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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. A Video of the conference should be up on IGN in a few hours or tomorrow.
  2. This is also around the time my computer gets purged and I start downloading trailers and exclusive stuff from various websites to compile onto a DVD.
  3. BAH =( Anyways, this is getting my full dollars because of the ET and Quake Value of such a title.
  4. Ah, E3, the best time of year where everyone of every type of gamer comes out. Well, since it's around 3 PM in the East coast of this posting, everything is wrapping up beginning for press day. Anywhoooo. It's news stealing time from the big 3. New Final Fight game ! Quake IV for Xbox 360 UT2007 also coming to Xbox 360 City of the Dead STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl Final Fantasy XII IGN's E3 gamelist Castlevania DS @ GS We Love Katamari! Real Time Conflict for DS GS's SCIII Look Quake 4 Interview & Preview RE4 for PS2 (BUTCHERED!) Gamespot's E3 Page History of E3 at Gamespy (It's a good read actually) Animal Crossing DS High res SC3 Trailer Gamespy's E3 page. IMO This is the best time to get those sign up for their pay services because you'll be getting all this rad stuff. Sign up for a month then cancel, which is what I'm going to be doing to Gamespot this year because they seem to be on top of their game this year compared to last year where IGN and Gamespy dominated the news.
  5. The team and game stories are in the mooks. Each mook was released when a KOF game came out (it would follow a few months afterwards). However, those mooks don't tie the story together.
  6. In 10 years, 300 dollars will seem like nothing.
  7. You'd need to be pretty dumb to mistaken the Hibernation feature for...a feature.
  8. The only thing I can recommend it for is either for a wall of pretty things and Wipeout Pure right now.
  9. MS gets it's dominace from the American market anyways. The Japanese have always been split between Nintendo and Sony. MS's main goal is to capture Japan's market early with that done, it will be more of a battle for Sony to win back. We all know the key with Sony was an early release and the endless hype. The Xbox has a chance and so does Nintendo, not saying anything about your own product can lead to some amazing or desaterous results. The main reason why the PS2 appealed so much was the games them selves in Japan (so does everywhere, but seeing here it's was one of the main selling points, and backward capablity). MS has a fine group of Eastern developers taking the chance with the unit. The time we might see some incredible games for the system to make it more appel in the East.
  10. Vicious cycle ain't it. Although I do hope SOMEONE succeeds so I can loath and hate.
  11. Hurt Sony? No. Even I, a Sony hater believe so.
  12. SE won't be making games for the 360 just yet, however, the talent that left SE will be.
  13. They'll keep milking it forever. As long as threads like this exist and people get excited from every scrap SNK throws out, they'll keep taking advantage. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Like I said before, Imoya = potato store! Anyways, there was some character updates there. Glad to say that Oswald is a Gambit clone but really really old and a female boss.
  14. Holy old dadadadadadadadadunnn!
  15. Is up over here. There is also a new interview video up. This shows levels in both 3D and 2D concept art along with the 3 new ones and some gameplay and dev clips.
  16. Alittle of topic. Where does the official canon come from? I mean... The 2-3 scenes in game don't really add up to a story (with the exception of 96-97), and though the ending provides some information... Not everyone can be the winners of the tourny. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not everyone wins, their endings only correspond to the events that take place right after, during or month(s) after the tournament. How 2k3 went down; Hero Team faught Adel (and won), the Three Sacred Treasures team faught Mukai during that very same time. The Sacred Treasures team's ending happens after the Hero Team have already disbanded. While K` team's ending happens during the events of the Treasures team. Also during that time, Leona's and Yamakazi's Orochi blood begins to boil, leading them both to attack their teammates in their respective team endings. All other team endings are response to being eliminated(either during or afterwards) from the King of Fighters tournament. Example of this is Takuma gets attacked AFTER the Kyokugen team arrives back home as the Garou Team's ending happens right after they lose. An execption of Benimaru's Team ending. Which happens after all of Ikari, Outlaw, K` Team, Garou Team, Korea Team but before the High School Girls team, Kyokugen team and basically all the other teams that aren't mentioned. Basically it's up to the fans to tie up the loose ends when it comes to the canon since Imyoa doesn't seem to really care about continuity that much. The Hero team always wins KOF. No matter what. It's practically an unwritten rule. This year's KOF is following story speculations; Ash is going after the remainding Sacred Treasures (Kyo and Iroi) [this is basically the nut shell for the game] and the side plots of; Who attacked Takuma (most likely Eiji) and Blue Mary's investagation with Ramon and Vanessa (both are under new mangament now). Of course theres still other sideplots like with the MOTW team (so far, only Gato has a mission, and it's the same one in MOTW, to find his father), Benimaru team which everyone there is somewhat after Ron for personal reasons (Benimaru hates Ron for attacking Lin for example) and K` Team, them going to find out what caused K`s power to freak out.
  17. Yes, the roster is 100% confirmed. No news yet on the hidden characters, if their are any.
  18. Duck King opened a bar with King. The very same bar level that is King's. Simplistically, it's just the MOTW team right now. Eiji is very well alive, they just didn't use him, he also has a grudge on the whole Kyokugen line. Kasumi still holds a grudge against Ryo for him beating her Father (TOOODOOOO) and Marin, looks like I have to beat 2k3 again if it has any relvence. I really hope they fixed all the screwed up sprites (Marin, Gato, Terry espiecally). Edit: Momoko = new, or maybe from another SNK game. No one knows. Their giving some of the vets a break from the game. If anything, most likely will be a hidden character.
  19. So the new Zelda game is called Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Eh, fits. Hopefully at E3 they'll show off the Zelda DS because it would be like Four Swords (Which is highly awesome). Confirmed to be false from this month's Game Informer.
  20. Ash/ Ozwald/ Shen-Wu - Evil/Old man/Smart Street brawler K'/ Kula/ Maxima - It was hinted that K` and Kula would of teamed up with either Maxima or Whip. Terry/ Kim/ Duck - Duck pretty much knows Terry and Kim B.Jenet/ Gato/ Griffon - MOTW team, no idea Kyo/ Iori/ Shingo - Shingo = TF? Vanessa/ Mary/ Ramon - Agents team Ralf/ Clark/ Whip - Original Concept Ikari 96 team Ryo/ Yuri/ King - All 3 are trying to find Takuma's attacker while Robert takes care of Takuma Marin/ Kasumi/ Eiji - (softly hinted) Eiji is Takuma's attacker, Kasumi still has a grudge against Ryo and Marin...have yet to establish her connection. Elisabeth/ Duolong/ Benimaru - All going after Ron Athena/ Kensou/ Momoko - Pyscho Soliders Team Version 3.
  21. Double posting! Massive, and I mean Massive update on gameplay information and other stuff.
  22. Like all HK comics. They have no relavence because they aren't part of the offical canon. They may draw inspiration for future characters and storylines (example: Sakura from Sakura Genbango manga was Capcom's inspiration for making her in SFZ2) but they do not draw the current storyline because Imoya doesn't aid nor endorse the manga in canonical way. It's just the game, in comic format.
  23. The manga doesn't count. It isn't part of the canon at all. So anything IN the manga doesn't contribute to the story line at all.
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