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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. I'd like to see drake translate all that crap into english.
  2. As oppose to sony and microsoft? HARHARHARHAHRHARHARHAR
  3. Yeah. I guess people were right about it being limited to a degree. OMG SPAWN CAMPER! What do you mean "even Gryph plays it"? Why wouldn't I? I've been waiting for this game since it was first announced. Modern military combat games is where it's all at. It's a damn good game. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Difibulator > all weapons.
  4. Yes Yup. Have you seen the the Doom movie screeens? Why did they butcher the story I wonder... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> www.UweBoll.com ! Word. He ruled in The Transporter. Perfect for Agent 47, but I can see why the studios want Vin Diesel to star in that movie. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Could it be because Jason is fliming Transporter II?
  5. I had the problem too. But I just forced it to close from ctrl+alt+delete and ran it again and everything was fine.
  6. And their quotes. ARRRRRRE YUO OHKAY? BUSTA WORF!
  7. Using the difibulator is the only reason why I love this game. Also some of the USA weapons really suck. Their medics for example. Now I just need to find said servers and try out the other weapons.
  8. Sometimes sites will even say that you need to click on adverts for the download to work when their already is a predefined link that *works* perfectly without the use of advert clicking!
  9. 3 Gonzo Animation titles are going to be hitting the PSP - Samurai7, Speed Grapher, and Basilic. Teh source / the other source is Iggy at mmcafe. Also the various pornography (region free!) UMD movies also. RE Movie news eww. Halo movie news. GG: Dust Strikers news and Judgement stuff. Dust Strikers is Isuka in your pocket without the story mode while Judgement is Isuka's story mode (with a differents story) in your pocket with #Reload VS mode. A.B.A. ain't in any of them. Guilty Gear XX #Reload /Slash is now called Guilty Gear XX/Slash. Sources: Iggy GekigangerV Abster Iggy Nothing big out on the news ring. These are all news from now and last week. Worthy note. The region free Xbox edition of Capcom Fighting JAM is out at playasia. Seeing how I just checked my emails.
  10. My speed never got that fast. When I downloaded, one of the best momments were when there were 690+ seeders and 32600+ leechers. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <3<3<3<3<3 It's good when theres tons of leechers. I was on DaD and I got R.E.M. live at Rock AM Ring (Boy was it raining) in a 3 hours. A new record in downloaing a single DVD!
  12. I take it back actually... Before it's so crisp and clear now... You can really see the lack of detail... =( <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What lack of detail? I'd argue that there's a whole lot of detail. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lol needs more AA!
  13. I guess the only way to play with each other is to use gamespy arcade.
  14. I'd like to see an assassination. Hasn't been one on TV for a really long time.
  15. You should review it once the full version comes out.
  16. Amish Roadkill! Very awesome show indeed. I am aquiring the show as we speak.
  17. God your telling me. When Paul came out I started to tear up because it was a great moment.
  18. And Styles' famous words. OH MY GOD! Amazing PPV. It was on a 5-10 second delay to remove certain - ahem - words. Lots of old school chants were, well chanted. (You F'ed Up, Holy Sh!t!, You suck dick, Lucha Libre and many memorible ones. Including "Fuck you smackdown" and those famous initals, "E-C-DUB") Small run down off the top of me head. Show opens up with "OH MY GOD"s all around as Joey Styles enters the ring. After opening up with a small speech he announces tonights colour commentater who is none of then Mick "Cactus Jack" Foley. Cue intro. The show opens with Lance Storm (with actual in ring skill now, not that bullcrap when he was in WCW and WWE) against "Lion Heart" Chris Jericho. He ain't Y2J tonight, this is classic Jericho. Lots of nice technical ablity by both men. Great ending, Jericho got Storm in a small package and Storm pushes him off and is greeted by the Singapor cane by none other then Justin Credible and the "Sexiest Man in The World" Jason. Storm gets Jericho up for the win. During the match, chants of Chris Candido's name were shouted in memory of the late wreslter. Cue ECW Rememberence promo. Rembering former ECW starts. Pitbull Anthony Durante from The Pitbulls, Flyboy Rocco Rock from the Public Enemy, Big Dick Dudley from...oh it's pretty obvious, Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy, The Original Sheik (Sabu's