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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. I wonder how 3%-5% percent of the market is a big loss to Microsoft since they own half the world. Scouring reports that it might not be the Xbox it self and more of the brick power thingy. "Sure, if your Xbox 360 is crashing you could call up Microsoft tech support and get your new toy repaired or replaced — or you could take design flaws matters into your own hands and source out the root of the problem. And according to one Gamespot forumsgoer, apparently what’s causing these overheating Xbox 360 crashes isn’t the Xbox itself, but rather that monstrous power supply. So what’s a gamer to do? Increase the airflow over the thing by getting it up off the floor, and suspending it in the air with string — or if you’re not feeling like making a trapeze act out out of the thing, stick it on an open box so it can better emanate heat. Apparently this has been doing some good, but hey, remember that if it can’t sit on the ground as intended, it’s defective, so make sure you call ‘em up and get it sorted!" -joystiq
  2. I here by call today, Bash Adel151 for being a tard-day. Back 2 topic: That vote only represents what? Like 1% of all bitchy 360 owners out of [how many 360s sold] minus $126 loss per unit. The sale went pretty damn good if you look at the bigger picture that doesn't concern you
  3. These votes don't represent the internet. Is your Xbox 360: Selection Votes Overheating? 5% 163 Scratching your discs? 1% 41 Working great? 25% 899 Dead on arrival? 2% 64 Still being manufactured? 21% 757 Xbox 360 is teh suck, PS3 r0x0rZ! 15% 518 I humbly await the Revolution. 31% 1,102 3,544 votes total joystiq
  4. Please, please, please read the whole thread next time, ok?
  5. Stop show boating your cab, we friking know already. Just shut the hell up about it. That's the funniest thing I've read all day.
  6. Your comp sucks then if you can't run D3 and FC decently.
  7. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...ic=15674&st=66# search ftw
  8. Because they are the ones who did the conversion, not Activision (who is just the publisher) or the ones who previously did the Doom 3 port. HL2 on the Xbox is a hell of an accomplisment. @Xx1LLMAT1CxX: Tried PDZ, fun as hell. PGR3 and PDZ ftw
  9. It is Japanese's fanaticsm of loving boys dresses like girl and imagine the boy is girl You can see a lot of example from Jap comics. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Funny really, Briget was actually thought up to be a girl. But seeing how Daisuke said she was boring lacking the uniqueness, he made she a he.
  10. Launch games suck? With the exception of PGR3, which is doen right awesome.
  11. You fail to notice that VS's screen resolution is a native wide screen view, similar to SFZ.
  12. http://www.smashmyxbox.com/ http://www.smashmyxbox.com/images/smx1.jpg http://www.smashmyxbox.com/images/smx6.jpg hahah <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Biggest waste of money since the forming Microsoft.
  13. Some of which are Dead on Arrivals at stores. But seeing how most of the GOOD 360s went to Zero Hour. Feel sad. God damnit.
  14. Dude, what you did is ablsolute blasphamy. Removing a bad card for an even crappier card is way, well, stupid. COD requires a • 3D Hardware Accelerator Card required – 100% DirectX® 9.0a compatible 32MB Hardware T&L-capable video card and drivers* • Pentium® III 700 or Athlon™processor or higher • English version of Microsoft® Windows® 98/98SE/ME/2000/XP • 128MB of RAM • 8x Speed CD-ROM drive (1200KB/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers • 181MB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 200MB for Windows swap file) • 100% DirectX® 9.0a compatible 16 bit sound card and drivers • 100% Windows® 98/98SE/ME/2000/XP compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers • DirectX® 9.0a (not included) Important Note: *Some 3D accelerator cards with the chipsets listed here may not be compatible with the 3D acceleration features utilized by Call Of Duty. Please refer to your hardware manufacturer for 100% DirectX 9.0 compatibility. SUPPORTED CHIPSETS: • ATI® Radeon 7200, 8500, 9000, 9500, 9700, 9800 • All nVidia® GeForce™ chipsets
  15. A few places in are holding midnight launches and giving away tickets for those who didn't pre-order at selected Curcit Citys. There are no midnight lanuches in my area, but I won't be getting one anymore. Mostly because my cel phone company is a bit ch.
  16. Formerly known as NWA - TNA. They used to run weekly 2 hour PPVs for 13 bucks on Pay-Per-View in Nashville before moving to Florida @ Universal Studios Soundstage #15(I think it's 15)). TNA still gives out that indy feel that show cases more about wrestling, then about mic skills, like ROH. Also they have an exclusive contract with the NWA for the use of the NWA World Heavy Weight Title until 2013 while the X Division title is purely regional to TNA. Saturday's show really wasn't a great way for someone to get introduced into TNA. To get a good grip on TNA, you need to watch some classical matches before they went 6 Sided. Including the famous Jerry Lynn vs AJ Styles vs Lo Ki X Division Ladder Match. Raven's always been good on the mic since the good old blood 'n' guts days of ECW. Also the Dudley Boys also, used to be beasts on the mic (If you can, get the Dudley Boys almost start a riot mp3 somewhere) and here they're just getting started.
  17. a few things such as 1) get a better card 2) get a better card and my favorite; 3) get a better card
  18. There is no truth to the price really. But Ken is saying is leading almost everyone to believe that it will only be for the "hardcore" crowd. Like the Neo-Geo.
  19. Yup. Sega had about one mill to spend on advertising. Microsoft has what? Half the world?
  20. Greatest news since the last one. Her bone flap (the bone on the side of the skull) is going to be reinserted next week. Thats not the great news, yesterday, since me and my sister stayed there the whole day, we hear my mom talk (!). Albit in wispers, she none the less talked. First words out of her mouth were "I'm hungry & thirsty." We lol'd it because of the whole feeding tube thing! The following few weeks, it's to regain the gag reflex so she can properly cough now.
  21. I'll check that out tomorrow, hopefully my wal mart will have it. Crazy canadian wal marts.
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