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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Ha, whoop-ti-f'ning-do. That's as wrong as twincest. GGXX was never released on PC. GGXX#Reload was. Bridget is a dude who was raised as a girl because of an omen in his village that identical boys = bad. So thusfully, his parents raised Bridget as a girl. Christ, you can see in his Isuka art paddings trying to give the feeling that he HAS breasts. You should ACTUALLY read something canonical once in a while. No, that dude on gamefaqs does NOT count as a realible source for this longly known douchebaggery.
  2. That's how they showed it before... Except the Mpeg2 was largely less compressed vs a normal DVD9.
  3. My love of Virtua Fighter, DOA, Street Fighter 3 and Parasite Eve trancesend everyone on this board unless one of those people are Fatal who just deadicates himself to one thing. A 360 WILL BE MINE! DISPITE WHAT THE INTERNET SAYS. YOU ONLY HERE THE BAD, NEVER TEH GOOD. Games today are being made for more money for less time. It's a double edge sword; On one hand, they want to make a greatest game they can imagine, on the other, they want it to be accessible to the regular joe who doesn't want to spend 20 hours, which is sorter then ever these days, playing a game to get everything while still appealing to long time fans of a series (prime example: Final Fantasy) It's what Nintendo is trying to do, and for what it's worth, if they do fail, they're doing it with style. The difference to making a good game, and a crappy game, isn't how much it's put into it, it's how much they want it to appeal to more and failing the overall product after it hits the press. (example: Any game with so much hype to it, it fails completely. No, not Halo 2, Halo 2 owns you. Dispite what everyoen says, you just suck at console shooters, because Halo 2 is everything Halo should of been)
  4. True gamers play all games, buy all games regardless of quality of the title. You never know when you get a jem that was claimed crap by critics and owns by your own standards. Hardcore gamers = Those who do not discriminate. And, Game Industry is due for a crash, with the cutting corners like crazy and rise of cost, why wouldn't there be one? Right now, in it's current height, it's an invincable beast mostly because it's dead horse beating for conservatives.
  5. Why didnt laptop BURN TO TO DUST YET?!@
  6. I didn't hit the partying when I first started. I did quests galore til I was level 20 (within 3 weeks of the game's release). Both me AND my sister played this game like crack. I got various items, sold stuff at the auction house, partyed, raided, crafted among other things. Rinsed, repeated various times for one whole year. By the time I was done I was HM/DRK at lvl 50, M/THF at lvl 40 and my sister's HF/SMN at 34. If anything I saw a good 75% of it before our sudden cancelation, which put our 11 month work horse. Also, Dooz is correct, playing the system at walmart does not consent as "knowing the system." Edit: Might be restarting our game soon, seeing how our characters are already deleted. Just need a new content I.D. SE is pretty useless for users who quit playing and want to pick up it again. Can't use half our keys anymore.
  7. Sauce plz kthx 1024x768 on Xbox 360? May do you need to be reminded on thats 420 and not 720. Bumping it up rez + textures makes it look better. I don't understand FFXI eh? I understand it completely. From the beta all the way up too COP basically (Which was pretty much a year for me seeing how XI came to the US With ROZ WITH the game around October 03 and COP came out a almost 12 months later). I know things have changed since then, but it's pretty much grindary now. Can you tell me WHY exactly am I wrong other then "community?" Because by saying that, you simply can't imagine WoW's community with the game being younger then XI. Between the first year the game was out in the U.S. it was all about partying. And recently, it hasn't become about it anymore, it's been about grinding up to X level JUST to do stuff. Since day 1 SE has been trying to make it more party oriented when it just fails on some levels. Maybe with the new expansion pack on the horizon, things will change with the addition of the Blue Mage class.
  8. Correction: Xbox / Xbox 360 Version. They aren't releasing a 360 Version pre-se. Although taking a page from Nintendo, if played on the 360, everything will end up looking better. Similar how if you played LoZ: Oracles / Ages on GBA you'd get access to more items and a brand new intro screen. Another correction: PS2 version came out first in Japan. Followed by the Win version. FFXI = Grindfest now. GW is nothing more then a hack up game of Diablo 2 in 3d.
  9. I know this. I've been playing FFXI for the past two years. They won't be making any changes that will make it more like an "Xbox" game. Which is why it's bound to be a failure in the US, where games like WoW are praised. FFXI itself has grown stagnant, less people then ever... The community has settled down. New players today have it extremely hard... Everything is so hard to obtain. It's a player run economy, and unless SE planned to change this in the future (doutful) Xbox players are gonna end up having more of a job then fun. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know what you mean. I played FFXI for the greater part just up till CoP came out. As CoP came out, my mother canceld my account. The game was like crack to me. SE doesn't plan anything with it, other then downloadable updates and expansion packs. It's pretty much PC version on steroids graphics wise. Otherwise, if your PC is realtively old armed with a 9800 Pro, looking at the floor will get you cross plains faster then chasing a Mithra Thief. How about the PS2 version of FFXI? Failure in it's own right. Costly package, very costly when released. It's just the fact MMOs do BETTER on PCs vs Consoles. Unless you got something going for em, like Phantasy Star Online, which is a awesome. PSO's on PC is realtively small considering, the first one wasn't released at all in other Regions dispite having a complete english mode and the few others blew balls up until Blue Burst. When it comes to MMOs, you can count that console versions ARE going to either moderately or poorly. WoW = grindfest now, so is FFXI and GW sucks, no matter what anyone says to me, GW sucks balls. So suck it.