late uncle and both RVD's and Sabu's trainer), Mike Lozansky and finally, the most recent, Chris Candido Match 2 is the ECW Original, the 3 way dance. International Style. Yoshiro Tajiri w/ The Sinister Minister & Mikey Whipwreak vs Little Guido w/ Big Guido, Tony Mamaluke, JT Smith and Tracy Smothers - The Full Blooded Italians vs The Insane Luchador Super Crazy. Not one of their best International 3 Way Dances, but it's decent enough for everyone to shout those 2 words, Holy Sh~t. Opening match was fairly normal if you ever seen these 3 in the same ring before. Guido opens up by hitting Crazy and Tajiri works over Guido taking out of the ring. Tajiri rushes towards Crazy and Crazy captures him and does his Tiltawhirl Backbreaker, albit with less speed then he usually does. Crazy goes out and starts working over Guido who take it towards in the crowd area and we finally see the first Holy Sh~t and big spot of the night and. Crazy does a moonsault off the balcony onto the F.B.I. knocking em down to the ground. Crazy heads back to the ring and Tajiri takes control and hits the Tarantula (Whats a match with Tajiri without the Tarantula?). Afterwards Big Guido comes into the ring and tries to power bomb Tajiri while Little Guido is on the top rope. He spits mist into the eyes of Little Guido and scurrys off Big Guido and caps him in the face with a kick followed by Mikey hitting the Whippersnapper off the 2nd rope to Little Guido causing him to be eliminated. Crazy tried to powerbomb Tajiri but ended up getting reversed into the Spinning Tornado DDT (Ha I missed that counter). Tajiri works on Crazy for a bit until Crazy picks Tajiri in a Fireman's Carry and slams him down for the Triple Moonsaults. He got 2 off until Mikey interfered. Tajiri goes for the kick to the face but Crazy moves out of the way and hits the powerbomb and then La Springboard Moonsault for the win. #3 is Psychosis vs Rey Mysterio Jr (yes they had the Jr. at the end!) in a lucha libre match up. You can prolly guess what chant was used here. Psychosis played his game different for tonight, insted of his usual high flying way, he sticked to the ground so Rey wouldn't out run him. 3 great spots in this match up. Very technical start until Rey hit a Springboard planca to Psycho then changing it into a face buster. Psychosis thru Rey into the cornor pretty hard. Then leading him to the outside where he suplex him onto the gaurd rail and went for the top and hit a sickening Psycho Guillotine Legdrop. Which to my view, litterally folded Rey. #sick spot 1 was that. After getting back into the ring, Rey was setup in the cornor and Psycho prepared for a dropkick until Rey moved last minute causing Psychosis to miss and hit the pole. #sick spot 2 that was. After gaining control again, he setup Rey again in the cornor and did a splash only to miss and hit the pole and fly out of the ring. I could of sworn that I heard Psychosis hit the pole with a loud "pintg" sound. Rey hit the skys with a Falling Senton onto Psychosis on the floor. He brought him back to the ring and hit the 619 for the win. The Smackdown guys arrive now. Shut The Fu ck Up and You Suck Dick chants across the whole arena. Danny Doring and Roadkill cut an RVD impression promo. Afterwards RVD's music hits and he with Fonzie enters the ring and shoots down on the Smackdown crew. Best sheit ever. While arguing with JBL, the manbeast Rhino(it was spelled like that!) comes out and gores RVD and proceeds to take off his bandages off his recovering leg. The fans chant the name of the Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal Maniac. The lights go off. A few moments later. Sabu appears in the ring and a ref runs in and the improptu match begins. Sabu and Rhino lock up a bit until Rhino hit a Belly-to-Belly suplex. Sabu started fighting back and got a few hits with the right then with a chair shot knocking him outside of the ring. He baseball slides Rhino sets up the chair and does Air Sabu! (Flying Springboard Plancha). Sabu then proceeds to beat up Rhino somemore with another chair and sets him up on a table only to get pulled down with head smacking towards the canvas by The Manbeast. They go back into the ring and Sabu does a launching Leg lariate to Rhino. Then Sabu got another chair and did a jumping leg drop. He sets up the chair for the Triple Jump Moonsault and Rhino catches Sabu's leg causing Sabu to land face first into the chair. While he was recovering he was setting up Sabu for the gore only to have the ref pushed into the way. Rhino recovered and nailed Sabu with a piledriver. RVD gets into the ring and nails Rhino with a chair. Afterwards a table was brought into the ring with Rhino's head on it. Sabu took a chair and did the rolling Aribian Skull Crusher and another ref comes in for