yeah, I agree. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I meant that. Forgot the "online" part >_< I was scatterbrained this morning.
  11. Petitions is where hope goes to die.
  12. Warrock is a sad, sad, very sad, game. I once couldn't get pasted the install screen because there wasn't a next button.
  13. Thats what I'm trying to say retard. You and your lack of efficient reading skill to read the WHOLE thread fails you. The movie WILL be good, as oppose to what Asshi says.
  14. Yeah, the movie doesn't really tie to any SH games directly. It just uses an assload of references (not necessarily storyline-wise). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Back the basics. Uses the first game as the central plot, recovery of his/her child. Include references to other games such as Pyramid Heads and Demons. Add a little Jacob's Ladder and 13 and you get Silent Hill.
  15. Konami worked with him. They don't want it to be butchered. Like say, Bloodrayne.
  16. Did you not read my thread at all? Why should a retard like yourself understand what their trying to do? Fact: your movie would suck too Fact: as a fan you'd try to incorperate FAR too many things into the movie (ref: Mortal Kombat II the movie) Fact: your writing would be shit compared to Uwe Boll, but that's a good thing Random fact: They took Coke, and made a new Coke! What do you know, it worked too! *Please refer to when Coke had cocain in it. And everyones come to terms that as much as Uwe Boll is a fan of video games, he just plain sucks, which is funny because he's made ONE good movie, which is Blackwoods. 2004 Punisher > 1989 soley because I hate the movie with such a passion that it rivals my hate for reflective surfaces, CURSE THOSE LIGHTS. Signed AND typed with Ryuken's blood
  17. Taking the plot line from the first game with elements from of the others, Brotherhood of the Wolf director, Christophe Gans, is at the helm with music composed by none other then Akira Yamaoka, music composer for the Silent Hill video games. Teaser (WMV) Sony is also having a poster making contest for the movie, sadly it is only open too U.S. residents only. Offical Website | Currently going under rating process. Expected to be R for Silent Hill's nature of imagery, violence and (undertone of) sexuality.
  18. Once that thing goes boom, you know it's gone.
  19. Yes, because we all love drawn characters proportions in real life. X3 all the way, haters can be flamed by defenders and the like. Infact, why don't we just whine that any conversion of anything into media form sucks... Which for the most part, is true. But hell, Punisher owned, and if your saying it sucks compared to the one in 1989, you should be castraded then proceeded to be shot several times in an orderly fashion from left to right. About the thing, in the spoliers, it's because he's working on Superman Returns. I would also liek to get this off my chest, these are adaptionations and not direct copy of the original plot, kinda like Silent Hill: The Movie (which looks awesome btw, PG13 is bullshit, it's going to be unrated once it hits DVD). Christ, if you were doing the movie, people would complain about your adaption being butchered. STFU. The saddest thing is, I speak the truth. Were all better off with doing homages and references then making a full blown movie about a certain video game movie coming out by a really bad, bad, bad director.
  20. Just what I wanted to say about the first ad.
  21. This game is like crack, my lil' got it for her birthday. Oh man, crazy.
  22. With stupid hair and bad taste in fashion and music. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yep, that about covers it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Minus the rich part. Mostly.
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