  10. Also the fact that SNK is once again going to be supporting a dead horse! Which in it's own right is Neo-Geo related, but it's not. Ha.
  11. They aren't adding any new servers, infact it will still be cross platform and wouldn't have to XBL Gold Fees either. The Final Fantasy Series this generation MIGHT go Multiconsole, which was greatly hinted. They maybe planning Main series on both the 360 and PS3 while the obsure titles towards Nintendo. Dispite draw backs, PS2 was a head because they had an eariler start, a back liberary of games to utilize. How come when ever we talk about PS2 we never mention that it, itself had MANY flaws before being released into the American and European Consumer market? The external hard-disk, the prone to deleteing games off your memory card, the fact you REQUIRED a memory card TO play DVD movies.
  12. Ridge Racer 6 (Xbox 360, Namco): 9 / 8 / 9 / 9 - (35/40) Need For Speed Most Wanted (Xbox 360, EA): 8 / 9 / 9 / 8 - (34/40) Perfect Dark Zero (Xbox 360, Microsoft): 8 / 8 / 8 / 7 - (31/40) FIFA 06 (Xbox 360, EA): 7 / 6 / 8 / 6 - (27/40) Dynasty Warriors 5 Special (Xbox 360, Koei): 7 / 7 / 8 / 8 - (30/40) Tetris: The Grandmaster Ace (Xbox 360, Arika): 7 / 7 / 7 / 6 - (27/40) King Kong (Xbox 360, Ubisoft): 7 / 7 / 9 / 9 - (32/40) Every Party (Xbox 360, Microsoft): 7 / 5 / 7 / 5 - (24/40) Wrestle Kingdom (Xbox 360, Yuke's): 8 / 7 / 8 / 7 - (30/40) 360 Stands a chance in Japan? Only time will tell. I want Wrestle Kingdom. NJPW AND NOAH!
  13. let's get this mvoed to General Arcade shall we?
  14. With a supergun, all you need to get is a RGB>NTSC Conversion board and you must provide your own controller/stick at times which requires rewiring. Good converters run from 85 to 115 dollars USD. Superguns themselves run up to 300 dollars per board unless you build your own < http://cps2shock.retrogames.com/jamma.html is a good start on building your own, the mighty use google - be good at electronics > which is a tad be cheaper but you'll still need a RGB>NTSC converter which can run up to a few hundred dollars.
  15. Supergun / JAMMA Test Box - Both requires RGB-->NTSC Conversion Board unless you live in the any PAL region. Atomiswave's come in GAME BUNDLES ONLY unless you go on ebay. You need to hack up any controller your comfortable with.
  16. I do. Alright, the run down; If you played Zombie Panic mod on Half-Life 1 (Yes, that is a shameless plug, mostly because I beta test the game pretty much some random dude who hangs out on irc and chats with the various devs from time to time). Then you must of heard the Zombie Panic Theme song by Wilko (who is also a mapper on the team). While this isn't a remix where there are random techno beats and mindless synthiszers. I'm trying to capitalize on the overall feel while trying to stay in touch with the original. Or you can just simply say this is just another arrangement on the theme. Still work in progress (Still trying to find a good drum arragnement or keep it acoustic) and trying to decypher the solo in the actual song (mine will have to suffice until I find out). Critisizm is welcomed, just don't go out of hand and say "LOLO SUCKS WERES DA BEATZ" Stuff used; 2 Acoustics guitars borrowed Electric Bass by my sister Midi keyboard w/ Piano Setting Borrowed M-Audio Equipment Reverb effect in Audacity Search function for the thread where Wilko posted the tab Wilko for the original ZP theme This, along with Civilization IV is whats keeping me away from my lovely, lovely fans here at 1emulation. It also appears that part of my full name is there. Crap. If anyone wants to hear the original version, just say so and I'll upload it. Edit: There also seems to be a bunch of crap related to VF5 out. Go check it out. Now. Aoi is sexy k.
  17. All these multiple threads on 1 xbox subject render the main xbox thread useless!
  18. Just you watch, 10 years from now, PS12 and Xbox Million will be using wireless remtoes too.
  19. Sad, sad, day. Most noted for his role as Mr. Miyagi in "The Karate Kid." Awesome movies. He was even in that Alien Ant Farm video about "The Movies!"
  20. WE RICH MOFOS BLING BLING NIGGAS CUZ DAY SPINNIN NIGGA DAY SPINNIN We need more useful stuff. Alot more. So much we'll be able to make a fort out of.
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