the count for Sabu's win. Easily one of the best matches of tonight. More ECW memories. Various clips. Raw jackasses arrive. Chris Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero. Very good technical match. Chris won via Crippler Crossface. Ah, the international warfare continues. Mike "The Gladiator" Awesome vs Masato "The Bullet" Tanaka. If you know the history of these too. This match till not disappoint. Including the fact that the fans started to chant "This match rules" after Awesome miscalculated a powerbomb where Tanaka only landed a few inches away from the center. The match is also filled with Style taking shots at Awesome for selling out from ECW. Tanaka got hit loads of times with the chair only to come back standing. Deja vu for those who've seen Anarchy Rulz 2000. Tanaka proceeded to bash the skull of Awesome several times. Including to use Tornado DDT and the Diamond Dust. Another big moment was Awesome tried to do a Top Rope Sitout Awesome Bomb only to have Tanaka counter with a Top Rope Tornado DDT thru the table Awesome had brought in. Awesome and Tanaka recover and yet again go up top. Awesome capitalises and does a sitout awesome bomb to Tanaka on the already broken table for a 2 count. Awesome yet again, gets another table and sets up on the outside and proceeds to do another (3rd Awesome Bomb) to Tanaka from the ring to the floor, deja vu from Mad House of Extreme 99. Followed by a botched plancha for the 3 count. Paul Hayman comes out to a huge ovation. And I mean huge. Big. After a fantastic speech, he started to shoot on the RAW and Smackdown fools. Edge the wife stealer, where the fans would chant You Screwed Matt and calling JBL a wanna be champion because Triple H didn't want to work Tuesdays. This ain't WCW, RAW or Smackdown, hell it isn't even WWE. This is E C FUCKING W. Time for the main event. Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman vs The Dudley Boyz. The Dudley Boyz came out to their old ring music, Powerman 5000's Bombshell. Tommy came out with the instrumental version of Alice In Chain's Man in a Box and The Sandman, as always, Came out with Metallica's Enter Sandman. Complete with almost everyone in the building singing along. Including a hot blond getting beer poured all over here and Elektra aswell. Elektra, Chris Chetti and C.W. Anderson were present in the crowd that night. After the lengthy entrance, they all props each other until the music of THE BLUE WORLD ORDER Hits as Big Stevie Cool, Hollywood Nova and The Blue Meanie! Blah blah more talking. Then Stevie hits a super kick to the Sandman and a brawl ensures. Then "Big Balls" hits and Balls Mahoney & AXL Rotten, the Chair Swingin' Freaks comin and aid in the brawl. Afterwards Kid Kash came out with the brawl. As everyone was on the outside, he told ref to get on all 4 and he ran off using him as a spring board onto everyone on the floor. Bubba goes for a trash can and Tommy goes back into the ring. As Bubba hits the ring, the match actually starts now! This is it, the return of the Dudley Boyz. The true original ones. The Violent ones. Because i'm fairly lazy now to type it because I have it's hard to remmeber everything. Here's the rest from nodq The start: Dreamer went for shot with a cheese grater, but Bubba nailed a belly to back suplex. D-Von choked Sandman on the outside and Bubba nailed Tommy with a street sign in the head. Bubba got the cheese grater and sliced Tommy wide open with it. Bubba grated the head of Dreamer and he is a bloody mess! Bubba wiped Dreamer’s blood over himself, and then went up and came off with a senton, but Dreamer moved. The Dudley’s hit a double team hagamans neckbreaker and then Sandman came back in and nailed the Dudley’s with a ladder. Dreamer swung the ladder around and knocked down both of the Dudley’s and then Dreamer grabbed the cheese grater and grated Bubba’s head open. Mid-match notes: Sandman nailed D-Von in the ring and gave him a drop toe hold into the trash can for two. Dreamer continued to work over Bubba and nailed him hard with a steel sign. Sandman grabbed the ladder and put it on top of D-Von and then went up top and hit the Rolling Rock! Bubba is back inside and nailed Sandman with a chair and a Holy crap chant starts back up. Bubba put Sandman on top of the flat ladder, and then splashed him from the top and covered but Sandman kicked out! D-Von grabbed a Kendo Stick and went to nail Sandman, but he nailed Bubba by mistake. Sandman hit the White Russian Legsweep and Dreamer is back in. They locked in a pair of figure four leglocks and then Lance Storm and Justin Credible hit the ring. Credible have Sandman the That’s Incredible Piledriver and then they picked up Lance Storm and Francine hit the ring! Francine gave Tommy a low blow and then Beulah hit the ring! CATFIGHT! ECW! ECW! Justin pulled Beulah off and held her for Storm, but she moved and Credible nailed Storm. Beulah hit a low blow on Storm and Dreamer tossed him outside. Dreamer and Beulah embraced in the middle of the ring and then they hit double DDT’s on the Dudley’s and both covered but they kicked out! Sandman is back in and grabbed a chair and held it over D-Von’s crotch, and Dreamer nailed it with a street sign. Bubba is back in and nailed both men with a kendo stick, and then nailed Sandman in the head again! The Finish: The Dudley’s set up the table and gave Sandman a powerbomb through it, but Sandman kicked out! Dreamer is back in and nailed them both with the Kendo stick, but then they came back with the 3D! Bubba went out and grabbed a table and then out came Little Spike Dudley! Spike got in they have gasoline! They covered the table with gasoline and D-Von set it on fire! They grabbed Tommy and gave him a powerbomb through the table! Holy crap!!! Bubba made the cover for the win! Winners - The Dudley Boyz The Aftermath: The Dudley’s grabbed Beulah and the Sandman came back in and nailed them both the Kendo Stick. He nailed Spike again and called for a beer, and then Steve Austin’s music hit! Austin made his way down and got in the ring and grabbed the mic. Austin asked Sandman if he wanted a beer, he doesn’t need one beer, he needs a case. He said wherever he goes, he brings beer with him, and he wants everyone in the back to come down and we are going to have a beer bash! The ECW locker room made their way down, including Al Snow, Roadkill, CW Anderson, Chris Chetti, the FBI, the bWo, Super Crazy, Whipwreck, Tajiri, Danny Doring, Psychosis, Rey Mysterio, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Gary Wolfe, Axl Rotten, Balls Mahoney, Johnny Swinger and more. Austin said he came out here to see a fight, he’s seen everything tonight, but all he has been hearing is the RAW and Smackdown! guys running their mouths saying they want to whip somebody’s ass. He called them down to the ring, and another ECW chant started up! Austin said before they come, be is going to grab a chair and beer and watch from ringside and see what the hell happens. He said he heard Paul Heyman run them down, and they are all a bunch of yellow cowards. He told Angle to pull the finger out of his ass, and since they can’t be insulted to come down and fight, he is going to count backwards from 10, and if they don’t come down, he will come up there and knock the piss out of each and every one of them. The crusaders started to make their way down and they got on one side of the ring, with the ECW guys on the other. The fans chanted that they wanted Taz and some music hit in the arena, and here comes Taz! Bischoff joined the commentators as Taz made his way down looking badass. Taz got in the ring and then the brawl ensued! All hell broke loose as Taz and Angle fought in the aisle, while everyone else brawled in the ring. Taz locked in the Tazmission on the outside and Austin laughed. The brawl continued in the ring and someone went flying through a table. The ECW guys cleared the ring of the WWE guys as they backed off in the aisle way. The fans chanted ECW as Austin got in the ring and said they just got their ass whooped. He then said it’s time to dish some beets out, and put on JBL’s hat. He said there is a melee mouthed son of a biatch over there, and asked Mick Foley to grab him by the neck and bring him down to the ring. Foley brought him down and the crusaders retreated, leaving Bischoff stranded! Foley threw him into the ring and Austin told him to stand up, and then he asked the Dudley’s to give him the 3D, and they did! He asked Benoit for the flying headbutt, and he obliged! He asked Rey for a 619, and Rey nailed it on him and Bischoff is getting his ass handed to him! Austin stood over Bischoff and asked if he could hear him. He said he would take this time to conduct a post show interview, your thoughts on the evening? Bischoff splurted out some profanities, and Austin asked them to pick him up and then Austin gave him the Stunner! Austin shouted that it’s time to drink some damn beer and the Dudley Boyz took out the trash. They took him backstage and shoved him in the back, and then the ECW guys all celebrated with a beer in the ring as ECW’s One Night Stand went off the air! What a night! Clearly one of the best PPVs. Even thought it was a WWE owned PPV with the ECW name, it could match up to some of the original PPVs that ECW put out before their demise in 2001. E C Fucking W
  19. I know I usually don't do this. But my love for professional wrestling that isn't crap has returned for One Night. No bashing wrestling here (yet anyways). Discuss said event.
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